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Posted January 28th, 2008 by asim
Love to everyone.
I have just joined Heavenletters and I found it through the just love and I eagerly wait for my daily Heavenletter.It is amazing that you get what you are missing and searching for consciously or unconsciously via these wonderful loveletters.
Om Namah Sivaya
Welcome on Heavenletters
Welcome on Heavenletters dear Asim,
You're so right. These letters are always fulfilling me with the most appropriate answers and reach my heart and consciousness so deeply.
Om mani padme hum
Dearest Asim, indeed God
Dearest Asim,
indeed God hears all our prayers and longing and bestows endless love and blessings on us. Heavenletters are a very special divine blessing.
A most heartfelt welcome to you. Enjoy God's Love Letters !! Did you try the Cosmic Heavenletter Generator ??
Love and blessings to you dear
Om Namah Sivaya
A warm welcome to our Divine
A warm welcome to our Divine Heavenly family Asism!
Sorry my welcome is a little late, but have only just seen your note.
A big hug to you
Love Mary