Look to Yourself, Beloveds

God said:

Consider more how you treat than how you are treated. That is how you step out of the mire. You do agree it’s a good idea to step out of the mire, don’t you? When you do not wish to further disharmony, what can you do but rise above it?

Another can go the route of their choice. And you can go yours.

Trying to change someone else is futile. It is not for you to change anyone. You are not the truthsayer of anyone. It is not for you to make indictments. It is not for you to sentence someone to your correction. You are not here on Earth to improve anyone. You are here to better the world. And that means to widen your perception. That means turning in a new direction.

Pointing out faults is pointing out faults. It would seem it serves no purpose beyond your complaining. Complain not. Complaining allows a trace of discontent to ooze out of you. You may think you are better than someone else, but I assure you that every fault you point out in another is yours or at least matched by another of yours, or surpassed.

You are not the Emperor of the World. You are an enlightener of it. Have you forgotten? Have you forgotten that you are to be a shedder of light? Shedding light on another’s faulty Humanness is not shedding light. It is disbursing shadow.

No matter how right you think you are in pointing out the errors of another’s ways, you are mistaken. No matter how right your assessment is, it is not yours to make. Your efforts are misplaced anyway. First of all, no one is listening. When was the last time someone said to you: “Thanks for pointing out the error of my ways.”

Look to yourself. Tie your own shoelace. Be expert at more than zeroing in on fault. Consider that what the other person is missing is for you to fill. Perhaps. Perhaps not. In any case, be not one who points out fault. Fault-finders are a dime a dozen. Stand out with your leniency towards others’ demerits.

Most of your complaints are circled around how someone has treated you. You feel mistreated, under-treated, under-cared for. And you seek to remedy the situation. No matter how offensive someone has been, whatever the outer concerns, you have made something of the situation that is not yours to make. You have drawn conclusions that are beyond your jurisdiction.

You are not an editor of someone else’s life. You are not to spend your life on how you think other people should behave. That is not your bailiwick.

The thing to improve is your view on life and your view of the people in it.

Look to yourself, beloveds, in all things.

Depend not on others to fill your needs. You and I fill your needs, no one else. You and I give you happiness. I give you all the love in the world. No one else can patch your life. You do not ride on a merry-go-round forever.

When love and approbation seem to be denied you, find somewhere to give your love and approbation. At the very least, give them to yourself. Seek your happiness where it resides. It does not reside in someone else.

Whatever lessons in life you feel you have learned, there is a deeper lesson underneath. One way or another, you have been holding on to an illusion. You blind-sided yourself. No one else did. No one else can.

You are your own hero. And, if you see yourself as a victim more than a hero, then you have appointed yourself victim. You have pointed the finger at yourself. You have made a declaration of hurt rather than a declaration of love. Turn in a different direction now. Leave the past once and for all. Do not replay your life. Lift it.

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Look to yourself, beloveds, in all things.

Most of your complaints are circled around how someone has treated you. You feel mistreated, under-treated, under-cared for. And you seek to remedy the situation. No matter how offensive someone has been, whatever the outer concerns, you have made something of the situation that is not yours to make. You have drawn conclusions that are beyond your jurisdiction.

The thing to improve is your view on life and your view of the people in it.

When love and approbation seem to be denied you, find somewhere to give your love and approbation. At the very least, give them to yourself. Seek your happiness where it resides. It does not reside in someone else.

You are your own hero. And, if you see yourself as a victim more than a hero, then you have appointed yourself victim. You have pointed the finger at yourself. You have made a declaration of hurt rather than a declaration of love.

Turn in a different direction now.


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