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NO 58

Dearest Gloria,

Here is another one, from message no:58

"You would be where you are instead of slipping past it."

slipping past it??? What is the meaning of this expression. I can sense yet to write I have to be clear...



NO 58

Dearest Engin,

Hmmm. Let me think.

Sometimes we're thinking about something else, what we have to
do, for instance. Something is on our mind, and we miss the
nectar of where we are right this moment.

Maybe the expression is a little like taking something for
granted. Maybe there is something in our life that we rush

Someone else, come in and help with this one! What about another

Thanks, Engin, as always, for your perceptive questions.

God bless you.

With love,


-----Original Message-----
From: engin [mailto:mail_translators [at] heavenletters [dot] org]
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 5:07 AM
To: mail_translators [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Subject: NO 58

Dearest Gloria,

Here is another one, from message no:58

"You would be where you are instead of slipping past it."

slipping past it??? What is the meaning of this expression. I can
sense yet to write I have to be clear...




NO 58

Dear Engin,
in the letter you mention, God was talking about time. There's a dimension beyond time, where our real self abides. We can find it in our heart. It's the true being! What we normally do is live a superficial life instead of going within, so we 'slip past' our true being: Or we can say we are not in the NOW, but in the past or in the future.

When I was translating the book and couldn't understand some phrase, normally, when I read through all the letter, the meaning of the one phrase became clear to me. I also find it very useful to have a dictionary of synonyms, because if I don't know a word, I can look for its synonyms.
I hope this is of help to you.


Very dear Gloria and Paula,

Thanks a lot for your replies. They have helped me a lot. Actually when I work on daily translations my senses help me a lot and the general meaning of the message guides me as well.

But since this will be a book (I hope) I am trying to consult more often, in order to be more certain. and fluent....
