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Letter from Heavenletters' new Chinese translator----Lucy Bi

Dear Gloria,

This is Lucy Bi from China, I'm so happy to write to you right now and I hope you well always.
I am a friend of Cat, actually we are classmates and roommates since we were young in college. Heard of you for longtime as channeling of heavenletters, every time I read Heavenletters I see a name Gloria who is almost a mystery to me, How this lady worked it out with God what he must tell and he is telling so much everyday.

In the past years, when I worked in a shipping line company, what I cared most is about the family and my job, I thought about God at times only when I tried to make him help me out or to live a better life, Sure I have dreams, and I know soul is most important but it seems there always pressing things to handle first, until when angles approached me by the angel numbers and Cat back to China to work for light, it's time to awake and wise up. Now we together with another friend Jiro set up a wechat reading group with nearly 400 people join in, Jiro presides the reading party on line every everning, sometimes i took the lead to read and share my stories and experience as well, and we always start with reading the heavenletters at 8;30 pm translated by Cat, Till now I translated a couple of letters with Cat's help on proofreading, I hope I can translate all by myself soon, Thank God and all my friends for their blessings and help. Thank you for your circulation on the letters so we connect to God so close everyday...

Attached a photo of our three took last month, I am in the middle, and Jiro on my left side, the other one is me at Singapore airport two years ago

All my best wishes to you and your family

best regards
Lucy Bi
cell phone 0086 18522956684


Dear Lucy Bi,

my heartiest welcome to you! Thank you for joining our team and thank you for sharing your wonderful story with us.

That you, Cat and Jiro set up a wechat reading group with nearly 400 people is just fabulous. It is a true novelty and a source of inspiration for all of us.

We all are very happy to have you here. It is so great to work together in the service of God. May God's light shine brightly on you and Cat and Jiro.

Love and blessings

Beloved Lucy Bi, Cat, Jiro and all of you angels out there!

Beloved Lucy Bi,

Your beautiful email overwhelms me with joy! Thank you for the opportunity of getting to know you – and in such a magnificent way – through God in Heavenletters!

What wonders you, Cat, and Jiro are bringing to the world! I am in awe of what you three have accomplished. No one that I know of has created a live reading group, let alone one with 400 people, let alone one that meets every night! How did you all make it happen?!! To my knowledge, this is a first. How did you create this strong group of 400! Wonder of wonders! I don’t want you to become self-conscious about this. I do want you to know my gratitude.

Out of all the world, God chose you three to quietly make miracles on Earth.

Lucy, Cat, and Jiro, you must know that your meeting group reaches further than the 400 of you. The vibration you create must echo around the world. People who are reached by your group may not consciously be aware of this, yet the Consciousness of the World is rising. All that God desires is coming true.

God bless you, Beautiful Souls you and all translators are paving the way!

Right now, three Holy Great Ones in China are innocently serving God and working wonders. I am in awe and overwhelmed in joy. When great things happen, they seem to happen naturally and easily. No one but God could make this happen! .

Love and more love,


P.S. Will find someone to post your beautiful photos so everyone can see them. You are beautiful inside and out!