Meeting God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Judith to God:

Dear God, I have heard that before one can meet You, one must have matured enough to fully appreciate Your Creation. I have heard that this appreciation — love of Creation — occurs when one has cultivated deep Silence within one's awareness, when a person no longer lives and reacts from superfluous mental activity, but instead is guided by the constant Silence s/he is aware of at her innermost Being. Then, meeting You becomes a possibility.

What can You tell us about cultivating this appreciation for Your Creation, especially when there are certain challenges that block any feeling of love or gratitude?

God to Judith:

Meeting Me is simple. It is not complicated. There are no rules. Rules are control. There is no perfect formula unless perhaps to stop trying to figure it out. Let it be. Let Me come. I want you all along, and I am with you at every moment. And you, dear daughter Judith, you do desire Me, don't you?

Or do you desire Me only after you think you have earned Me? Do you desire Me only after effort, diagnosis and prognosis? Or do you desire Me as you are?

My Will be done, dear Judith. My Will.

My Will is that you know Me.

Meeting Me is not a possibility. It is an actuality. It is a certainty.

Why not consider that I am already visiting you, that I am with you. If I am within any one of My children, then am I not also within you? Do you believe that another meets Me? If you do believe that, then why can't you accept that We, you and I, are already acquainted.

Why not go under that premise?

Do you feel Me now, looking over your shoulder at what you read? Do you feel Me gently beside you now, our cheeks touching until we blend into One Being? Do you feel My hand on yours? Do you feel that invisible touch that is My love, a soft exudation of love? Do you feel Me happy near you? Do you feel My wanting you ever closer? Do you feel My pleasure in having you as My daughter? Feel Me loving you, Judith, for I do love you, you, Judith, just as you are. Allow yourself to have My love. You have My permission. Now give Me yours.

Too much consciousness about yourself, My Judith.

Consider what I want.

I do not make things hard. I make them easy. I am the most effortless of Gods. Be you effortless also.

I know only stillness. Even in whirlwinds, I am still. There is no effort to be still. Effort doesn't work. Effort blocks your awareness of Me.

Finding Me is like Godwriting. You desire to hear Me. You listen for Me. You write what I say. I will do it. You can let Me be. You can denounce complication and announce Me.

I have already entered your life. I am already part of you. You do not have to mature to know Me. You have to unlearn your not knowing Me. Get the fuzziness out of the way. Await Me. Invite Me, as I invite you. I may surprise you. I mean how I am may surprise you. I may not seem as you have thought. It is not extraordinary to know Me. It is ordinary. It is the most ordinary thing there is.

You can wallow in Heaven with Me, Judith. You can be inebriated with Me. You do not have to feel love. Feel Mine. You do not have to feel gratitude. Feel Mine. I am so grateful to be your Creator. I love to be in your awareness. I love to be a butterfly that flies around you and brushes against you lightly.

I love to be around every corner.

I love to spot you coming to see Me.

Greet Me, Judith.

Consider that I am with You. Consider that you are never ever without Me. I am your Source. And I am your Resource. And I am everpresent. Stop, look, listen. Feel submerged in My love. Feel My love for you as I wrap you up in it. Feel My love like a soft breeze. Feel My love going to you and coming from you. Feel this energy of love that is Ours. Here I am. And aren't you here too with Me, too, keeping Me company, catching My love, imbibing it, rubbing up against My love like the sky, letting My love warm you like the Sun and cool you like the Moon, and light you up like Stars bursting to shine on you, like love sensing you, enveloping you, embracing you, and calling you it to you, calling you to it, calling you My love, My love, My love.

* * *

Kerry to God:

Your reply to me yesterday, September 12, could not have come with more synchronicity! Your wisdom and Love were with me all day as I tackled a rented storage shed that has more "stuff" in it. When I opened the door, I sat down and started weeping (again). Then, I just stood up and said out loud, "God is With Me, I am at peace".

Soon, my husband showed up and we were able to dig in and separate a lot of the stuff. My dear God, it is becoming so clear to me when You are present. I realize You are always with me! However, when You just stay there with me and keep picking me up when I collapse, I am and forever will be amazed!

Thank You, Thank You. My Heart is full of gratitude. And YOU.

Eternal Love.

Diane to Kerry:

Dear Kerry, thank you for opening your heart to us. I cried when I read God's response yesterday, September 12.

Diane to God:

Dear God, in response to Kerry's letter printed yesterday, we are such mother hens, it is true. We want to keep everyone we love in a safe, comfortable nest that we oversee. It is such a lovely time when we have babies and small children. The nest is cozy and our job is so fulfilling. I think a big part of what I miss is my open-hearted free flow of love. It is so easy to love babies and small children. I guess that is why it is so easy for You to love us, Your children. I wish it were as easy to love the grown-ups in our life.

God to Diane:

You are yourself untrammeled with young children. Be yourself untrammeled with adults. Most of My children are natural with children, and unnatural with adults. They put their fears on adults and don't on children.