Like a Beautiful Stone
You see now how there is no traveling. Your body goes somewhere, and you accompany it, and yet you are established on Earth and in Heaven.
No matter the scenery, you are like a beautiful stone picked up in one place, and then laid down in another. The stone is the same stone.
Nothing has changed. You, however, feel you have been picked up and deposited somewhere, and you see this as a difficulty. You are in a dream just the same. You are not a stranger. You are resident of where you have always been. Only you think you are somewhere else. You have always been in Eternity. You are the Infinite of the Eternal.
You are the sun who seemingly travels, yet it is the Earth that turns its face to the sun.
Another location appears, and you are situated in My heart all the while. Established in My heart, you cannot be established anywhere but in My heart. My heart is the Eternal and Infinite, and you are right with Me.
"Abide with Me" is only an expression, for you abide nowhere else. I might as well say: "Come, stay where you already are and cannot leave."
Beloveds, the sentient world you live in is obvious whereas the spiritual land you live in, where you really live, is seemingly obscured.
Yet, nothing is obscured. You live on an even plane which in a moment of stillness is much like a drop of dew. The drop is pending. It is poised. It is always pending in the hush of My breath. You and life are like dewdrops, full, rich, luminous, suspended in air, ready to drop yet not quite ready, getting fuller, expanding, ever-expanding, ever pending.
The moment is now.
You approach yourself. You sidle up to yourself and you say: "Who are you? What are you doing here? Where do you come from? Where are you going tonight?"
Your True Self laughs and answers yourself: "Where I am every night is with God. And where I am every day is with God."
A mountain appears to rise in the sky, and the mountain asks itself: "Who is it who is rising in the sky? Or is the sky coming to me? Am I the sky as well as the mountain? Does the sky like me? Does it embrace me? Are the sky and I related to each other? Or are we the same? Are we illusions of the same?"
The mountain further asks:
"And what are these beings called human beings who climb me to reach the summit of the sun, and what happens then? Why do these beings peer over the edge of the world which has no edge but that they think so?
"The Earth is round, and I am a mountain peak perched on that roundness. Seemingly I cannot scamper, so beings scamper to my place. Did I call to the beings or did they call to me? And if they sang, what song did they sing? How did I hear, and how did I answer? Did I ever cease to answer?
"I am the mountain people climb up, and I am the mountain people climb down. I am inevitably the mountain, and you who climb me are inevitably beings who climb great heights.
"And I am the sky who appears to myself. The sky is my backdrop upon which I appear. All is a backdrop, and all human beings explore.
"We all are immersed in each other. We are lost and found within us. We pursue ourselves to what end? To no end at all, for all is the dewdrop ready to drop incapable of going anywhere because there is no place to go, only ever onward and nowhere. Established in this moment of suspension, there is a hush, and we are that hush as well.
"We hold hands in a mirage, yet, within this mirage lies wholeness, and there are no parts.
"We are secured in the heart of God who is also within us, outside us, and forever nowhere but everywhere with no beginning and no end, no past, no future, only this moment.
"Who is this being who scales me? I, the mountain am also being. In the clouds or in a camera shot, I am being, and being is mighty. Who I am, you are, and where we are, we are not, for we are a simple exhale of God recreating Himself in the form of us.
"Creation creates. It scales and it downscales, and ever soars. Right now we are complete even as we try to complete our already complete ourselves."
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