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no: 2650 Equivalent vibrationnnnnnn

Dear all,

what do you think about the sentence belove:

"And so your thoughts twang, and if they twang what you see as a deep dark secret, you are laid low, beloveds, shrouded in an equivalent vibration."

Can you tell me your interpretations...Especially the last part is not clear for me: "....shrouded in an equivalent vibration"

love you all
ps: Dear all,
"can" in Turkish is pronounced like " joan", and it is a God given life energy, without "can" one can not survive, it is the most valuable and precious thing in the world... Canim means MY CAN :wub:

Canim Engin, it's good to

Canim Engin, it's good to know what this form of address really means. One gets a sense of the appreciation and reverence contained, or vibrating, in it.

Let me try to just paraphrase the passage you quoted:
If your thoughts sound or vibrate something that you see as a deep dark secret, you are incapacitaded, sinking to a very low place and surrounded by or enveloped in vibrations of the same kind.

Blessing you,



ICH LIEBE DICH :thumbup: