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Bernie Siegel, M.D., being so well known as he is, was asked to contribute to a very special book on forgiveness. The question the book posed (in my words), was: If your parents tortured you every waking day of your childhood mercilessly, would you be able to forgive them? and how?

Bernie’s contribution included a Heavenletter. God bless Bernie.

The author, Lois Einhorn, miraculously rose above her inhumane childhood, and so is a great testament to the human spirit and to God.

After Lois read her first Heavenletter, she emailed me and asked me to be a contributor. It was God she wanted, of course, and God she got!

The publisher just wrote to me now:

“Be on the lookout for your thank-you copy of Dr. Lois Einhorn's book, Forgiveness and Child Abuse: Would YOU Forgive? It is in the mail! We at Robert D. Reed Publishers are very grateful for your contribution to her book. As you will soon see, the book is a beautiful testimony of 53 contributors' love and compassion in answering Lois' tough questions about forgiveness and child abuse. Thank you very much for being a contributor.”
Cleone Lyvonne
Editor/Creative Director
Robert D. Reed Publishers

Lois wrote to me just now too:

“One of the neatest and most creative things the publisher did was to send out a teddy bear with each galley proof. Hence, I now have a teddy bear named after me. I'm SOOOOO excited about that. What more can one want from life than to have a teddy bear named for them!”

Heavenreaders, you will realize the extra meaning of teddy bear when you know that, as part of her unhappy childhood, Lois was forced to destroy her favorite teddy bears.

Lois goes on to extol her publisher. It’s not every writer who has magnificent things to say about her publisher.

“I feel VERY blessed. My publisher, Robert D. Reed Publishers, was beyond wonderful. They were everything one could want from a publisher and tons more!”

Patch Adams is also a contributor to this book. Remember the movie about him? I forget who the other contributors are, but I will say more as soon as I receive my copy of the book.

I am so happy for Lois. I think she has a best seller here. And I am well aware that her book could well be Heaven’s major entrée into the world.

After I read Lois’ story, I knew deeply that there is no one and nothing in my life that ever needed forgiveness. Any hurts I harbored were NOTHING. Do you know what I mean?

Blessings and love,



I know what you mean, Gloria. I had a happy childhood but I didn't live my teens at all, and I thought it was my mum's fault. But now I've come to realize that I used her as an excuse, I myself created all the experiences I lived. There's nothing to forgive. Maybe some behaviours and acts could have been different, but everyone did their best.

We were so poor that I never had a teddy bear. We created imaginary animals and persons with cones and plants. I only had one doll, but I lost it when I moved away from home. I kept looking for it for a long time, but now I know I was just looking for love. - Some time ago I was having a walk and thinking about the images we have of Jesus and Mother Mary, and I asked God to give me an image of Himself. You know what I bumped into: a wide open fircone. - Anyway, this is a different story.

Can't wait to read the book of Lois.


Ah, dear Paula.
As I read about your childhood, I couldn’t help but think how fortunate you were to be given the opportunity to be creative.
I think of the children today who have so many toys they don’t have that chance you had.
How marvelous that you found the fir cone in the present day! That was providential.
Did I make it clear that I was saying, in comparison with what Lois went through, we have absolutely nothing to forgive? Before I read Lois’ story, I thought I did. But not after reading it.
Her story is really grim. The responses to her story are uplifting, but her actual story is not – except that she came through as this beautiful person she is today. That is inspiring!
With love and blessings,

From: paula [mailto:Books [at] heavenletters [dot] org]
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 2:10 AM
To: Books [at] heavenletters [dot] org
Subject: [HeavenLetters Board Books] RE: A REMARKABLE BOOK ON FORGIVENESS

I know what you mean, Gloria. I had a happy childhood but I didn't live my teens at all, and I thought it was my mum's fault. But now I've come to realize that I used her as an excuse, I myself created all the experiences I lived. There's nothing to forgive. Maybe some behaviours and acts could have been different, but everyone did their best.

We were so poor that I never had a teddy bear. We created imaginary animals and persons with cones and plants. I only had one doll, but I lost it when I moved away from home. I kept looking for it for a long time, but now I know I was just looking for love. - Some time ago I was having a walk and thinking about the images we have of Jesus and Mother Mary, and I asked God to give me an image of Himself. You know what I bumped into: a wide open fircone. - Anyway, this is a different story.

Can't wait to read the book of Lois.

Safe in My arms you're only dreaming.
Love is the Answer.

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Paula, I sent your response to Dr. Einhorn. She was touched, and she wants you to email her:

LoisEinhorn [at] LoisEinhorn [dot] com

She has something really nice for you in mind.

Will you share your email to her with the rest of us as well?!

This is her website for everyone:

Lois is a remarkable and brave lady.

You have made a new friend, dear Paula.

With love, Gloria


Thanks for a wonderful memory Paula,

I was at a CFO, (Camp Furtherest Out,) years ago. After a week of being there I walked five miles daily in very thick forrest, crossing streams, climbing over huge rocks etc. and never got lost. Like finding a needle in a hay stack, I always found my camp. I did have company, God was with me every step, and I used His advice to find my way back. One day after coming back from this adventure, my long white cane broken and left behind, a tree branch acting as a cane, someone approached me. He put a horse chestnut into my hand and asked if I knew what it was. Feeling then sniffing I told him and then went on and told of a story before losing sight. I was in Cubscouts and lost an inspecttion because of stains from horse chestnuts that I couldn't get off of my hands.. This stranger told me that for days he had been praying for a way of approaching me and found the nut. It turns out too that this man was a psycoligist! I thought afterwards something like, "Man if this man didn't know how to approach me, imagine what the ordinary public has to suffer!" Paula, after being blind for almost 49 years, I KNOW that this is still very true for most of us who are made to endure our separation by what the public think of any disabled person. I love kids because they aren't restricted by those fears of the unknown. Often I hear parents hushing their kids if the child asks, "What's that man doing with the long stick."Daily I pass a school and am always open with the inquisative kids. I love visiting schools and talking with them, try to do it a few times every year.

My lovely Paula, when money allowed I supported kids through the various Save the Children programs I heard on TV/radio. I often asked those kids in our penpal messages if they were able to buy a toy with the extra dollar I sent them. What a thrill when I heard back that they had been able to buy necessary tacks, string so that they could tie a can to it and try catching it on the end of the stick! Oh Paula how I ache now to teach the world how to create love via the pink light! It would end poverty, divorce, hunger etc. Join with me now in loving all of existence. Love even terrorest who are so filled with hatred that all they feel is negative. Heck, I'd rather be blind-deaf-dum and unable to move even my nose when ichy! Create a glowing pink Earth right now, and thank God we are free to feel and enjoy His perfect unselfish LOVE!



This is my email to Dr Einhorn:

Dear Dr. Einhorn
I replied to Gloria Wendroff's comment on your book on the Heavenletters forum and she said you'd like me to email you.
Well, I really don't know what to say. I didn't know you were a famous person in America (I live in Italy). Somehow, Gloria's description of your book made me think of a simple fiery woman who succeeded in forgiving something terrible. When I hear of child abuse, and even when I just see parents mistreating their children only with words, out of ignorance, I feel something stirring inside me, and I am not sure if I could forgive.
As I told Gloria, we were very poor, but I had a happy childhood with 8 sisters and 2 brothers. My father used to beat us with a cane, but he did it only when we 'deserved' it, and I never thought of it as a mean and bad thing. We were 9 daughters and I can't even imagine what it could have been like to be abused! And I honestly cannot say whether I could really forgive, evenif I'd want to.
I'm curious about all the contributions to your book. Can't wait to read it.
May God bless you!

Dear Joe,
that's a wonderful and meaningful experience you tell about. Yes, we 'normal' people have problems in approaching disabled persons. No matter how open we are, it's difficult not to treat you/them differently. And I think it's the same with skin colour. I have an African friend. When I met her the for the first time, I went to her with the intention of treating her 'normally'. But the mere fact that I HAD TO PUT INTENTION in it showed that I was treating her differently. Otherwise, I'd just done it without thinking about it.
Don't strain yourself about helping people and saving the world. Let God do it through you, as He's already doing.

A Question to God

All these recent events and people's stories made this question arise in my heart:

Dear God,
if we - as you say and as I know - are only your perfect Love, then what are all these events and trials in our life for? Why do we need to improve ourselves and grow and learn from life? What are we improving: our ego, our little self? Or are we taking off layers of veil to get to our true self.
With gratitude and love,


Paula my Child,

"You are soul, you are ego, can you locate either, might they be the same? I love to be recognized and stroked, don't you? You are God who wrote this message,Joe is God who is replying, and both of you and I, love to be stroked and loved."




Hi Paula,

The question you ask is one that has been asked by
many thousands, millions, of people from all over the
world. There are different answers fro different
sources but they all seem to come from the same place.
My own understanding, bringing all these different
reasons into account, is this. This world was
originally created by God, and by all of us when we
were still God the One, to be a playground of joy and
fun. The Garden of Eden is translated as Garden of
Pleasures. When we separated ourselves out from the
unity of God, when He/She separated parts of Herself
out to fill this playground, the intensity physical of
sensations overwhelmed us. We forgot who we were. We
became merely human rather than divine human. We
separated ourselves from God with a fig leaf.

When this happened the garden became a life of
hardship, a life of competing states such as pleasure
and pain. Life became hard. We were led out of the
garden and began a process of learning about physical
life. We became fearful, and in that process we lost
our heritage. Our perception of who we are changed. We
began to judge ourselves and others harshly. In order
to regain our divine nature we have been learning
compassion and love in all sorts of conditions ever

Now according to all indications it is time to return
to the Garden of Pleasure. We are in the process of
remembering who we are, and in this process we no
longer need to ask why. We just need to open our
hearts to Love. Once we become the Love that we are
then life will take on a whole new meaning, one of
pleasure and the wild expression of Love playing with
its own self.

Dance the Dance of Love,



That is exactly, precisely the way I understand it.


In Response to Paula

Dear Paula,

I think you answered your own question when you said: "Or are we taking off layers of veil to get to our true self."

Certainly we are getting closer to our true self.

And so we participate in the drama.

Of course, God says that our intellect cannot understand.

Loving you,


Getting Back to Lois Einhorn's book that started all this!

My copy of Forgiveness and Child Abuse, Would You Forgive? has arrived. It's a remarkable book, and the author is a remarkable person.

Before I say more about the book itself, let me mention some nice things for Heavenletters. Because Bernie introduced Lois to Heavenletters, Heavenletters are represented in the book.

Not only that, there is my endorsement of this book about forgiveness on the back cover in which I say:

"This is an intimate brave book, unlike any other I have ever read. It took me on a journey from the depths of inhumanity to the heights of the human soul."

That does sum up the book. Lois rose above the cruelty she was subjected to for the first seventeen years of her life and became a beautiful exceptionally kind and loving person. Certainly, Lois has reached the heights of the human soul. She is a great testament to God.

Not only are we in the book and on the back cover, we're also quoted before the books' title page. First there are a few of Bernie's words, then another author's words, and then something from the Founder and Author of Heavenletters, Love Letters from God!

The contributors to Lois' book are listed in alphabetical order, so the Heavenletter entry appears next to last. And right before Heaven's entry is a beautiful one from Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D, whom A Course in Miracles' fans know very well.

Lois is a subscriber to Heavenletters, and I still have more to say about her book another time.

With love and blessings,


Would you forgive?

Yesterday I received my copy of Lois Einhorn's book 'Forgiveness and Child Abuse'. I didn't have time to start reading it all, but I went straight to the Heavenletters contribution by Gloria. I'm sure it's not by mere chance that the contribution by Gloria and God is one of the final ones. Glancing through the pages I saw that the contributions were expressions of all the contributors' consciousnesses, some very complicated, others more simple. But the simplest one seems to be the one by God.

I was also struck by the difference between Gloria, as the human being she is, and Gloria, the scribe of God. While the human is sad and angry and unable to forgive, the divine says simply that it's not for us to forgive. Imagine how this lightens our useless burden: we don't have to struggle to forgive, or pretend to forgive, we just need to leave things to God. In this case, we can save the child and protect them and just accompany the parents to God's frontdoor leaving them there. - This difference between the human and the divine made me think that we can really all do our own Godwriting and let our light shine. I had this image of Gloria letting GOd's light shine through her, expanding it in all the world. And we can all do this.

I happened to be translating a Heavenletter just yesterday where God says: 'When you free the others, you free yourself." Meaning that when we stop controlling others (even thinking that we must forgive them), we leave them to God's care and set ourselves free.

Another thing that strikes me in God's words is the same thing that Jesus said on the cross: "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they are doing." People are really doing their best for their own level of consciousness and are responsible on that level. This is ever more obvious in our daily lives. So it's not for us to condemn or to forgive, because if we do 'we reduce ourselves to their consciousness' (as God says). We are only to leave them to God. "God, I relinquish them to You."
It's as easy as that.


Dear Paula,

Thank you for your insight!  Odd how we can read another's wise words and not hear them.  Let another say them, and they reach us.  So often I find another person's insight so helpful to what I've been hearing for ages.  Gloria has a fantastic way of making one wake up and pay attention.  Your quoting her makes it that much more awakening Paula, thanks!


 At 05:00 AM 2/9/2006, you wrote:


Yesterday I received my copy of Lois Einhorn's book 'Forgiveness and Child Abuse'. I didn't have time to start reading it all, but I went straight to the Heavenletters contribution by Gloria. I'm sure it's not by mere chance that the contribution by Gloria and God is one of the final ones. Glancing through the pages I saw that the contributions were expressions of all the contributors' consciousnesses, some very complicated, others more simple. But the simplest one seems to be the one by God.

I was also struck by the difference between Gloria, as the human being she is, and Gloria, the scribe of God. While the human is sad and angry and unable to forgive, the divine says simply that it's not for us to forgive. Imagine how this lightens our useless burden: we don't have to struggle to forgive, or pretend to forgive, we just need to leave things to God. In this case, we can save the child and protect them and just accompany the parents to God's frontdoor leaving them there. - This difference between the human and the divine made me think that we can really all do our own Godwriting and let our light shine. I had this image of Gloria letting GOd's light shine through her, expanding it in all the world. And we can all do this.

I happened to be translating a Heavenletter just yesterday where God says: 'When you free the others, you free yourself." Meaning that when we stop controlling others (even thinking that we must forgive them), we leave them to God's care and set ourselves free.

Another thing that strikes me in God's words is the same thing that Jesus said on the cross: "Forgive them Father, for they know not what they are doing." People are really doing their best for their own level of consciousness and are responsible on that level. This is ever more obvious in our daily lives. So it's not for us to condemn or to forgive, because if we do 'we reduce ourselves to their consciousness' (as God says). We are only to leave them to God. "God, I relinquish them to You."
It's as easy as that.

Safe in My arms you're only dreaming.
Love is the Answer.

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