Listening for God in One's Heart

God said:

When you hear Me so faintly saying to do something or not to do something, or to stay or to leave, will you kindly give some credence to the message you hear even if so faintly? Will you let not the moment pass? There is something in it for you. Be assured this is not to incur fear in you, not at all. Nothing is at stake except you didn’t strike when the iron was hot. Life is so full of its blessings for you, a million more messages will come again. Opportunity is always knocking, beloveds. And, yet, there is not one you want to miss.

Sometimes you hear a faint whisper, and you don’t listen to it. You listen to your convenience first, or to your laziness, or because who knows why. You don’t even know why. Have no regrets, beloved, and, yet, next time you hear that whisper, get up, find it, and do accordingly. The whisper tells you of a blessing for yourself or a blessing for another. Get up, beloveds, right away and shower yourself with golden leaves of My love.

I am always talking to you, and you don’t even hear. And sometimes, even when you hear, you don’t listen. It is like this in the way of the world.

It is such a little thing, beloved, to follow My Will. My Will is not a lightning bolt. It is a little flash like a firefly. Sometimes you’re not even sure you saw a firefly until it lights up again and again.

And so it is with the flashes of messages I send to you on the wireless of the Universe. Dit dot dit dit move My fingers on the keyboard, so softly, so delicately, sometimes almost imperceptibly. It is very rare that I would speak in a loud tone. Mostly I speak in whisper, even unwhispered whisper. Mostly I speak in a very quiet voice that you have to lean toward in order to hear. Well worth it, to listen for My Voice. I whisper so quietly sometimes it comes to you only as a nudge, just the quietest of pokes in your ribs, even just an itch, an inkling almost unsounded, so quick you can miss it.

Of course, you don’t want to miss any message of Mine. You don’t want any blessing to slip between your fingers. Dear ones, there is the sense in which you can skip the messages. Even unheard, they have imperceptibly entered your heart and don’t leave easily. Yet favor listening.

I am not sensitive about your reception of Me. I just keep pressing the keys of the wireless, knowing that soon, you will pick up. Soon you will begin to hear the sweet music of My call to you. “Hello, beloved,” I say. “Do you hear Me? Do you like hearing Me? Will you let me know you hear Me? Will you send Me a message back? Will you kindly get up and do that which I ask you to, for I give you messages to deliver. May I count on you? Will you express My every thought through you? Will you speak for Me even when you don’t exactly hear? Will you follow My Will even when you don’t hear or see or know what My Will is? Will you simply follow Me, your heart of love? Will you be wedded to My thought and My love? Will you be Mine and give Me to all the world so that all may follow My joy as well?”

Read Comments

Dear God I tried to

Dear God

I tried to meditate, but i cant hear you, i tried to meditate....but in the end i end up crying....sad of my current miserable life.......i dunno when can i hear you......sometimes i know what i'm doing....the next i'm lost....i wish i can hear you every mins of my life.....

Beloved Juliana, I am going

Beloved Juliana, I am going to put your question to God. Keep watching for His answer here. It will be in a day or two.

To Danilo Todays

To Danilo

Todays Heavenletter at first refused to open for me, this "fatal error" thing I sometimes get. But even fatal things seem to have a way of remedying themselves after some time and finally I was able read about listening for God in my heart. I had used my time in God's waiting room this morning to browse older entries where I happened upon some of your recent posts and found myself quite shaken because they sound as if I had written them, Danilo.

Taking in God's message of today, I felt like hearing a "faint whisper", but since I'm not yet accustomed to listening to faint whispers, I was tempted to listen to my "convenience first" instead. This does not seem possible any more, so here is what I feel moved to tell you.

When it seems to be "no" on all sides, inside and out, carved in stone, etched in steel, it is really a benevolent "no", a loving "no", YOUR loving "no". As fierce and dark as it may look, it is not denying you but beckoning you. It is not telling you that you will have to die to finally "get it". It says, "It was alright, Danilo, to try to figure things out, you did an excellent job. But in the wake of your figuring-out -- in your search for God, in all of your efforts to be honest and spiritual -- your heart has been floating along with you, calmly, waiting its time, that split-second of opportunity when it will tell you or may already be telling you: 'Danilo, let's do something else for a change, let's do something that does not have to be intelligible or plausible or stand to reason. Let us surprise ouselves with the totally unexpected: let us love. Not because there is reason to love, not even because there is anything lovable anywhere. Just because love feels sooo good..'"

You will have guessed already, Danilo, that I myself am someone who knows all about "no". I also know that "yes" came to me as a total surprise, not as a result of effort, not at the end of a series or irrefutable conclusions. God is sudden (although not necessarily spectacular) for those who thought they were God-forsaken. My "yes" is still quite young, nothing you would call robust. In its confusion, it tries to turn to the thinking mind again or to change back into "no". Especially in times of fear and seeming lovelessness (the are the same thing), I still demand to be told the reasons. I know it's silly, but can't help it. Sometimes it feels as if I am worse off now that the old fortress of the intellect is demolished and a new one is not in sight. There will be none, I suspect.

I thought I heard it whispered I should tell this, Danilo.
Whether there is something in it for you or not, I feel very close to you.

While I wrote this, Juliana's post appeared. You will have God's answer, Juliana, I'm so happy for you!!!

Love to all the anguished souls in the world,


Jochen, I just want to say

Jochen, I just want to say that I believe God's answer came through you. It's really beautiful. It is divine.

In a little while, I'll post God's other answer to Juliana. :) While you were writing your post, I was writing down what I heard God say.

By the way, in His answer to Juliana (to everyone), God mentioned you, Jochen. Amazing, isn't it?

God's direct response to

God's direct response to Juliana's question:

Juliana to God:

Dear God,

I tried to meditate, but i cant hear you, i tried to meditate....but in the end i end up crying....sad of my current miserable life.......i dunno when can i hear you......sometimes i know what i'm doing....the next i'm lost....i wish i can hear you every mins of my life.....

God to Juliana:

Beloved Juliana, you have jumped to some conclusions. You have made some assumptions.

Where did I say you have to meditate? I do not say that. I do not mean to imply that you have to do anything. I don’t mean that you have to try at all. Trying doesn’t bring you peace, not that you have to have peace either.

This is not a test, beloved. You cannot fail. I cannot fail. Straining to listen and listening are not the same. Follow joy, beloved Juliana. I would like to ask you to stop thinking that you are doing something wrong, or that you are doing something less. Neither you nor are lacking.

There is nothing you have to do to hear Me. Let Me use a different word from hear. Let’s use the word feel. Just allow yourself to feel even the tiniest bit of My love. Just allow yourself to feel Me close to you, or you close to Me. I am present. You will feel My Presence. I think you may feel it now.

Yearn, beloved, but yearn with assurance.

I know you know what love is. When there is a murmur of love in your heart, that’s Me.

Easily remind yourself of Me, sweet heart. This is not an assignment. This is what you want. This is what I want. We both want you to feel closeness with Me.

There is no urgency here.

Perhaps it would be wise of Me to suggest that you forget about hearing from Me or sensing Me for a little while. Of course, I want you to feel Our Oneness always, yet I want the tenseness to go away. Perhaps forget about hearing from Me or sensing Me for a little while. Does some of the tenseness leave? There are no have-to’s here, sweet child.

Juliana, you are not looking for a spectacular experience. You are looking for an ordinary simple awareness of something between Us. We have a connection, and it is deep, and it is eternal, and yet the experience is quite ordinary.

Jochen finds Me in nature. He feels emboldened by trees.

Where do you get a glimpse of My love, a hint of it, a spot of it?

Look up, My dear Juliana.

Another thing, where did I say that crying was bad? Yes, of course, I want you to wipe your tears, and yet crying is good. Yes, of course, I want you to smile and be happy, so smile and be happy even through your tears.

You describe relative life very well. “...sometimes i know what i'm doing....the next i'm lost....” That pretty well sums it up! Back and forth, up and down, this way and that. And, yet, shining through, there is something more.

Beloved, who gets enough of that something more? And that is the yearning you feel.

Perhaps, when you are not looking, you will see Me right in front of you or by your side. You may look around, and I will be there too. You will know Me everywhere, even in tears.

You may have miserable moments, beloved, but I ask you not to sum up your dear life as miserable. Do not name it that. Name it God’s gift, or blessing, or just plain life.

Will you do this for Me? Will you find some lines in this Heavenletter about listening to God in One’s Heart that speak to you encouragingly? What lines or words are a little bit like a summer breeze to you? And will you copy them down here where everybody can see them and be reminded of My love?

Juliana, it’s all right for you to take life less seriously, angel of My heart.

Give Me a hug now, and know I am still staying with you, for this is what I like to do. This is what I do with all My heart, to love you as I do love you. I AM love. And so are you.

I am totally overwhelmed by

I am totally overwhelmed by the postings and the most wonderful reply of God to Juliana.
Dear Jochen, I feel so close to what you experience and indeed as you say: "God is sudden (although not necessarily spectacular) for those who thought they were God-forsaken." I have made this experience very recently, it confirms that God knows what we can handle and when it's too much, although MANY times I thought He must be wrong about me and that I'm not that strong.
God's reply to Juliane is a wonderful blessing to all of us here and I thank God and Gloria from the depths of my heart for this. Dear Juliane, I always think that if I went and cried all the tears I've cried in the desert, now it would be all green ! It's true, believe me. Tears are ok, let them out so that after them God's love can blossom from within you anew. Try to find the small things that give you joy, no matter how small it is. Everything moves and changes, everything, our life and we and those who surround us. Several times I thought that it was the end, that I could not get things straight again, like a tunnel without exit, but God always provided me a new exit and new chances and new days and dawns to say thank you to Him, He does this for all His children for He is A GOD OF LOVE.
I send you dear Juliane, and all here, all my love, sweet and tender love and I blow you kiss.

I have to just note that,

I have to just note that, whatever Berit has gone through, she unfailingly uplifts us all. The love you send to Juliane, I think we all feel. God bless you, bright light Berit.

Canim Gloria, this letter

Canim Gloria, this letter made my heart grow. I feel its vibrations in my chest. As if it is expanding, getting bigger, it is vibrating, resonating in my chest ;)

PS: I was a bit lazy(!) [referring to the above letter :p ] to read the other comments. Later I will give this a try. Oh my BELOVED GOD, there are tooooo many things to read :Criying:



Dear God Sorry i didn

Dear God

Sorry i didn realised i just thought that you will understand what i have gone thru, and hence i spring into my reply to you instantly.......

Why do i say i tried to meditate..... is because countless people have told me to know my higher self or to get answers on my own would be to meditate.... i must have jumped to conclusions that i have to meditate then i will get answers from God.....

So i thought to get answers from my higher self would be to meditate and hence to get answers from God would be to meditate.... Isn't higher self equal to God? Perhaps i really am doing my own assumptions.....

I went to several angel readers.... God you must know! I wanted to communicate with you so badly or rather angels and God on the other side so much.... as a results i have spent too much money on healing and spiritual pursuits.....not that i'm complaining although you may feel i am.....

I wanted to know that you are by my side...but sometimes i felt that i have a Jesus moment, like you have left me and not answering my prayers for very long time....

I'm facing a financial crisis which I am aware is of my own actions.... I am still struggling to solve it...but i so hoped to get a miracles from you dear God......

And i feel that i have some financial karma i must have done in the past that i am unable to accumulate wealth.......and so as of todate i have not learn my lessons or achieve what i wanted......

Dear God i just need to hear you louder, i'm very deaf.....

Dear God i want you to know that i love you very much.... Please help me....

I think God is saying you

I think God is saying you don't need to try so hard.

What is God saying to you in the message He gave you here? Listen. Put in your own words what God is saying.

To Juliana, Very dear

To Juliana,

Very dear Juliana,

Here what I will be saying is not just to solace you. They are mere experiences.

Whether we are able to hear God or not (I say hear, because I am sure, anyway by means of everything, any instrument he is talking to us and we are learning to listen) yes, whether we are able to hear God or not we aaaallllllll have, have had, or had very difficult, bad times.
We all bumped into difficulties and even high, thick walls.

What I experienced is whatever this difficulty is - like dark clouds- they are all passing by. Those difficulties are always temproray time of periods. Yesss sometimes it hurts too much to bear, sometimes it is tooo painful to bear, I -indeed- know. But anyhow they all pass by, they do not stay.

I used to read Joseph Murphy's books. He has many many books and indeed they help.
"Miracle Power for Infinite Riches" or "How to attract money" etc...He gives many many examples in these books, examples of people who had serious problems and had miraclous solutions or just simple solutions. Those books may help, at least they give a wonderful relaxation.

Take a deep breath and be sure that, this difficult time of period will pass away. It will be gone..

I think God is saying wonderful things in his message to you.

I wish you all the best and love, lots of love, universe of love..


Dearest Engin, I appreciate

Dearest Engin,

I appreciate very much all that you share so generously with us. I perfectly agree with your words, and indeed it is most important to remember that all difficulties and dark clouds will surely pass, but when we are admist them it is not so easy.

The books you mention can really be a help to shift our position and get a more positive point of view and attitude. Reading about people who have exprienced extreem situations and have found a way to a happy and maybe even wealthy life, are surely uplifting and can help us to stay tuned positively and find our own way of changing things.

Although this message was for Juliane, I feel it is blessing for us all and I thank you very much.


Thank you, Jochen. Yes, it's

Thank you, Jochen.

Yes, it's silly, it's easy to say "yes" and turn yourself to the pleasure of self well-being of emotions. It's very easy, for the human being, to cling to any concept, idea, word, which can feel safe, to find a hope, to find a justification to himself and the life. The truth is that you are nobody: without these Words, you are nobody and you have nothing, just words, and when to go to sleep, in fact, there is not anything: neither you nor God. So, who are you and what ever you do? You are a product of words. You are a nothing living, with a memory made up of words - words that are human or divine - but only words, and their emotions too, but you remain what you are: a collection of words.
But the problem is that human beings live only a world made of words, and believes that the words correspond to reality. Who is willing to recognize? None, because the human being is nothing that a ceaseless search for an impossible safety and continuity of yourself.


Is this really your view of

Is this really your view of life, Danilo?

Is this what you want to teach?

Dearest Gloria, no, I am

Dearest Gloria,

no, I am honest: I know I have just words, what do I teach? That it's the only thing I have: words. It's the only thing that I have, like God fro us. Without the memory of the words, I don't exist, none exists. At my words, at human'words, God opposes His Words, the Words of God are in addition to those of men: words were, words remain. It's necessary much more intelligence to understand that words are only words. But it's courageous enough, or desperate, to be willing to admit to himself. You are joyful because you have all the answers: God provides. God is on our side, God is with us. But they are only words, our words. We translate unknown into known, in words, but words like can transform and transform us into something real or different? Yesterday's words have not changed me, and so the words of tomorrow. Who can be joyful, it is only because he have founded a new GO(o)D reason to forget suffering of the living beings (not humans only) and start to think themself and its limited possessions and pleasures. Joy is a selfish response, a response of the ego, and God is the supreme ego because He enjoys Himself - He hasn't choise -, which is everything but beyond everything.

Sorry, Gloria, I am honest.

With love.


Dearest Jochen, ...... " The

Dearest Jochen,

The truth is that you are everything: with or without these Words, you are everything and you have everything, including just words, and when to go to sleep, in fact, there is everything: you and God. So, who are you and what ever you do? You are a product of God. You are eternity living in a huma body, with a memory made up of everything - everthing that is human and divine - not only words, but their emotions too, and you remain what you are: eternal love - God's most beloved child. "

With Love and blessings to Jochen :wub:

Dear Danilo, Reading your

Dear Danilo,

Reading your passionately honest and angry and uncompromising post, I feel again as if I was hearing my own words. Perhaps I’m projecting, but I sense a deep hurt there. I cannot claim I understand every single word you wrote, but I think I know what you are speaking about and I’m totally with you, do you believe me?

I will not argue, I don’t care about stating something convincing. I just want to feel good, and that is to love – and there are absolutely no words involved in that. I have read tons and tons and tons of advaita and everything else, and although all of it was just words, they formed a ladder, or slide, of words for me. To get ..... where? I don’t know. And the words themselves come from ..... where? I don’t know. Do you? Are words really the problem? Please, Danilo, try to not be quite so sure that all of us just want the cheapest way out. I am not using words to drug me out of the awarenes of suffering in the world. Be open for surprises.

So, all I can do is cheer you on, Danilo Do not take these words as being condescending. I speak from a feeling of somehow knowing your beautiful, wounded and lovesick heart as my own. I’m sure you are going to find whatever it is you are seeking. I want to bless you.

A happy New Year for you and all of our friends here,


Dearest Jochen, dearest

Dearest Jochen, dearest everybody.

Sorry for my bad english and for my bad mood. I have always tears in my eyes before reading God's Words as even reading your words.
Thank you to be with me, like I remain with you all.

Jochen, I don't have nothing to blame anyone because no one has created himself, and none exists separate from this inexorable movement that forces us to suffer and enjoy, to survive and die, and there are absolutely no words involved in that: it's there, before the eyes of all, always and forever.

I bless you that you can be happy and enjoy with so little, for so little, for yourselves, day after day, year after year.


Beloved Danilo, will you

Beloved Danilo, will you spin the Cosmic Heavenletter Generator (right margin above) and see what Heavenletter the Universe chooses for you?

I just did it and got Seek Your Own Fortune
Heavenletter # 1752 Published on: August 22, 2005. I think it's just right for everyone! and it sure was just right for me.

Your English is very very good, Danilo.

Your mood comes from your thoughts, dear one. Can you, on this New Year's Day, let go of your old thoughts?

We all have to do this, or we stay stuck.

God bless you always.

With love,


Dear Gloria, ok, I don't

Dear Gloria,
ok, I don't have any choice anyway... or I stay stuck.
Ok also for the Cosmic Generator: I only asked in silence, with my heart, and the Universe has chosen for me the Heavenletter # 1989: The Sparkles of the Stream. I hope that Paula or Berit translate this.
Thank you.


Danilo, that is just the

Danilo, that is just the point, dear one. YOU HAVE CHOICE.

Now I'm going to see what HEAVEn #1989, The Sparkles of the Stream, has to say!

With love and blessings and a Happy New Year to you, Danilo.

Danilo, brother, your

Danilo, brother, your connection to what you call "the Universe" must be a first class one. Perfect. Such beauty. Do you feel it too? My heart thumps like mad. Jochen

Beloved Danilo, with all

Beloved Danilo, with all love for you, you keep saying the same message over and over again.
You get beautiful messages from God in Heavenletters and beautiful messages from all the people here on the forum who care about you. You insist you are right and that God and all the people who make high-vibration statements are wrong.

Think about these other people, and uplift them. If you want to keep thinking as you always have, that is your privilege. No one will try to change your thinking then. At the same time, we would welcome hearing something new from you, dear friend.

With love and blessings,


Dearest Gloria, thank

Dearest Gloria,

thank you.

For me it's no question of right or wrong, this totally irrelevant in facts. But I fully agree with you: I can not add anything, I can not give anything, I can teach anything, I can not offer anything. On the contrary, I will be happy to learn one day that someone has realized himself the divine truth indicated in this
wonderful Heavenletters.

I am not able to share your satisfaction and your joy, so I remain alone and abandoned because God, and you, will charge me responsibility and "freedom" to be like I am.

I have always been in search of a truth, of a living truth, of a truth directly experienced, in the first person, of a truth came from inside me. Not for me, not for the peace of my mind, not to satisfy my need to try emotions, but for others, for the suffering people, for the world that need, after thousands of years, something more than words, even though they are from God.

With sincere admiration and love for all of you.


One must follow the Word to

One must follow the Word to its Source.

Let us give it the benefit

Let us give it the benefit of the doubt then, Danilo. That we CAN do, even if nothing else seems possible. Let us consider possible that some experience in our life made us jump to conclusions that may yet turn out to be wrong; and that a totally new and totally unexpected answer may be in store for us.

Life is plowing your heart, beloveds. A plowed field is not damaged. It is being readied for new planting. At this moment, I am sowing seeds of love in your heart. I am renewing your heart. I am blessing your heart. This cleansing may seem like major surgery, but your heart is not being removed. It is being restored.

Your heart will sing a song of love again. To whatever depths of despair your heart has sunk, it will find its voice again.
(#1891, "The Hall of Your Heart")

Much love, Jochen

Dearest Danilo, I have

Dearest Danilo,
I have searched for the Heavenletter you mention and I will translate it as soon as possible. Today I'm not feeling well, having some health problems and hope to recover quickly.
Love and blessings to you

Dearest Berit! I am sending

Dearest Berit!

I am sending you lots of Love and healing to help you recover quickly.

I also send lots of Love to you too Danilo!

Love Mary


Dearest Mary, MANY MANY

Dearest Mary,
MANY MANY THANKS ! It's quite ok now.
I send you a big big hug within the snow that is softly falling on Milan !
Love and blessings dear

Oh dearest Berit ~ I am so

Oh dearest Berit ~ I am so happy that you are feeling better now! :)

I send you lots more Love to give you a booster! :)

We had our first snow too this morning, here in the South of England, but it didn't last long, and has gone now!

Love you!



Dear God: I just want to

;) Dear God:

I just want to listen to you every single moment, and I do not do that frequently.
Please speak loud , as you know I am a little deaf, please help me.
Your words are very important to me.

With love,


2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said be My love
Wedded to My thought of joy
And follow My Will

God said My dear ones
Listen for My quiet voice
Express My blessings

Love, Light and Aloha!

I have been praying for an

I have been praying for an answer from God for some time now, but praying more so fervently in the past few days...this morning Gloria's Heaven Letter came and I could hardly wait to read it, as with all mornings! I've gone back and read it a few times today, as well as the replies to it...

I couldn't believe my eyes when I started reading it, for not only did I receive an answer in her Heaven Letter, but an answer as well in the postings of one of the replies to her Heaven Letter...

God speaks to us all the time, it's just that there's so much chaos in our world and daily lives that his voice is drowned out...the answer we are seeking is there for us and is brought to us in so many ways...thru' signs left along our way, in miracles and wishes that have come true and I have found the best way is the interaction we get from in the passing of a complete stranger by something we may have overheard them say to another or in starting a conversation with them ourselves...I call them RAG's...Random Acts of God's...for it is in the common bond we all share on this planet, when the rags or shambles we may think our life is in, it is when we as humans find our real-treasures within' each other...

God Bless you all,

Yellow Car, you are a solid

Yellow Car, you are a solid gold Cadillac.

Yellow Car

Yellow Car

Gloria, Your reply to Yellow


Your reply to Yellow Car made my day too!

One Love

Yellow Car, I LOVE GOD'S

Yellow Car,

I LOVE GOD'S RAGs !!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still learning to hear God's voice, and while learning, Heavenletters crossed my way and I couldn't believe that God could speak to me and to all of us with so much LOVE and SWEETNESS and UNDERSTANDING and give me these messages EACH SINGLE DAY !!!
Infinite times I got just the right answer at the right moment, or I was left in awe because the specific Heavenletter seemed just written for me, independent if it was the daily Heavenletter or an older one I was translating, that makes this game so fantastic. This happens to all of us and this is why I am so grateful to God and Gloria and to all Angels who post here !
I wish you many many more endless RAGs for 2008.

A big hug to you dear


Yellow Car

Yellow Car

Thank you, Glora! As

Thank you, Glora! As always, gorgeous and clear...

Wishing you all joyous moments in the coming year.

In love and gratitude -


a faint whisper

Sometimes you hear a faint whisper, and you don’t listen to it. You listen to your convenience first, or to your laziness, or because who knows why. You don’t even know why. Have no regrets, beloved, and, yet, next time you hear that whisper, get up, find it, and do accordingly. The whisper tells you of a blessing for yourself or a blessing for another. Get up, beloveds, right away and shower yourself with golden leaves of My love.

"By chance" I discovered

"By chance" I discovered this oh so marvellous Heavenletter right now. I am completely overwhelmed - from the Heavenletter itself and from God's answer to the question in the comments.

What a wonderful description of listening to God's subtle voice. What a precious gift from God to all of us. How can we thank God enough for it?

Love, Clemens


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