Let Desires Spin Around in the Universe

God said:

Desires do get fulfilled. Sometimes when you least expect it. There is a fine balance between desiring and demanding. Desire with all your heart, and then trust that your desire will be fulfilled. Let go of your desire enough so that it can be fulfilled. Desires like to fly free.

The timing may not be in line with your desire. Desires are fulfilled when they are fulfilled. Sometimes the more impatient you are, the more the desire answers in its own sweet time. Desiring is not meant to be the same as ruling the roost.

You can boost your desires too much! You may have to be a little casual with your desires. After all, your life does not depend upon the fulfillment of your desires. It certainly seems so sometimes, yet that is just an idea you have, like to have. You may like it that it is urgent that your every desire is fulfilled, and fulfilled now. You like to be listened to. You like to be taken seriously.

What part of you wants to be taken seriously? Could it be that little bully ego? Ego doesn’t like to be tampered with or stalled. Ego wants instant agreement, by golly.

Cast out your desires in an easy way, the way you might cast a fishing line when the sun is shining and the day is long. Just let nature take its course. Better to be beholden to nature than to ego. Ego is such an impatient little cuss. Ego has the maturity of, let’s say, a two-year old. Some two-year olds are more mature than your ego, will you admit to that? Ego wants what it wants, and it wants it now. Ego will not be derailed. Don’t be ego’s patsy. Ego has nothing to lose, but you do.

It is well-known that ego is a big player. He’s one of the guys at the card game with all the money who takes yours. He smokes his cigar and blows smoke in your face. Ego takes your free will actually and makes you ego’s servant. You don’t have to be beholden to ego. Ego is like cigar smoke. Both cigar smoke and ego eventually go away. When you don’t answer ego’s knock, he will find more fertile fields to play in. Ego has his pride, after all.

About desires, how could anyone desire ego? But it must be that many have desired ego, or there would not be so much of it around. Be tough about ego and not about your desires. Let it not be your desire that every wish of yours is granted at the moment you desire it. Let the granting of the desire come as it wills. Be a forgiving desirer.

No one likes to be made to do anything. You don’t. Have your desires, and know there is no need for you to supervise them. Be glad when a desire is fulfilled. That is good enough to make more desires come panting to your door. Make it easy for your desires to be fulfilled by letting go of them. Some things just cannot be rushed. Rushing is how eggs get dropped to the floor and don’t reach the frying pan.

Let your desires spin around in the Universe for a while. They will find their own direction. Actually, your desires already know their path. Have you been trying to tell them how, when, and where?

Let your desires be like kites. Like kites, your desires will be picked up by the breeze, and they will be returned to you in ways you may not have thought of. That’s okay, isn’t it?

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This is about how to handle desires and ego, but when I reached the last paragraph, I found not only desires are picked up by the breeze. All are, everything is picked up by the breeze, not just like kites but also like spring blossoms and autumn leaves and bubbles blown by giggling children. In the breeze, ego and its cigar stench are not a problem, they are not even worth talking about. What is breeze? I don't know how to say it, but imagining those kites and bubbles, there is some sense of it.


Beautiful Message - such joy and harmony your painted picture brings to my heart. Absolutely beautiful. Desiring from a child's heart... with its purity... desiring to fly kites and blowing bubbles once again knowing that we are on the right track in life... our eternal life.

Much love and light, Dear brother

Jochen, precious Jochen speaks words that float in the breeze.

Jochen I challenge you to use your usual sense of deep analysis to see that this entire EGO thing is totally misunderstood by society as an unruly item when the EGO is a beautiful, God given part of our being that only needs to be trained to serve us with great power and wisdom.

We should never play with the EGO as if it were a stubborn brat. It is the driving mechanism of our body while the body is earth-bound. We can teach the EGO to be a divine servant by reading Heaven Letters, thinking through your wonderful comments, and by bringing our thoughts captive to God. it works, I know.


George, wise friend, I agree

George, wise friend, I agree with you that generally too much is made of the concept of ego, whether it is touted as the great villain or downplayed as just one functional unit of the total psychospiritophysical organism or any number of things in between. Historically, one of the most unfortunate things in this respect has been the translation of Freud's term "Ich" into English "ego". A lot of confusion originates there. But using my "usual sense of deep analysis", I prefer not to go into this but to stick to what I believe "ego" means in Heavenletters: the agency of separation and thus of selfishness.

And in this definition, ego can be quite a handful for some of us. For instance, there are countries that have benevolent leaders and there are countries … well, you know what I mean. I only mention countries (not wanting to go into this either) to make a point about my ego: I have allowed it to cheat and oppress and bully and exploit and torture me for many years, and I found that trying to wriggle out from under it, I meet with fierce and merciless resistance. There is no historical or contemporary tyrant I have not found within myself.

Only recently am I beginning to really see that fighting this ego is what makes it a monster. Now Heavenletters seem to want to teach me a adifferent way, that of not heeding it, of simply not following its thoughts but desiring silence and peace and ease instead — breeze.

Desire from The Soul of Love

Dear Lord,

Thank You for You Love Letter. Beautiful - to have the ability to desire silently, knowing Your gracious Universe will gift us our desires fulfilled. Desire from the centre of Our Heart and Retire from the Core of The Ego and the Universe shall plant the Desires in Its Open, Vast and Magical Garden. Dear Father, will desires stemming from the Ego be greeted at the Gates of Heaven? How do We screen to make sure our desires have birthed not from an embryo of the Ego?
A most comforting and beautiful message dear Father. Just as a child is birthed to a family according to the Will of the Universe, Our desires too will pray-fully manifest in the form of Your Will and At Divine Timing.

Thank You Lord

Love love love

Desire from "imagination" differs from desire from "intention."

We need to know that our ego cares for every physical function of our body according to some doctors. The ego's skill is beyond our wildest dreams. The ego only gives us trouble if we train it to be a bully or a spoiled little child.

Most scientists like to think of the ID, the EGO and the SUPER EGO. They also teach that DNA/ RNA form the patterns for each and every cell. This is true in the fetus but later on in life this changes. Authorities like Bruce Luptin a teacher of doctors, tells us that the DNA/RNA are influenced by environmental stimuli. The placebo and nocebo effects are caused by the Mind of man affecting the DNA/RNA to form chemicals in the body by how people think.

Desire comes to us from what we THINK, look at, play with, read, and open our spirit to. Kalil Ggriban writes: "If you must needs have desires, let these be your desires: "To melt and be like a running brook that sings its melody in the night, and t know the pain of too much tenderness...." The routine of reading Heaven Letters will began to shape your desires so that they fit the melody of your divine intentions.


"What part of you wants to be taken seriously?"

As could be expected, God puts back ego on the menu today. So I guess it is because we are not quite acquainted yet with that little bugger.

God Himself seems to oscillate between presenting ego as nothing, as smoke, or as a tough guy. Sometimes He tells us to chase it away with a simple boo! and today He is telling us to be tough about it.

"About desires, how could anyone desire ego? But it must be that many have desired ego, or there would not be so much of it around."

Ego would then be the manifestation of a desire. But since God would never desire ego, He would never create it. Thus we cannot create ego, we can only fabricate it. The body is the "embodiment" of ego. It is the clever device that we invented to experience what we are not, namely separated beings, separated from one, hiding ourselves behind private thoughts and private relationships. DNA/RNA is part of that complex living structure we call the body and surely plays a big role in maintening the tool we use to explore all the facets of separation.

Moreover, exploring separation through the body means that we did "desire" to make the experience of God difficult, because we insisted that there had to be more that we needed to do. This is another way of saying we tried to do it our own way instead of accepting the silence and peace that God gave us when He created us.

Should we go as far as saying that God could not create the body since it is the device of separation? Could it be possible that our desire to experience separation did fabricate it? Then of course, the body would appear as an illusion. God ignores the body because He is inconceivable with a body. It would be an absurdity. So it can only be an illusion.

Illusions must be treated the same way as we do with dreams. Let us not forget that the only earthly dream or desire there is — from which all other dreams and desires arose — came to happen from our decision to make everything that was natural and easy for us impossible.

Then comes our attitude or our way of handling ego. If we fight it or resist it, we give its illusion the status of reality. If we ignore it, it strikes you in the back. So what can we do?

If we believe, and we certainly do, that it is an almost impossible task to handle ego, it might be because we have become the arbiter of what is possible, and remain unwilling to give place to the One Who knows. Ego, as illusions, as dreams has to be collected lightly with a little laugh. After all ego is but a bad nightmare we have to be nicely awaken from. Ego has to be gently laid at the feet of Truth. And it should disappear entirely. Could we add that the body should also disappear entirely?