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First Time Here!

Greetings Everybody!

I have to tell you, after reading two newsletters, it is so refreshing and funny to read these, since I too talk with Father God and they sound so much like him. He's quite funny and they really hit home for me.

What caught my eye when I was searching web sites was Heaven coming to Earth since this message has been coming to me for a year and feel it getting closer. Now I see why I was to find you. During this time of the shadow with thoughts lurking around us, we need encouragement and reminders of our path until we are fully awakened. You are appreciated very much. Thank you.

Holding the Light in Florida

First Time Here!

Dear Peggy,

What caught my eye when I was searching web sites was Heaven coming to Earth since this message has been coming to me for a year and feel it getting closer.

just to tell you, that was my deepest wish since I am able to think. And now it is just happening here and now! Can you imagine, how happy I am? Sometimes I could just step out of the door and hug everyone and walk down the street singing and dancing all the time.

Keep on holding the light. This will help to bring heaven to earth.

Have a wonderful day!




Dear Peggy,

Will you post more?

Perhaps you would share your spiritual journey.

I would love to read more of what you have to say!


Hi Gloria!

I just returned from Deland, Florida after taking Tera-Mai Seichem Reiki Master Instructor from a lady who lives in Ireland, Mary Hayden. She is sweet as an Angel. This past April, I also took her Angel Healing Workshop which was an awesome experience. Doreen Virtue taught her.

Yes, my Spiritual journey has me in awe every day since last April when my husband and soul mate left Earth suddenly. So much has happened, it would take a book to express all of it, but it started with a message from my Angel "Amarantha" a month before my husband left. I have had Angel's, ArchAngel's, Jesus, Mary, my husband and Father God around and talking with me ever since. Now some Star Beings are starting to speak, like Pleiadian's, which is very interesting and the Council of 12. It is all so wondrous, since the last four years, I have felt I was not from Earth and there is sooo much more to ourselves.

So two months, after my husband left my house sold and it was not even for sale, but I knew that was a sign from up above and my husband helped me to make a decision to buy a motor home and travel like we had planned to do. I wanted to get out of the house so I could heal faster and traveling was the only way I could feel anything and to keep going forward. I would get pennies from Heaven dropped at my feet each day to let me know I was on the right path. I traveled for 4 months after Hurricane Charlie came thru Fort Myers, Florida last August. Alot of damage was done, but not to my motor home that I just brought home and was in the process of packing everything from my just sold home.

Since all of this I came back to Fort Myers and rented a house and I take short trips in the motor home and take classes like, Energy Medicine, Deep Emotional Release Bodywork, Delphi University took In-Depth Channeling, Advanced Channeling, Color & Sound Healing and Healing Mysteries, Angel Energy Healing and Tera-Mai Seichem Reiki Master, along with reading lots of books and getting weekly tapes of ArchAngel Gabriel classes, along with getting updates/newsletters of what's going on thru out the world - planetary or consciousness. What ever keeps my interest going, that is what I do and yet not knowing what I am doing, except trusting.

Just taking one day at a time Gloria, meditating each day and focusing on staying in the NOW and working on all my Chakra centers. Doing some sweeping and cleaning so I can transcend to 5th dimension and sending Love & Light to Earth and all Beings. Wanting to wake up to the real me, if you know what I mean.

It took awhile to come out of my shock, but I have been blessed during this whole process, even thou my world turned upside down and I still miss my husband, I know we have not separated totally. I can still talk to him.

One day I asked Father God, "Why am I here, and why would I want to go thru this"? He said, "You came here at this time because of your love for me". "How would you know what "compassion" was?" "How would you know what "love" is?" "How would know what "beauty" is if you did not "feel" these emotions and experiences?" "How would you know the depth of your "Soul".

I think that sums it up.



Dear Peggy,

I'm sorry you lost your husband. And how you honor him by living your life on the high road as you are.

Peggy, would you post this under Spiritual Journey/Bio? I kinda think that's where it most belongs and where it will perhaps get more traffic.

What a story, Peggy.

Perhaps some day you will take a Godwriting workshop!

Welcome Aboard

Blessings Be Gentle Soul