Money as Blessing

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to readers:

Today we start off with "student writing" from the most recent Ask God Workshop. We are doing this for three purposes:

1. To promote God's wisdom as He gives it.

2. To remind Heavenreaders that God speaks to everyone. Any human being who has the desire to hear God, takes the time to ask, and sits down to receive will receive. Those are the prerequisites. There are no others. No special qualifications are needed. A human being shows up to meet with God Who has been waiting for him.

3. To show that hearing the wisdom and love of God does not take practice!

Here's the first "Heaven letter" Johanna ever received. Johanna is a young woman who designs webpages and databases and is so lovely to work with. When she came to the Ask God Workshop Sunday, she came with doubt. She thought, sure, Heavenwriting can be done, but not by someone who doubts. Look at what she did with doubt!

Johanna to God:

Dear God, why am I having so many problems in my personal relationships?

God through Johanna:

You are not having problems in your relationships. You are reaching out to encompass the world and, in that, losing the identities of those around you. They are, as you, of mind and body, free as blossoms floating in air on wind.

Accept all occasions as waves or currents meeting in an ocean, touching and whispering to one another in certain directions but ultimately letting each take their own paths.

Love is not lost. Feelings do not change. The heart loves. But, as atoms move in the air, so do all mankind.

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I have a hard time charging or charging enough or asking for donations, like I'm embarrassed or ashamed to ask for money where it concerns You. I charged $80 per hour in my former work, but when it comes to You, I'm conflicted, like it's not right to charge any amount at all when it comes to You. I know that helping people connect to You is worth incalculably more than what I did before, yet I have a hard time with it.

If money is exchange of energy, I must say I gain energy in Heavenletters and Ask God Workshops, so perhaps that's it.


No price can be put on facilitating connection to Me. What price could be too high when it comes to helping someone put his hand on the golden cord that reaches Me?

The question is not My worth, Gloria. It is yours.

Your ego thinks that passwords for Me should be free, that you should be such a noble crusader that you lay yourself flat out on the pavement to be run over.

It is not too small an ego that makes it hard for you to feel worthy and proud to charge or charge enough for what directly concerns Me.

You have a social worker mentality. I am a Great Cause, and, therefore, you think you should give blood.

To your mind, it is virtuous to refrain from money with God, and ignoble to be concerned with it.

Virtuous and ignoble are adjectives, and adjectives are balms or banes to the human ego.

Stop thinking you have to be virtuous. Stop thinking that requesting payment is non-virtuous. Keep yourself out of this.


For example, there are two out-of-town friends of mine that I sent complimentary two-week subscriptions to. Each emailed how much they loved reading it every day and so on, but neither sent a check or mentioned payment at all.

It was very hard for me to write them to request payment. I did, but at first it was like I was apologizing. I stopped that, but why would I feel like I'm doing something not nice by asking? And then when I did not hear from them after that, it was hard for me to stop sending HEAVEN to them.


Now, here, you are worried about friendship. If they are friends, they are friends. If they are not, they are not. You would never bribe someone to be your friend. You would never say, "Hey, stay my friend. Here's a free subscription." Would you?

As to cutting them off from Heavenletters, what is it that you think you owe them? First of all, you are not cutting them off from Heavenletters. They are cutting themselves off. That is all right. They can do that.

You have heard the expression, "Put your money where your mouth is." This is a classic example.

Gloria, you are running an organization. It is non-profit, but it must have income to continue. Would you try a little bit to become a cigar-smoking executive who makes business decisions? He doesn't think, "Well, this person doesn't have much money. And that one is an old friend who thinks I should give him cigars…"

You are ashamed of money altogether. This is another realization for you.

Please consider money as tokens of Me. Consider money as votes for Me. How many votes are being sent for Me? Count My votes, and be sure there are sufficient. Are you embarrassed to raise votes for Me?

There are many people on earth who find it hard to ask for money.


Yes. And there are many who don't have a hard time, who don't give it a second's thought, it seems, and I don't admire them. Sometimes I feel they are cutthroat.


You are doing business for God, not charity. You can give service for love AND money.

Honor people by charging. Start thinking of charging as a blessing that you bestow on My behalf.

Do you think I am the kind of employer who wants you to work for nothing, who would work you long hours without pay, who would furthermore make you or your daughter pay for supplies?

You have learned recently that you viewed life as suffering. You are surpassing that. You learned that you do not value yourself. Not valuing yourself means not looking at yourself with love.

The money issue is a subheading of not valuing yourself. Not valuing money is not valuing yourself.

You don't prove your worth by not receiving payment. You do not become worth more by charging less.

You are not a beggar for God. You are messenger of God. My messengers don't wear rags. My messengers collect My dues.

I do not believe in poverty. I believe in abundance. And I believe in you.

Jon and Karen have been trying to tell you all this. And now I have told you.

You are removing blind spots, one by one.

The blind spots were self-worth, joy, and money. Now say: "I am worthy. I choose joy. I receive abundant money in God's Name."


Dear God, why is it painful for me to hear and learn these things about myself? And how many more are there?


You don't want to give up your concepts. You haven't wanted to see because that requires change. You have preferred to avoid life (avoid suffering), and now you are learning to see, and seeing is the opposite of avoiding.

How many more truths about yourself must you see? Three. Three more blinders yet to remove. One at a time.

Instead of eye-openers, think of them as blessings of wakefulness. Three more blessings of wakefulness for you.