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Jochen, can you find some Heavenletters for us?
Posted April 5th, 2009 by Gloria Wen...
Is it easy for you to find a few Heavenletters that talk about how we have forgotten and how now we are remembering?
With love and blessings,
There is nothing that comes to mind immediately, but I know a lot has been said about this. Using our brilliant search facilities, among many other things this comes up:
The process of coming to Me is remembering. That's what it is. It is nothing new. It is a time recalled. It is a sweet melody familiar to you from you know not where.
What do you think human life is but a trance? For a moment, you forget who you are and become a tradesman. As you ply your trade, there are echoes of Me that you pick up in wonder, a remembrance of another life, a sweeter time, when you were clear and not confused, when you knew there was you and I, and that was the whole of it.
All longing is longing for Me.
Your voyage on earth is finding your way back to Me.
You are tracking Me down.
And you will find Me, for I am right here with you.
It is guaranteed that you will find Me. Only the how is not guaranteed.
Truth cannot be taken a picture of. But there is something of it you hold in your heart. It is not a picture exactly. It is a recollection of a sense of something that is beyond the five senses of the body.
Every once in a while, the abstract doesn't elude you. You say, "That's it." This experience of the abstract is very familiar to you, even though you cannot call it to you at this moment.
The fact is: you are remembering Me from your long-forgotten past.
I always tell you to forget the past, but I do not tell you to forget Me. I tell you to remember Me, but the thing is, you only remember an echo from the past, and I am much more than an echo, and you can find Me in the present.
Remembering Me is like a written introduction to Me given to you, and you carry it with you in your pocket. But an introduction is meant to be used.
I am Presence right now. Know Me now. Recognize Me now. Let your heart be stirred by My Ever-Presence in your life. You do not have to go back a long ways in order to find your origin. Remember Me in actuality right now.
You are merely returning to your beginning that never paused.
Some of you think you have to wait for death to know your Beginning, but that is a fallacy along with all the others. We are not talking about death here. Do not wait for death of the body to take you to Heaven, for there is no need to wait for anything.
Simply return to Me. Turn your eyes and heart to Me, and you will remember. You will see that there is no step to take. There is no step at all. There never was. You were already over the threshold but just hadn't seen it.
What you are doing here on earth is remembering. You call it learning. But you are relearning. The act itself opens the heart. It puts bright spots there. All discoveries are re-discoveries. What is it that you re-learn? You re-learn Our association. You remember Me and Our connectedness. You remember truth. You remember love, Gloria.
And there is only one place you can be, and that is with Me, and that is where you are, and where you have always been. You were so locked into time and space that you forgot where you really were, Whom you were, and what you were for. But now you remember. You begin to remember, and the you who you are has nothing to do with the body you find yourself in. Nothing at all.
Sometimes life seems otherworldly to you. Certainly there are other worlds you inhabit. They are seemingly beyond your ken, but not beyond your experience. You live in a many-tiered universe. You recollect little. It is as if, you who are wholeness, have lopped off a little piece of yourself, half convincing yourself that the little piece of you amounts to everything. You have become myopic, beloveds. You repeatedly examine yourself under a microscope and forget that far-vision exists.
No matter, all will come out right in the end. You will walk out of a pool of light and remember yourself. You will re-mind yourself. You will be washed of all the knowledge you like to think you possess, and, so, you will be washed of ignorance and come out glistening. You will be like a new-born babe of the universe, and you will be a Knower.
All the past, present, and future will be washed away, and you will be your original Self, a powerhouse of love and glory, You will stand in a long line that has no one else in it. You will encompass the whole universe, and you will meet yourself in all directions, although directions such as east and west will not be recorded nor available. Directionless, you will be purposeful. At this point, motionless, you will rise, not as a rocket, but as a tall figure rising from the sea without moiling the waves. You will be impervious, although that is not the right word. You will be invulnerable, yet that is not the right word either. There is nothing you will be vulnerable to so how can you be invulnerable? You simply will be rising, and you will encompass breadth and depth, even though they do not exist. You will turn yourself inside out as it were and see that you envelop the universe, that it is all contained within you, that you are Vastness expanding.
Imagine a figure of light rising from the blue ocean. That is you. You are rising imperturbably. You rise. Water beads spin off from you. Dried by the sun, you keep rising, rising back to the unblemished splendor of your Self.
What if you had descended full-grown to earth today from Heaven with no loss of memory? Imagine how you would look at the world and its inhabitants and yourself. You would certainly see differently from how you see now.
But you have been dipping in and out of Heaven right along. You catch the drift of Heaven because you have been immersed in it. You are not a stranger to it. I am not speaking of momentary happiness. I am speaking of your fellowship with Me and where I reside. You know Me, and you know what it is to be with Me. You may not quite recollect, but you almost remember. You remember something, even if you cannot give it a name. You remember that there is something to remember, even if you have forgotten what it is.
You do not have to forget the world in order to remember Heaven. Just tune yourself to a higher frequency. Perk up your ears. Listen for Me.
WONDERFUL ! May I have some
May I have some more, please?