Jewels of the Sun

God said:

Beloveds, when you sit in the sunshine, you well know the rays of the sun will find their way to you. There is no doubt about it. You do not have to tell the sun: "Sun, shine on me. Give me a tan." The receipt of the rays of the sun is automatic. It takes no effort on your part. All you have to do is sit in the sun. That is the extent. Sit in the sun, and automatically you bask.

Even on a cloudy day at the beach when the golden sun in the sky seems to be overshadowed by clouds, the rays still reach you, and you rise with your skin warmed and tanned.

Even if you cover yourself all up, or sit in an airless room with the shades pulled, the warmth of the ever shining sun will reach you. You cannot absent yourself from it.

Am I less constant than the physical sun? Where can I be but with you? I am ever with you. I shine in your heart, deep, deep in your heart.

With Me, unlike with the physical sun, there is no burning. You cannot sit too long with Me. The fact is I am with you every single moment. So the difference is simply in your awareness. And what a difference that is.

Right now My rays are shining on you. When you acknowledge this, you receive Me doubly, as it were. I, Who cannot be more powerful than I already am, am nevertheless amplified in your heart. Certainly, with awareness, you absorb Me more. Your awareness is simply a way of acknowledging: "God is with me." What a song that is to sing! What a refrain to hear!

As with the sun, there are no directions you need give Me. Prayer is for you. It puts you in a good vantage. It makes you more aware of what always is. Awareness of Me is not something you want to deny yourself. And, remember, you can never get too much of Me.

If there is any burning, it is the burning away of ignorance. Let ignorance escape your awareness. My light will whisk it away. It will be gone before you know it.

My light clears your eyes, and so you see better. You see what you may have never seen before. Unused channels are opened up. You see more alternatives before you. You see greater treasure. It was always there. You simply hadn't seen it. It was right before your eyes, but clouds of ignorance kept you looking in other places. As My light shines ever greater in your awareness, you begin to see jewels in the corners. You didn't notice them before, but now you see them, and now you wear them.

Imagine right now that I place a tiara on your head, a golden tiara filled with jewels of all colors. Jewels are rays of My light made seeable and holdable. Imagine My rays as concrete jewels made with you in mind. These rays of My light encircle your crown. You cannot take off this crown I gave to you. I placed it, and it stays.

Imagine a miraculous jewel on your forehead, embedded there.

Imagine jewels of My light on your fingers. How they glow! How your fingers move with alacrity!

Now I clasp a necklace of My light around your neck. Its pendant reaches your heart.

I embrace you with My light. I embrace you wholeheartedly with My light.

Now light My light with your awareness, for you are rays of the Sun.

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Where can I be but with you?

Where can I be but with you? I am ever with you. I shine in your heart, deep, deep in your heart.
The fact is I am with you every single moment.
I embrace you with My light. I embrace you wholeheartedly with My light.

thank you for this breathtaking love letter !
much love

Gosh Berit...this is very nice!

It is so sweet to be so connected...even though there could be geographical supposed separation. I do feel connected...and feel so blessed to be receive the constant flow of God's love...and share this love...with You and ALL. Deeply, no place to go, nothing to do...with the depth of this love that we are. No thought can touch this love...for this love shines through from the Father-Mother to the Divine children...And we are the children...the happy children that play in the Fields of the Lorde. I love my Lorde...and I love his children...and I love you Berit. Love, Jim and Jimi.