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Looking for volunteer help
Posted August 24th, 2008 by Gloria Wen...
Would anyone like to personally welcome new people who register on this forum?
Right now there are the names of about five people who might like to have a welcome from you.
I believe if you press the name, it will take you to their page. Do you see where it says Contact?
Press that, and type in your welcome, and that will be wonderful.
Please apply right here!
Welcoming emails
At last! A job I can volunteer for ... my morning time to read emails/Heavenletters/Russ Michael newsletters, etc., is something I never pass up. I can easily spend a few minutes each morning welcoming some new subscribers if you like.
Dearest Pam, after a long
Dearest Pam, after a long scrutiny and intense hiring practice, we know we have the cream of the crop here, and you are hired! That would be so wonderful. Thank you so much.
So do you see all the new people on the left margin on the Community page? And when you press their name, it takes you to a page that shows their profile? And you see a link that says Contact? Then press contact, and a box will come up where you can type in a personal welcome from you to each person. You are welcoming them on behalf of the Heavenletter team and please tell them how much we all look forward to reading their posts. I know you will write something just right.
It is not every day that there are new people, Pam, yet that will grow.
To anyone else who reads this, especially when someone new posts, you might want to be sure to respond to their comment so that they will know this is indeed a community and one that is happy to have them here.
God bless us all.
Muchas gracias, dear Pam.
With love, Gloria
For Pam - welcoming new subscribers
Dearest Pam,
since I have problems with my computer, I kindly ask you to send copy of welcoming messages you send to me.
thanks for all dear !
much much love
Beloved Gloria, sorry for
Beloved Gloria,
sorry for the delay in answering, of course it will be a pleasure !
Much love
Beloved Berit,
What an angel you are!
Pam above also volunteered for this!
Two superb angels volunteered!
I will give Pam your email address, and you hers in case there's a time when she can't do it.
Is that okay? And, meanwhile, beloved Berit, will you continue to share your heart on the forum itself as you have been doing? It is such a blessing. And I know you work full-time and you have a family to take care of, and still you do so much for Heavenletters. A thousand blessings, Angel Berit. :)
I think the spirit on this forum is fantastic. I wonder if there is another one like it, a forum with such loving people?
It would be marvelous to see every forum on the internet as wonderful as this one. This forum is wonderful because of all the people who participate, sharing themselves and their thoughts and caring about one another and the world, truly wanting to serve the One God Who serves us.
God bless you, Berit. God bless us all.
With love, Gloria
Dear Gloria,
Dear Gloria,
indeed this forum is wonderful. The Heavenletters are wonderful and all Heavenangels here on the forum and "behind the scene" are wonderful, I feel this place to be uplifting and restoring and simply wonderful. impossible not to fall in love with Heavenletters ! we all can express freely our hearts and views and new subscribers are coming constantly, no wonder, when the TRUTH touches us something happens.
"Love all, serve all"
much much love