Look Again

God said:

There is not a day that goes by that you are not in My heart and thoughts. There is not a day that goes by that I do not bless you. I do not pray, but if I did, We could say that you are in My prayers. There is no way that I ever take a step away from you. Everyone keeps treasures close. I keep you close. I never let you out of My sight.

Then how is it that you sometimes have felt that I am far away and that you perhaps have been abandoned? How is it that some of My children feel worse than abandoned, perhaps feel put upon or singled out for hard times? At the same time, what you see as evidence of neglect, someone else would welcome. Someone else with your troubles might think he was fortunate. Would you trade?

If you feel down in your luck, if you feel I overlook or discount you, look again, beloveds. That is your thinking, your perception, not Mine. And that is your downfall. You neglect or persecute yourself. You emphasize an outcome that you don't want. Sometimes it seems that you covet being neglected, that you would rather blame Me than look up. You would rather blame Me than be happy. You would rather find lack in Me than acknowledge Our love for each other.

What is there about Our love that you would relinquish it? Is it too much for you? Do you want My love so much that you would deny it? Why would you overlook My love for you? Why would you possibly prefer to feel unloved than loved? And have you not been mistaken before? Can you admit the possibility that you are mistaken now?

And what are We going to do about the situation? What are We going to do about you?

I suggest you favor yourself a little bit more. Instead of being irate or dismayed or put out by what you perceive as love withheld from you, will you start from the premise that you are loved? Will you look for clues of how loved you are? Will you accept My love at least as a possibility?

Beloveds, do you see My love for others? On what do you base this? Why then do you weep, and why do you feel out of favor?

It is fine to want what others have, yet there is a difference between wanting and feeling unloved. You crave more evidence of love. You want to be loved, and you want to know that you are loved.

Then come over here to Me and get your love. Lift up your eyes. Let Me look into your eyes and fill them with My love.

You may have discounted yourself or picked on yourself or have gone out of your way to feel bad. It would seem that you would rather prove you are unloved than to see that you are loved. Perhaps you have even deigned to feel the most overlooked and unloved of all, as if that gives you a distinction. Have you been desiring displeasure and disagreement? Have you been desiring to be denied?

Today, start desiring love and start giving it. Get out of your errant mood. You have been petulant. You have achieved discontent. Now allow yourself joy, and be such a grand giver of love that you know how much love you have received.

Read Comments

Beautiful and touching message!

This is a beautiful and touching message that our Heavenly Father gave us for tommorow (April 4). When I am reading this at first impression I thaught that he is takling about those who do not think positively of themselves, but as I have read further, I see that it is a message for those who think they are unloved. So let us pray for those who feel that they are not loved by God,

Love words.

Your words make us love you.


your perception, not Mine

Brilliant diagnosis, as so often. As so often, great timing. I still feel at a loss after reading but not quite so lost any more.

Will we ever dare to tell the story as plainly and simply as this? I believe we will. The taste for contrived intricacy, and all intricacy is contrived, will leave us after hearing a few more Heavenletters like this one.

Easter eggs?

We were just playing hide and seek of Easter eggs at home, so when I read the title " Look again " of this HL, I thought it might refer to this.

And in a way, it does. You could say it is about God's Egg of Love that sometimes appears to be hidden, but isn't.

It's always here and doesn't need to be found.

May we all realise how huge this Egg of Love really is. It includes all of us and everything.

Wishing you a happy Easterweekend in God's Egg of Love

Peek a BOO!

From behind every pretty dress, hat, suit, flower God jumps into our hungry consciousness and cries BOO! as He tickles and plays with our ways of feeling HIM.


Thanx for this beautiful

Thanx for this beautiful upgrading of the windows of love.... never go for discounts anymore...

rene, Amsterdam.

FEEL oh FEEL that love!

Feeling love is an emotional, ego deception that hooks our consciousness into the void.
Knowing love means we are connected to its source. That's real knowing.
Knowing spells GROWING, but the caterpillar grows to death only to be born to fly high.
Easter is a name of Newness of character being born into deliberate death to ego self.
"But that's our name, how I FEEL," Yes I know but it isn't real.
"Awake, (this Easter) rise from your dead feelings, let LIFE become the focus of your consciousness. That'll make it a Happy Easter.


I think George is right

God says here: "Why would you possibly prefer to feel unloved than loved?" Of course, if one ( namely ego ) has to choose, it is better to feel loved.
But "feeling" loved or unloved is of the same inconsistency.

It is probably the nature of

It is probably the nature of feelings to be inconsistent. It is also the nature of feelings to insist and not bother about consistency or better judgment. There may not really be anything to prefer or choose, yet preferring and choosing do happen, and the choice to feel unloved is not a hypothetical one. It is a good thing to know this is "just ego"; it is also good to know that ego isn't healed by being called ego. God must have reason to address these things. I know He has. He tells it like it is. As far as I know, he is the first and only one who tells it like it is. Only then, only with the trust engendered by telling it like it is, does it make sense to ask, And what are We going to do about the situation? What are We going to do about you? Thank You for showing You know.

Then come over here to Me

Then come over here to Me and get your love. Lift up your eyes. Let Me look into your eyes and fill them with My love.

Dearest Father, of course you know that only love heals all things. My wish for me and all my brothers and sisters is to look each moment into Your loving eyes and see ONE LOVE.

..there is a difference between wanting and feeling unloved.

It is fine to want what others have, yet there is a difference between wanting and feeling unloved.
yes there is indeed:
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. - Epictetus

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said see My love
Then come over here to Me
And get your love now

Love, Light and Aloha!

I have many favorites among

I have many favorites among Heavenletters. This one, it turns out, is my favorite favorite.


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