Lovely Gifts Are on Their Way

God said:

You want to know what all the good things that are on their way to you are. You want to know every last detail. You want to know exactly what is coming, when, and every bit of its contents. Well, beloveds, be content, for you will find out soon enough. Can you be content to know that miracle after miracle is on its way to you? Can you be content to know that miracles are rushing to you and to the world? What more do you have to know? Wouldn't you like to be surprised? Isn't some of the joy in not knowing?

Don't you want the joy of discovery? Do you prefer that a friend tell you every detail of a movie before you see it, or would you rather see it and discover it for yourself?

You kid yourselves, beloveds, if you think you really do want your whole course laid out for you where you can see it beforehand.

To know what is around the corner, you have to turn the corner. You have to come face to face with your life. It was ever so. You do not need a formal preview. You don't even need advance notice, even though I am giving you advanced notice. Wonder after wonder is on its way to you, and the wonders won't miss. They will step right up. You won't have to wait in line, only you do have to wait.

All that is yours is yours. You may not be aware of it now, yet all that is yours is already in motion. I would say that it is already yours, only not received as yet. With My intent, the message is sent. The wheels turn. You are going to have a big smile.

I speak to each one of you as I say this. Some of your surprise will be momentous. Some will be for little things. Big or little, the joy will be the same. You will know that life is kindly rewarding you for being you. It is great too that being you is your reward as well. You need no subsidiary reward. Nevertheless, many many rewards are on their way to you.

You will not overlook them. You will see them as you see the sun in the sky. All you have to do is receive. You don't even have to look up. And nothing you can do can stop these rewards from reaching you. Your joy is secured. Lovely gifts have already been sent to you. Sometimes the mail is fast, and sometimes the mail is slow. What do you care? What does it matter? You are already rewarded with the sure knowledge that there is boon after boon on its way to you, by land, sea, and sky. By personal messenger, by treasure falling to you, falling at your feet, falling in your vision. Extreme delight is on its way to you.

Enjoy it now ahead of time as you wait with eager anticipation. Can the realization give you more joy than at this moment of mouth-watering anticipation? All the joy is yours now. When you are certain that great happiness is on its way, when you have confidence that this is so, the joy is already yours.

Soon your name is going to be called, and you will step up on the stage of life, as it were, to receive your medal, this recognition of yourself that is always yours to have and to hold. I see you now, recipient of great benevolence, as you step up to the footlights and stand ready to receive.

Read Comments

What a beautiful and

What a beautiful and wondrous HL! I'm totally at a loss for words as I read in wonderment and in awe.
Praise God!

Blessings upon you!

"Ask, believing that you

"Ask, believing that you have already received it . . . and it shall be yours" . . .


Amen! beautiful! The beautiful! The lines between giving and receiving are blurring...It just feels like One big give-receive-athon. May you be beautiful today! May you be happy today! May you be in love today! Jimi...from my heart to yours

Thank you for this wonderful

Thank you for this wonderful insight into the future.


Who did not laugh and had a

Who did not laugh and had a big smile after reading this?

All that is yours is yours. You may not be aware of it now, yet all that is yours is already in motion. I would say that it is already yours, only not received as yet. With My intent, the message is sent. The wheels turn. You are going to have a big smile.

This is really a most wonderful Love Letter!

You are already rewarded with the sure knowledge that there is boon after boon on its way to you, by land, sea, and sky. By personal messenger, by treasure falling to you, falling at your feet, falling in your vision. Extreme delight is on its way to you.

Much love to everyone

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said to know that
Lovely gifts are on their way
By land sea and sky

God said be content
Come face to face with your life
You for Being you

God said enjoy it
The joy of discovery
Your reward as well

Love, Light and Aloha!

Do you remember he old

Do you remember he old song,I'll wear a crown? I used to say in prayer that I did'nt need the crown.I just wanted to be with my Lord.At His feet to be taught all He had to teach.However, a few years ago my prayer changed.
I told God one day that I do want my crown. I want to get my crown in glory, only to take it and set it at the feet of the only one that deserves to have it.This may sound odd to some but it has great meaning to me.My heart burst with joy as I thought of handing it to Jesus.I could even see it in my mind.What a beautiful vision I had that day.

Deaest Lyn, indeed what a

Deaest Lyn,

indeed what a beautiful vision, I can see it and indeed the heart bursts with joy handing it to Jesus. An amazingly beautiful posting !!!

love and blessings

You have a very sweet

You have a very sweet connection, Lyn, and you certainly inspire us with your devotion. Very beautiful.

Just let me mention we want to be aware that not everyone who comes to this site is Christian. We are a beautiful spiritual site, and we welcome all here from all over the world, and we want them to feel comfortable here. This is not to keep you from expressing your heart, dear Lyn, just to remind everyone that we give respect to all spiritual sources and do not espouse one or another nor do we want to appear to do so.

God bless you, Lyn.

Dear Bros n Sis, As I

Dear Bros n Sis,
As I celebrate my 60th b'day on 10 th I seek God's presence & marvel at His GREATNESS in our lives &Thank Him For His Bountiful Gifts Thanks For the message that has increased my Faith &confidence I wish to spread Gods love far &wide among our youth
Thanks &God bless

Dearest Ingrid, my best

Dearest Ingrid,

my best wishes for a wonderful Happy Brithday !!!!!! I think that spreading God's love, joy and message among the youth is WONDERFUL desire!! Many greeting and a big big hug for your birthday dear.


Happy happy birthday, dear

Happy happy birthday, dear Ingrid. Where do you live, by the way? And tell us what you do to work with youth. A wonderful thing to do.

Happy Birthday Sister

Happy Birthday Sister Ingrid!

I feel like a kid on

I feel like a kid on Christmas morning looking at all the amazing presents under the tree..they sparkle reflecting the lights on the tree and I want to savor every moment of anticipation as I feel my heart quicken knowing that every gift is wrapped with Love!
Thank you Gloria...
Love to all and Merry Christmas!

I don't know why after

I don't know why after reading this letter i felt extremely happy as if something good is entering in my life. Life is good for me at least for today!!!! I don't know why. I felt as if God has spoken to me thru this letter. I feel happy though i'm working today.....hee :)

Beloved Juliana, may every

Beloved Juliana, may every day at work be golden for you!

God seems to be speaking to every one of us through Heavenletters.

Welcome, angel. I love to see your posts!


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