Multiply God's Joy

God said:

Come to Me like butterflies. Let Me be the nectar you drink. Come to Me like butterflies. Fly around Me. Alight on Me. Come as one, or come as many. The thing is to come to Me. Flock around me. Surround Me with your love. Can you imagine My joy in butterflies? Multiply My joy.

Can you imagine My joy in you? Would you deny Me even one moment of joy? Would you deny Me anything I ask? Would you deny Me you?

I am under your spell, and I hold you in My thrall.

Who leads and who follows? Who is in front when no one is behind?

All I want is to be with you, and with you I AM. I am your Host and I am your Guest. I serve and am served. I am your Waiter and you are Mine.

There is nothing to say. There is everything to be. There isn't anything that We are not. We are the table and We are the chairs. We are the people who sit in the chairs, and We are the food on the table. We are the food about to be eaten, and We are the food eaten.

We turn somersaults in the air, and We land in Heaven.

We turn the world upside down. We write in the sand. We write on water. We wear down the rocks with our love. We build mountains, and We take them apart.

We polish the stars and look at Ourselves in them.

We hug the moon, and We enter the sun. We do a jig and find Ourselves in a tree that We are the fruit of, and We nibble on Ourselves.

We return to the good earth, and We dig deep. Everywhere We find treasure, untold treasure. We take it out, and We leave it there. Let someone else find it. There is more where that came from.

The biggest treasure is the treasure within. That's where We matter most. This is where We find Ourselves. We are valiant and untrodden there. We hold each other tight as We do not hold at all. The magnet of love keeps us together. All the colors of love douse us, and We are sparkled. From the depths of soul We rise. We rise and We stay. We go everywhere, and never leave. We multi-task the Universe. We are everywhere all at once, and yet there is nowhere to be. Space is not. Time is not.

There is no place to be, and no when to be there. All greet Us, and yet no one is there, and no one arrives. All are seated somewhere or in bed.

Are We in a mirage or a miracle? And Who cares? What is the difference when We are love, and We stand on Our tiptoes reaching high and bending low to pick everyone up?

What is the difference between sense and nonsense when We are just passing time, as it were, even as We are not in time and never out of it?

How can We get closer, when there is no closer to get? And yet I say, "Come closer. Come closer to Me. Fly to Me like butterflies. Waft around Me."

Whom am I talking to? What do butterflies want with words when love will do, when love will do better?

Who cares about words when that which words represent is better, far better, and yet presently, We would be at a loss without words. And yet We have them, and We use them, and yet love needs no words and has nothing to do with vocabulary.

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Multiply My Joy!!!

I adore the silent, wordless words of Love God speaks here. The magnet of Love holds us
all -together. We allow all the colors of Love to douse us and we sparkle! We polish the stars, hug the moon and enter the sun! These are thoughts the conscious mind is confounded by and yet our very souls delight in them! The time is coming and soon
or, we could say the time as we have known it is ending, and soon we will be able
to literally walk through walls!

Thank you God, for your endless and most wondrously mysterious gifts!

A hop skip and a jump into heaven's love

When God and I play jump rope HE holds both ends of the rope.
He makes me do a couple ropes at a time which are a challenge at my age.
When He tries the three rope trick I slip away and hide but He always finds me.
Laughingly He chides me by reminding me that there's no place He isn't. I simply can't hide.
But then I really don't want to hide from unyielding love. It keeps me jumping; It keeps me loving.
It keeps me. Isn't He wonderful?

George jumping without shoes

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said imagine
That I am under your spell
All I want is you

God said love keeps Us
For that's where We matter most
Where We find Ourselves

God said on tiptoes
From the depths of soul We rise
And land in Heaven

Love, Light and Aloha!

Are We in a mirage or a miracle?

Are We in a mirage or a miracle? And Who cares? What is the difference when We are love, and We stand on Our tiptoes reaching high.

When I looked at today's God Liner, this was there as "Random Calendar Sutra". It made me want to read the whole Heavenletter, and here it is.

You probably know the feeling when you read a Heavenletter (or maybe something else), and at some point you sort of look up inside and realize you know it all, you know all. Immediately mind, poor bastard, wants to grab hold of it but can't. And the next second the feeling (if it is one) is gone and you can't for the life of you retrieve it. I used to be sad about this, as if the most precious thing on earth had been found and lost. Until I realized this is sure to happen again and again because it's what we are and not what we think we are.

What are the passages in Heavenletters that make you feel that some big aha is imminent? For me it tends to be the more "crazy" things like for instance:

There is nothing to say. There is everything to be. There isn't anything that We are not. We are the table and We are the chairs. We are the people who sit in the chairs, and We are the food on the table. We are the food about to be eaten, and We are the food eaten.
We turn somersaults in the air, and We land in Heaven.
We turn the world upside down. We write in the sand. We write on water. We wear down the rocks with our love. We build mountains, and We take them apart.
We polish the stars and look at Ourselves in them.
We hug the moon, and We enter the sun. We do a jig and find Ourselves in a tree that We are the fruit of, and We nibble on Ourselves.

Somehow these far-out things make it easier for me to feel hat home with God. They are like a promise. The promise that the walls, all walls, will come tumbling down. No trumpets needed.

WOW! Awesome,


Jochen, this is wonderful. I'd write lots more but I'm on my way to the doctor. This really brought tears to my heart of sheer wonder! All I have to say is THANKS good friend.

George shaking his head


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