Know Oneness Now

God said:

Today you will learn to walk across the world with great strides. No more tip-toeing in life. Now you stride across the circumference of Earth. You are not a timid walker. You are a strider across the Universe.

You belong here. You would not be on Earth if it were not the place for you. You are entitled to be here. You are a Regent on Earth.

Consider that you are on vacation here, and make the most of it. Have a good time. There is no point in anything else, beloveds. There is no point to suffering, no point in wallowing, no point in looking back, no point in anything but great joy, great giving, great living.

You are not a desperado. You are a great enjoiner on Earth. You are here to sow and reap goodness. And that is joy, beloveds, that is joy, that is the joy you have been seeking.

You are here on Earth but for a minute. Let that minute be a glory moment, a moment to speed across the sky like a comet, one glory-filled moment worth having and worth sharing. Come out of hiding, beloveds.

Now you lead a public life, not a life of show, but a life of Truth. You are the ship of life sent across the seas to discover the new land of Heaven on Earth. You have been chosen to be the discoverer of it. Each person has to discover it for himself. We begin with you.

You are mining for gold, for Heaven is gold. It is the mightiest gold on Earth. Know that Heaven is on Earth. You need only the eyes to see. You need the idea of seeing Heaven. Look for it. All the signs are right before you.

No longer look behind you. Step right up to life. You don’t walk backwards. You walk forward with great strides. Your muscles are strong now. Never again do you falter. If you trip and fall, well, you pick yourself up with joy, not remonstrance, glad to not miss a step in your journey. You are only a hop, skip, and a jump away from your receipt of Heaven.

Your order was put in long ago, and it was sent out to you. It is only waiting for you to pick it up. How many notices must you receive before you accept what has your name on it? Accept now, beloveds, accept now.

You take long forward-moving strides. There is only one direction to go in, and that is forward. There is nothing you have to take with you but yourself. You don’t need to pack old stuff. You just need to get going,
Your foot is itching. Aren’t you raring to go?

Do you realize how patient I have been? Patience is from your view, of course, From My view, there is no time so patient or impatient do not exist. I have been peaceably waiting for you to spot where I am, and to come over to Me without further ado. There is nothing to get ready, or, if there were, it was readied long ago. My arms have long been held out to you. They never get tired, yet My arms long to receive you. They want to be filled with you. We embrace, and then there are no longer your arms or My arms. There are simply arms of love, ample to include all, and then you will really know Oneness as it has seldom been known before. Know Oneness now.

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3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said look for it
Know that Heaven is on Earth
Waiting for you now

God said Beloveds
My arms long to receive you
Come over to Me

God said We embrace
And then you will know Oneness
Having and sharing

Love, Light and Aloha!

Wonderful these Haikus !!!!!

Wonderful these Haikus !!!!! you are a blessing dear, many many thanks !!


Gloria, You continue to


You continue to amaze me with your Heaven Letter. I love them. How do you do it, putting one out every day. I can’t get a newsletter going, let alone such amazing compositions each day direct from God. Well I guess that explains it. Thank you thank you for brightening my days. I love you and look forward to the letters..


Kalena Thiessen

Beloved Kalena, it is easy

Beloved Kalena, it is easy to Godwrite! It is the easiest thing in the world.

My own writing is much easier now than it was before I started Godwriting, yet nothing is as easy as Godwriting.

Putting Heaven News together is mostly my personal writing, and it takes me a lot of time and focus to get it ready.

I think Godwriting is just a different kind of focus -- or non-focus -- just letting God do it without interference from me.

God does the work, and I get thanked!

I thank you for your appreciation of Heavenletters.

Please post more!

There is a lot here that I think would be meaningful to you.

There is just a new post called Acceptance that is so honest and touching. I bet you'll have a response for it. Also the personal miracle in Italy -- I think it's right up your alley.

With love and blessings,


In the early seventies I

In the early seventies I hear someone read from a periodical, "Man you are GOD, wake up and realize your DIVINE POTENTIAL!!". I wrote the statement in my journal immediately and have never forgotten it. You have BEAUTIFULLY put this into words for me - thank you - I can see more clearly now!!!!
Be Peace, Know Peace, See Peace ,
Love & Light, Anne-Marie:)

Hello Dearest Gloria, Thank

Hello Dearest Gloria,

Thank you for this wonderfully inspiring message. So positive and joyful in it's essence.
Makes one stand tall and with a smile live the day.

Come out of hiding, beloveds.

You belong here. You would not be on Earth if it were not the place for you. You are entitled to be here.

Have a good time. There is no point in anything else, beloveds. There is no point to suffering, no point in wallowing, no point in looking back, no point in anything but great joy, great giving, great living.

You are a great enjoiner on Earth. You are here to sow and reap goodness. And that is joy, beloveds, that is joy, that is the joy you have been seeking.

Now you lead a public life, not a life of show, but a life of Truth. You are the ship of life sent across the seas to discover the new land of Heaven on Earth. You have been chosen to be the discoverer of it.

Know that Heaven is on Earth. You need only the eyes to see. You need the idea of seeing Heaven. Look for it. All the signs are right before you.

You are only a hop, skip, and a jump away from your receipt of Heaven. Your foot is itching. Aren’t you raring to go?