My Spiritual Journey
Beloved Gloria, is it ok posting this here ?
Much much love to all
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* What in your childhood might have led to your great spiritual adventure now?
I remember some really heartfelt prayers, some desperate prayers that were always answered and often very soon too. That made me think. Most of all I'd say my love or longing for the truth. I loved really knowing what was what and how and why and so on, kind of digging into things. I was not brought up in any religious way, on the contrary, and so often I pondered about God and people, wondering if all those many many people who believed in God and prayed to Him could be so wrong. It felt natural to me that there must be some truth behind all this faith.
* What do you imagine are the steps that brought you to this place in your spiritual life where you are now? Can you think of some turning points?
I think that there are so many steps that I can't tell or count them all. Kind of starter point for me was the book "The Winds of Sinhala" from Colin de Silva, narrating the reunification of Sri Lanka, Ceylon, The Resplendend Land. Oh what a wonderful book that is ! The basis being the believe in reincarnation and karma and so on, and that touched my heart and whole being so deeply that I started devouring all books I could lay my hands on.
The most important turning point for me was thanks to the book "The Holy Man and The Psychiartist" by Samuel Sandweiss, my first "encounter" with Sai Baba. There are many photos of Sai Baba in this book and one of these photo captured my whole heart and being. Sai Baba is my most beloved Guru and Divine Father !
A further and most sweet and loving turning point was meeting the Divine Mother, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, simply called Amma. She is indeed a River of Love, shining and flocking Her endless love constantly on all Her children. She comes once a year to Italy during her Europe tour and I have really no words to describe how wonderful it is to be with Her, it simply has to be experienced.
And yes, how can I not speak of Heavenletters ! A friend of mine did send me emails where different uplifiting messages were given, and one of those was Heavenletters. The feeling they gave me, the way they made me soar, I knew for sure that my heart had recognised them as being God's loving message to all His children and I was and am ever so thankful for recognising them. Yes, it was really my heart that told me that Heavenletters are Love Letters from God.
* How clear was your path to God?
My longing for Him was sometimes - often - unbearable. I think that helped making the path very clear. To close the gap and to have constant and total awareness of our Oneness was and still is what makes the path clear.
* What do you see as some past general influences on you?
Well, spiritual friends have been send to me, with whom I can share this journey called life in all it's many aspects, as well as my other teachers, some totally unaware of being teachers ! I thank God for all of them.
* Were there phrases you overheard or something that someone said to you that you think of and wonder about now?
"Ask and it is given" always kept poping up in my mind and heart and I wondered about that statement from Jesus, as well as "..if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you shall move this mountain.."
* Looking back, what spiritual factors do you wish you might have had in your life? What would you change, if anything?
My wish would have been to be told right from the beginning of this life, how it works !!!! that we are here to extend and share and multiply unconditional love to all and everything, and that whenever we contract our hearts and draw back, there lies our chance to grow and get closer to God.
I would not change anything really, for it lead for my being here now ! Answer to a prayer, a Godwriting workshop in Italy, I still can't believe it, but God made sure in no time that we could all meet here now !!
* What steps did you take toward greater closeness with God?
What steps did He make me take ? Well, He makes my heart miss a beat and His love and divine games are breathtaking and beautiful beyond words.
I tried to kind of discipline my self a bit more, I mean meditation and things like that. it has a positive influence especially on my mind. Well, I really can not call it medation, I just sit with God or I am in body more consciously, following my breath or feeling energy.
* Where are you now in your spiritual journey?
I am learning to love myself and be kinder and more compassionate with myself. That too came through Heavenletters and helped me a lot. The closer I feel to be with God, the more I feel the vasteness and infinity of Creation. it is amazing.
* How do you imagine talking and listening to God will change or add to your life? What would you want to happen?
It will be wonderful, it will be Heaven !! My heart's desire !! I feel like my life will leap to Heaven !! I will be laughing and hoping up and down and embracing and kissing people and they will think I've gone mad, but what does it matter !
I have no special desires, God knows perfectly and He will show us. I'll just be there with my heart and whole being.
* What questions are in your secret heart to ask?
I'd like to ask God about our transition from physical to non physical energy/dimension. I feel in me still some uneasyness as if something could go "wrong" and I could get lost in some strange dimensions. I would like to ask God kind of promise to get "safe" to the other side.
I'd like to ask God about how to be always aware of our Oneness. No more gaps, pls !
How can I bridge God to a person who is near and dear to me who seem to have absolutely no faith ? Especially in a difficult moment, facing different difficulties more or less all together.
* What other questions do you think of that might be good for other spiritually-minded people to consider? What else would you like to say?
I'd like to say that answering these questions is one of the most wonderful gifts God flocked on me ! I thank God and I thank Gloria for giving me this wonderful chance to go through these questions, it was sooooo beautiful to be reminded of so many wonderful things and of how God so lovingly has guided me through my life to this amazing workshop.
Beloved Berit, It was a
Beloved Berit,
It was a wonderful experience reading your spiritual journey. I have gained and grown and feel even more Oneness with you, Berit. And whose dream was it that we would meet in Torino, Italy, and that the workshop with you and the others would be a taste of Heaven.
This is an excellent place to put your Spiritual Journey, and I look forward to seeing Pitta's and everyone else who has theirs ready.
I will add that reading your spiritual journey makes me want to tell more about mine! Very stimulating.
Oh, my sweet Berit! What a
Oh, my sweet Berit! What a beautiful path you have showed us! Thank you so much.
Yes, dear Gloria, I am writing my Spiritual Journey, but I have to write it in English so, as my difficult, it ask me a little bit more. But look at Berit's I see I have different questions... huumm, what I have to do about this?
I want a place when I can shout: I MISS ALL OF YOU SO MUCH!!!
tender hugs
Hello Berit, after reading
Hello Berit, after reading your spiritual journey I tried to contact you but failed. Are you still on the Heavenletters forum?