
God said:

Loneliness is a thing of the past. All the things you do not want are of the past. They are already gone. All the unwanted is moving out. Loneliness, which was always fiction, has made its exit. Loneliness is a misbelief. Throw it out now.

You also know that the opposite of loneliness is not company.

Sense of loneliness is like something you think of eating. It is a thought like any other. It is not something visited on you. It does not come from outside you. It dwells within.

Now, why would you keep a sense of loneliness? You keep it like a plant. You water it. You sniffle and feel forlorn.

Feeling lonely is a way to say: "Look at how I am all alone! No one loves me." You yearn for you know not what, and so you wait to be rescued.

When you find yourself feeling lonely, forget yourself and think of someone else. Think of what a little kindness from you could mean to someone who feels alone. Pull up a chair and brighten someone else's life.

This is the cure, I tell you. Get those thoughts of aloneness away from you.

If there is no one for you to visit, then visit in your mind those who could use a greeting. Bless them with your thoughts.

Loneliness comes from thinking about yourself and how you are alone. You tell yourself stories. Make up other stories to tell yourself.

Beloveds, even if you are alone, you are not alone! Where your body is, is irrelevant. Where your heart is, is another story. Move your heart over here. Come sit beside Me. Tell Me something. While away the time with Me. Enter My heart, and know this is where you are. This is where you abide. This is your Home, here with Me. Keep Me close to you, and you will know what love is. You will forget the illusion of loneliness. You will drive down another road and wave at everybody.

Come into the carriage of My heart, and We will tour the world. We will pick people up along the way. There will be no stragglers. My coach fits all, and all are welcome.

The very idea that anyone could feel loneliness when your heart rides with Mine! Alone with Me is not alone. And to be alone with Me is an impossibility. Being without Me would be lonely. It is too awful to contemplate.

Contemplate then a heart that encompasses the world. Pick up the world and place it in your heart. The world has been neglected. It has not been treated well. Let's give the world a ride of a lifetime. Let's lift it up and carry it high. Let's wipe off dust from the world and put the world back on its feet. Let's love this world that carries the colors of imperfection. Let's make a tryst with it.

Speak to the world. Say to it: "From now on, world, you are coming with me. I will not separate myself from you again. Now we are partners. Now we go hand in hand. Now we go heart in heart. World, it only seems that I walk on you, yet it is I who carries you and takes you with me to show you the wonders of you that are you, that are I, and with God, that we are One."

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In the world but not of it

Speak to the world. Say to it: "From now on, world, you are coming with me. I will not separate myself from you again. Now we are partners. Now we go hand in hand. Now we go heart in heart. World, it only seems that I walk on you, yet it is I who carries you and takes you with me to show you the wonders of you that are you, that are I, and with God, that we are One."

Finally here and now Oh God! Without Your Love and Help how could I have made it?!

In gratitude and love my heart responds to You!
Bless all Heavenreaders today that they may touch the hem of Your garment and many Hearts and Minds be healed!

With love, Johanne

Touching the HEM

Sweet Johanne:

You helped me touch the hem of HIS garment, and yours too. Thanks

George using less tissues

Tour the world

"Come into the carriage of My heart, and We will tour the world. We will pick people up along the way. There will be no stragglers. My coach fits all, and all are welcome." - that reminds me, Gloria, any news of when you are going on your world tour?

The gift of togetherness

Isn't it interesting that today's world situation is bringing us closer together to realize that "we are not alone" and cannot ever feel alone or lonely. Once we reach out to acknowledge that our personal hardship is shared by millions of others, we can never feel alone again. We're ready to join together to help meet these challenges together.

Common tears are a common bond.

With love and gratitude for this beautiful message,


How exquisite is this message! I am determined to ride this wondrous Carriage that is of LIGHT, OF FIRE AND HEAVEN'S ABSOLUTE PURE INTENT! Heaven's Purity of Intent is the very Flame that is of The Heart of the MIghty God. There is surely NO loneliness in this Carriage of Fire. This somehow allows us to tecall the
Chariot of Fire !!, Yes! Also the song... "Swing Low, Swet Chariot, Coming for to Carry Me, All of Us Home". Loneliness IS an illusion. A forgetting of the Absolute


The crooked nail

Now and then this darling writer leaves something unsaid that might be added for meaning.

For me loneliness is not of the past; it's of the very present. My darling is really gone, and I had the joy of watching her make the beautiful move to heaven.
Sure, it may not be the kind of loneliness that fills my consciousness, but at Christmas or Thanksgiving my heart sort of looks for her.

When God and I go for a ride in the Country, there's something in my consciousness that hankers to have her with me and HIM.

No, it's not a "body" thing. My body thing with my darling wife was only incidental but close none the less. Does this make me sad?

Heavens no! There's much too much to do and to be for my missing her to make me miss a sun rise or a bright silver moon but I long for her.

My thought aren't on what I don't have but what I do have. That includes darling Gloria and the wonderful Heavenletters.

George working on his second box of tissues.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said the cure is
Brighten someone else's life
Think of a kindness

God said come along
For now We go heart in heart
Now We are partners

Love, Light and Aloha!

How on earth can I breathe?

Your light filled words take my breath away! No kidding!

George panting a bit

George Angel

Who was it that said we should only count the moments that take our breath away ?

Loving you

Berit's sharp comment

The one I had in mind was Marian Williamson. But you come to mind too. Love

George breathless at times


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