Let the Mind Open Its Borders

God said:

You cannot turn your back on Me. No matter where you turn, I am. There is no place you can turn where I am not. But I am not your shadow; I am your light.

My light will shine on you no matter what, no matter what you think and do, no matter where you think you are, no matter what you think or do not think of Me.

There is no escape from the God of Love. You cannot flee from Me because I am on all sides of you and above and beyond. The fact is I carry you.

You do not have a decision to make whether or not you are Mine. You are Mine. You can make a decision to acknowledge Me and Our intimacy, but you cannot make a difference in Me or in My outlook or in My view or in your place in My heart. You cannot destroy the indestructible undeniable deep Oneness that is Ours. You cannot destroy a tithe of it. You cannot affect it. You have Me beautiful whether you want Me or see Me or not. You have the light of God shining in you. That is all there is to it.

When you ever feel abandoned by Me, it is because you have come to believe in your own propaganda more than your own senses. If I never were, how could I ever abandon you? And if I am, how can you ever be abandoned? And you cannot abandon Me, try as you might, because I am closer to you than you are to yourself.

How hard you try to believe in My nonexistence! How you long to find Me napping! How you long to catch Me out!

In the world, a no carries much weight. Proof of a negative is easier than proof of a positive. It is easier to disprove than prove.

In Heaven, a yes carries, and there is no no. In Heaven there are no opposites. The truth of Oneness allows only Oneness. Disparity cannot enter.

Put your energy towards Me, Myself, rather than evidence of Me. I Myself am proof that I exist. Nothing else is proof. Nothing else can be because only I exist. And I exist in you, and therefore you exist in Me.

Will you accept My presence in your life once and for all? This is no great ceremony I am offering to you. There is no great initiation. There is no grand proclamation. There is no change whatsoever because the changeless cannot be changed, and you and I, in the depths of creation, are changeless. Only the surface makes marks. Only the surface gets dented. We may be seen on the surface, but We are far more than the surface. We are the depths of creation itself.

When I say to you, "Come to Me", I am speaking figuratively. There is no place for you to go. I possess your heart. You possess Mine. It is only your mind that lacks awareness of Me. Your mind is easy to sway. It has swayed to this and that. Now encourage it to sway to Me. Let the mind open its borders and allow Me to enter. Allow you to enter where I am. Let Us enter together. We enter Truth. We enter Love. We enter Oneness. We enter Heaven, and then you have the awareness that that is all there is and has ever been, you and I in the wondrousness of Heaven's light, which is Our light, shining in the light of mutual love for all existence. Accept My love. That is all you have yet to do.

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Accept My love. That is all you have yet to do.

Oh God, I Choose to Accept Your Love & Be! When I accept Your Love, all that needs to be done, is Already Done & thus I can just Be As Your Love's Fulfillment Forever Ongoing! What is that 'I' in Every One, but Your Love! What is that 'AM' in Every One, but Your Love's Fulfillment Forever Ongoing!




Let the mind open its borders and allow Me to enter. Allow you to enter where I am. Let Us enter together. We enter Truth. We enter Love. We enter Oneness. We enter Heaven, and then you have the awareness that that is all there is and has ever been, you and I in the wondrousness of Heaven's light, which is Our light, shining in the light of mutual love for all existence.

Love without any particular object to attach to, Frees Our Identity from personalities. Thus We Love All Existence & We Are All Existence. God has Shown in this Passage the Meaning of True Love, Love that Is as Vast as All Existence. Love is the Subject, Love is the Object, Love is the Verb. LOVE LOVES LOVE & LOVE IS LOVE.


Let Us Restore Mind's Openness Allowing God to Enter!

This Love Letter from God has to be Read Re-Read Again & Again to Immerse Our Mind in the Vastness of God's Love so that It is released from ego's vicious grip & Be As Our Heart's Open Channel for Pouring Love into the World.

Let the mind open its borders and allow Me to enter.

Mind becomes little mind because of ego lid closing its openness. Let Us throw away the ego lid & Restore its Openness Allowing God to Enter!


I AM 1(One) & Only!

Nothing else can be because only I exist.

This is an Aphorism of Non-duality. Just look at 'I' and see. It's looks like Number 1, One!

I AM 1(One) & Only!

I = Divine Presence, Existence, Oneness
AM = Awareness of Divine Presence, Existence, Oneness


In Heaven, a yes carries,

In Heaven, a yes carries, and there is no no. In Heaven there are no opposites. The truth of Oneness allows only Oneness. Disparity cannot enter.

Once again take a close look at 'I' and see. See how Thin & Lean it is! Let Us burn away the accumulated fat of unnecessary vanities for then only We can become Thin & Lean as 'I' and Enter the Narrow Gate of Heaven. The Gate which is like 'I' allows only 'I'! Our vanities may be desperate to enter but they are disparity that cannot enter Heaven! Let Us shed Our ego thickness altogether & Be God-Slim As 'I'!

Tamil Verses of this Heavenletter

You cannot turn your back on Me. No matter where you turn, I am.

Your mind is easy to sway. It has swayed to this and that. Now encourage it to sway to Me.

Accept My love. That is all you have yet to do.

Please click the link below to read the Tamil Verses of the Quoted Passages of this Heavenletter.



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