Like the Prince Who Rescues the Princess

God said:

No matter what, there is sunshine on leaves. There are children playing and dogs barking. A kitten climbs a tree, and a ball rolls in the street. Whatever else is going on in the world, you can be sure there is some exquisite kindness going on. Let it be going on with you.

Be kind anonymously, but be kind. Be like soft-serve ice cream to the world, so cooling and lovely going down. Let kindness be the texture of your life. Let kindness overtake aught else. Let it overtake your ever-present thoughts.

Let kindness be the white steed you ride, and let it ride to the winds.

Let kindness run across the screen of your life. Let kindness from you be like the sun coming over the horizon, dependable, always dependable, always coming to the rescue.

Let kindness mount your existence. Let go of the reins, and just let kindness be the golden scarf that flows as you move. Let your left foot be kind, and your right foot be ness. Jump on every occasion for kindness.

What is another word for kindness? How about good manners? When you are genial, you are kind.

What is another word for kindness? Creativity is another word for kindness because, when you give kindness, you may be giving the unexpected. You give the unforeseen. Kindness enters an arena where kindness raises its arm and is declared the winner.

Kindness makes you look up. Whether you are the maker of kindness or not, if you are simply the observer of it, still kindness makes you look up. Kindness makes you inhale.

Kindness is the like the prince who rescues the princess. It is always just in the nick of time. Kindness rides in from the west just when the sun is setting, and kindness sets time back.

Kindness is always timely. There is never a better moment for it. It is the surprise finale that is needed most.

It is not kind to yell back at someone. Did you think it was?

It is not kind to demand respect. Better to earn it with kindness.

It is not kindness to fan flames in the name of justice. Pour water on the flames with kindness and put them out.

Kindness is a departure from selfishness. Rising to the occasion is kindness. In order to be kind, you have to think of someone besides yourself. You do not make yourself more nor less than they. You simply are kind.

Today there will be an occasion for kindness, even if you have to pull it out from under your sleeve like a magician.

If it is hard for you to be kind, then at least leave off unkindness. Leave off punishing anyone. Wish them well instead. They will not always be here for you to wreak vengeance on, and you may wish to wish them well.

Previously there may not have been closure, but with kindness, it is all done. You are free from obligation, and you have turned your opponent into a friend. At least you have turned your recalcitrant thoughts into allies.

When you start starring kindness in your life, you will be amazed at the opportunities that will present themselves. They will take you unawares, but you will be on your toes. Commit the smallest kindness today, and you will be greater than you knew. You will grow like a smile. You will receive the medal of honor. I will give you a rose. And you will thank Me, not so much for the rose, but for your own discovery of the joy of kindness within you.

You will be amazed that kindness had not been in the forefront of your life before. As you become used to giving kindness, you will stagger with the lightness of it, and find yourself on your knees in gratitude for the delight and privilege of being kind.

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Be kind anonymously, but be

Be kind anonymously, but be kind.
Be like soft-serve ice cream to the world,
so cooling and lovely going down.
Kindness is always timely.
There is never a better moment for it.
It is the surprise finale that is needed most.
As you become used to giving kindness,
you will stagger with the lightness of it,
and find yourself on your knees in gratitude
for the delight and privilege of being kind.

Loving You always !


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