No One Is Sophisticated, Beloveds

God said:

There is nothing you have to know but love. There is nothing you have to do but love. Stop questioning, and just love. Don’t be clever. Be innocent. Love is innocent, beloveds. Love isn’t a great production. It is innocent. It is innocent like the Sun that gives great light and great warmth. The Sun is not clever. It does not cogitate. It shines, and so the Sun sings its own song, and so must you.

You have had enough now of following in others’ footsteps. Now you place your feet where they fit and where they will take you. They will take you somewhere you have never been before, where no one has been before. Life is all new. You, the breathing creature who lives in the world, are not the you you were five minutes ago. Even if you have lived in a house for thirty years, and you step over the threshold for the thousandth time, you have never stepped over the threshold as it is before. You have never experienced anything before. A whole new conglomeration is being formed, and you are an inescapable part of it.

No one is sophisticated, beloveds. No one knows more than you do. They may think they do. You may think they do, but all are new and equal in this moment, and all are beginners, for never was this moment before, and never was this exact population what it ever was before.

The world spins like a roulette wheel, and the centrifugal force changes everything, and everything is an unknown. The only outcome to bet on is love. With your decision to love, all the lines from your forehead are erased, all the cares from your shoulders removed. All you have to do is to love. You have no other task before you. Whatever your hands are occupied with, whatever the so-called demands on your life, all you have to do is love. This is how you handle every situation.

And if you do not feel love in your heart at any particular moment, then ask yourself what you would do if you did feel love, great love, all-embracing love. What would you do, and what would happen when you remember love? Immediately, concern would fall way. The idea of a finish line would fall away.

With love, you would find yourself held in the hand of the universe. Your individuality would loosen its hold, and you would recognize that you are the universe, and that the world is whirling at your behest.

You would stand in love, and you would begin to see the light of your own love growing like a flower before your very eyes, or you would begin to see the volume of your love being blown up like a balloon and reaching the stars. You would see love wherever you looked and wherever you did not look because only love would be, and only love would be known.

Love would be like incense filling the air. It would overcome you. Yes, you would be overcome with love. What laughter there would be, everyone drunk on love. There would be no end to laughter. There would be nothing but laughter, the pratfall of love. Of course, there would be the stillness from which love and laughter come.

The stillness of love would pour all over the universe. In the manner of sweet rain, it would fill every crevice of every heart on Earth. No heart would be dry. And only tears of laughter would exist when the world is inundated with the love you give to it.

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What laughter there would be

Whatever your hands are occupied with, whatever the so-called demands on your life, all you have to do is love. This is how you handle every situation.
And if you do not feel love in your heart at any particular moment, then ask yourself what you would do if you did feel love, great love, all-embracing love. What would you do, and what would happen when you remember love?

Another blessedly beautiful HL

Yes… ever love always...


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