God Directs You to Take Action
Hans to God:
Dear God, it was a delight to read Your answer to my last question. What an opportunity just to sit back and be served. Thank You. Annette put her hands on my back and it worked well. My back feels much better. Thank You again.
Still my mind is very active and I think a lot, particularly about money. I am very concerned about it, maybe due to some insecurity or because I want to show my wife all the beautiful places I have seen in the last thirty years or just because I enjoy having money. Probably all those things apply.
Since I am always connected to You, eventually all my desires will be fulfilled in due time.
I don't have a particular question right now, but I am very grateful for all the love You give to me and my wife.
God to Hans:
Hans, My Hans. It is easy to give you love.
I am glad your back feels better.
I would like to talk to you about money, dear Hans.
You say that because you are always connected to Me, eventually all your desires will be fulfilled in due time.
That is too laissez-faire, My friend.
There is a delicate balance at play here, and one that Gloria has been struggling with, as you will see from other letters not yet printed at this time of our talking together now.
Trust in Me does not mean everything staying the same.
Trust in Me means to know that I am directing you. But I do not always direct My children to stay still and simply wait. I do not say, Do nothing. I do not say, Don't add up numbers. I do not say, Don't look at situations squarely.
Some things are in your hands.
You have many concerns about money. The energy consumed in worry is better put to taking steps.
Yes, you have insecurity about money, but money is also tight. Yes, you do want to share beautiful places with your beautiful wife, and that is a good reason to have money. And you also want to pay your escalating bills. You want to be debt-free.
Here is where it gets tricky, dear Hans.
Help does come from on high. All money comes from Me. People think it comes from them. All money comes to Me as well. It is My money that is spent, and Mine that is earned.
People do win the lottery. People do come across unexpected windfalls. But primarily people work for money.
And money is exchange of energy. For this much energy, you are paid so much, and some make more money than others for the same exchange of energy.
Much of My children's thinking is that they have one or two choices. And they hold on to those one or two choices.
When a situation is looked at clearly, just accepted as it is, more alternatives appear. You have many alternatives, dear Hans.
You are the furthest thing from ruthless. You have put your needs aside for the needs of others. Now it is time to think of yourself more, to think more of yourself. Make yourself a priority. If ten cents comes from Me, so can two dollars. If two dollars comes from Me, so can two thousand. Think in terms of bigger dollars, Hans. I want you to have more.
So much is attachment. So much.
My children may not want things just as they are, but they are so attached to things just as they are.
Be unattached.
Nothing has to be the way it is.
You are a free mover. Your life is your responsibility.
And how to reconcile this with the lilies of the field? "They do not toil or spin. Do not worry, saying what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink?"
Do not worry is the key.
Jesus did not worry. But he strode across the earth. He did not stay where he was.
He went out, and I was with him.
"Man does not live by bread alone. He lives by the words of God."
But that does not mean that man does not also have bread. It does not mean that he does not set his table. It does not mean that he waits for Me to pay his debts.
Debt exists on many levels. Sometimes debt is called karma. It is your karma to see clearly and take steps, dear Hans. Open up to possibilities that will free you.
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Judith to God:
Dear God, Your letter to Gloria September 9 about loneliness was a really beautiful letter. I think it would speak to many people. That is one I will reread. Also, the letter from September 6 on reliance on You.
About how We are One, sometimes I have a feeling-sense that You are like my shadow that I cannot see because You move when I move, talk when I talk. If I try to turn my head quickly to get a glimpse of You, I cannot, because You have turned Your head quickly with mine.
In the relative world, the existence, location and shape of my body's shadow is dependent on external factors. In God's world, there is only the sense of God's strength, or God's beauty, or God's love that awareness of God's Being with me allows me to have.
Of course I do not have this all the time, otherwise I would not ask so many things in my letters. But I do remember having these sense-feelings from time to time. I think many of us do.
I have been asking for barriers to be removed, and have found that the difficult times are actually good opportunities to allow fear or anxiety to dissipate like the "shadows" that they really are. Most of the time, I seem to be too caught up in my own drama and I am not able to allow the barriers (the fear or anxiety) to go. Once in while, however, I can relax enough to reside in my heart and not try to control. These few experiences have been rewarding and I feel little growth spurts.
I liked Your analogy of the baseball player, God. If I am trying to 'hit the ball' I get all tangled up in my own drama, my own effort, and I fall flat. But there is this rare moment when I have 'let go', and the life-force that pours through me is astounding.
I want You to know how much I appreciate the letters You are writing to us, God, and how much I feel I am gaining from these communications. At some point, I will come to the God workshops and focus on listening to You in this context.
Sincerely, Judith
God to Judith:
You are sincerely Mine.