Making Your Way in the World

God said:

You interpret so many things in life. You say one event is a sign that you should continue. You say another event is a sign that you need to stop and go in another direction. You interpret events, and you attribute a significance to them that is of your own making. All you really know is that something happened this way or that way. The significance is a mystery. Beloveds, whatever occurs, it is a sign for you to move forward. That is the only interpretation you can have. Otherwise, you are guessing.

You can change your direction any time you choose. It is your choice. Go by your heart rather than outer signs. You do not need a sign to tell you what to do. You are not a tea leaf reader. You are a simple Human Being making his way in the world.

Sometimes you give up quickly. That may be just right. Sometimes you persist on the same path regardless of the odds, and you succeed, or you don’t succeed, and, either way, that is just right.

Maybe all you have to do is to dig one more hole, and you will discover oil. Or you may not discover oil no matter how many holes you dig. Better to enjoy digging holes, regardless. Results are good, yet more than results exist, and your energy is based on more than results.

You cannot always second-guess yourself. You simply cannot know ahead of time.

How much do you want what you want? How much do you want it for more than surface reasons? When you are determined, it is not that you decide your determination. Your determination is there of its own accord, or it is not there of its own accord. You may have no say about it. Determination comes from a deep place. You are following the energy of your heart and not the indicators along the way.

Some people want to be movie stars. Some people want to act. Persist where your heart is. Your heart is a great indicator. You can listen to it.

My children are born equal, and yet with different stardom. There is a place deep within yourself that you must listen to. All the reasons in the world can’t make you go a certain way, and, by the same token, all the reasons in the world can’t stop you from going a certain way. It is not a flip of the coin. It is not a decision really. It is a finding out what you want and want for its own joy. It is not for the purpose of reaching a goal, nor is it for the purpose of pleasing someone, nor pleasing even yourself. It goes much deeper than pleasing. It is more like feeding your soul.

You keep looking for your happiness to come from the world, and the world can’t give it to you, beloveds. You have to give it to yourself. Follow your inmost desires. Follow that heart of yours. Like a nose, it will lead you to a bakery where you will know what choices to make. You will know what to choose, and your happiness will accompany it.

You may work hard for it, but it will not be strain. It will be satisfying. You will not need achievement in order to be satisfied. The actions you take will give you great satisfaction. You will be going full-speed ahead. It may take many years, yet it will all be fast for you, for your heart knows where your fulfillment lies. And I know. And you will know by following the magnificent charger called your heart.

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"It is a finding out what

"It is a finding out what you want and want for its own joy."


"Follow your inmost desires. Follow that heart of yours"."

Those are the most important reminders for me today.

In gratitude,

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said fulfillment
It is like feeding your soul
I know and you know

God said happiness
You have to give to yourself
Following your heart

God said finding out
What you want for its own joy
Is satisfying

Love, Light and Aloha!

How simple, how powerful,

How simple, how powerful, incredible! This is a Heavenletter to carry with me in my shirt pocket to be amazed again and again.

You interpret so many things in life. You say one event is a sign that you should continue. You say another event is a sign that you need to stop and go in another direction. You interpret events, and you attribute a significance to them that is of your own making. All you really know is that something happened this way or that way. The significance is a mystery. Beloveds, whatever occurs, it is a sign for you to move forward. That is the only interpretation you can have. Otherwise, you are guessing.
When you are determined, it is not that you decide your determination. Your determination is there of its own accord, or it is not there of its own accord. You may have no say about it. Determination comes from a deep place. You are following the energy of your heart and not the indicators along the way.
All the reasons in the world can’t make you go a certain way, and, by the same token, all the reasons in the world can’t stop you from going a certain way. It is not a flip of the coin. It is not a decision really. It is a finding out what you want and want for its own joy. It is not for the purpose of reaching a goal, nor is it for the purpose of pleasing someone, nor pleasing even yourself. It goes much deeper than pleasing. It is more like feeding your soul.


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