love of life
What Do You Say to Life?
Do cartwheels in life. Live your life with aplomb. Live it with zeal. Live it as you would eat a wonderful meal set before you. Take a heaping plate. Take big bites. Fill your cup, drink it, smack your lips, and pour yourself another.
You have held back from life long enough in a desire to be safe. What is it you would protect yourself from? From Life? From you?
When Blossoms Fall
How can anyone be depressed when trees grow and flowers bloom? How can any heart feel depressed when even one apple grows on a tree? When one baby smiles. When there is even one such a thing as a baby gerbil to steal your heart. When there is music. When every forest is a work of art. When a crayon can make a mark on paper. When children play. When there are choo-choo trains. When there are puddles to stomp in. When winds blow. When blossoms that fall nourish their trees for the next year. When everything has a purpose. When purpose has a purpose.
The King's Palace of Heaven
You are a light beam of My Being. There is no other explanation for you, beloveds. Without the light and love that are Mine (Ours), you would not exist. You would not know yourself to exist, that is. Now, here is where the words are tricky. You would not exist as a Human Being, though there never is a time that you ever did not exist, just as there will never be a time that you do not exist. You exist eternally. You only imagine there can be a time when you are not. Your imagination takes over, and you cannot tell Truth from fiction. You adhere to time and listen to the ticktock.
The Occasion of Today
You start tomorrow today. Today you set up tomorrow. How do you treat today? How do you welcome it? As you serve it, you will be served.
Serve with splendor, and you will have a splendid day.
Treat your days with respect.
Days don't hassle you. You hassle them.
You wrest them as though they were something to fend off.
Look forward toward today, and set the tone for tomorrow. Tomorrow is an extension of today. It is like you pull tomorrow after you.
Today is the day you write on, and it is printed tomorrow.
How to Treat This Present Moment
You try to determine your future and the future of everything. There is enough for you to do with right now without that. You are always saying how much you have to do, and yet you take on the future. You carry it with you like a dark cloak that weighs heavily on you or like a hovering black vulture that pursues you.