Love Begets Love

God said:

There is an explosion of love in the world. Crescendos of love are going off all over the place. Love sparks love. Your love sparks love. Others radiate your love. It is impossible for them not to. Love begets love. So you see, you do have some say over the love in the world. You are the generator of it.

Love is everywhere, yet it seems to move. It seems to have a life of its own, and yet it is always at your beck and call. Love expands and can only seem fleeting. It can only seem to flutter in and out of your heart, for it is solidly ensconced there. Love is not fly by night. Love is immoveable. It is your awareness that changes.

Be aware of love today. Look for it in everything.

Love is the alchemy you have searched for. Love can change everything. Love can change dross into gold. It can heal hearts. It is the only thing that can.

Awareness of love is not meant to be saved for special moments, anymore than love itself is. Love is meant to be universal. It has to be because love is Oneness. Love applies everywhere. Let go of any prescriptions or descriptions of love and just love. Remove the imagined, perhaps inherited, barriers to love and love is revealed. Remove the tablecloth from the dining-room table, and the shining table is revealed. Remove anything, and what is underneath is revealed.

Love is your basis. Love is worthwhile. Love is essential. What is anything without love? Why, without love, it is nothing at all.

Love is not be mixed up with greed or success or anything at all. Love has been mixed up with less than love. Love stands on its own.

Think about love more than you do annoyance, and you will have a greater flow of love. That sounds so simple, you may not realize what I have just said. The more you think about love, the more love you will feel. The more love you feel, the more love you will have.

This does not apply to lack of love. If you consider that you have been deprived of love, you are thinking of deprivation. Thinking of deprivation is not thinking of love. Thoughts of deprivation bring their accompanying feelings of deprivation and do not generate love.

Envy of love is envy, not love. Give more power to love! Whoever has the love you desire, it is your love. It belongs to all.

Love is not a party, but if it were, everyone is invited. Love is not a party because love is vast. Love is not an event. Love can only be love.

Your heart is saturated with love. If you have plugged up any of the love in your heart, uncork it now. Take the cork out, look inside the bottle, and you will see what is in there. What is in your heart is pure love. Our hearts have been One since the first moment of creation. We are One-heartedness, beloveds.

You have concealed the riches of your heart long enough. You have concealed them from yourself. You have stored some of the love in your heart, and you forgot where you put it. You put it down somewhere. You have been distracted ever since, and forget where you laid the love down. It is still in your heart, where it has always been. Be the first to see it now and take it out so everyone can see.

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A soft consideration of Love...

"Think about love more than you do annoyance, and you will have a greater flow of love. That sounds so simple, you may not realize what I have just said. The more you think about love, the more love you will feel. The more love you feel, the more love you will have."

Love is so sweet to consider and contemplate...nothing heavy...for love is not heavy...Love is deliciously light. So just a little soft consideration of love helps our that soon...we are aware of only Love. Loving you! Jim and Jimi.

you may not realize what I have just said

I would have quoted the same paragraph, Jim.


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