
Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, little things are getting to me again, and I want to blame it on the change in weather, the wind and all! How much does change in weather really affect us?


Naturally it has an effect. Winds change. The earth changes. And your body and mind adjust to temperature and moisture content changes. Your associations with the seasons play a notable part. Autumn is beautiful, but you remind yourself that it is a precursor to winter.


So much energy goes into resisting and complaining about the weather. I wish I could welcome the weather whatever it is.


When you are feeling good, you don't pay much mind to the elements.

Feel the love of the seasons. Associate yourself with the smooth-running power behind them instead of their inconvenience. Know they are blessings, and you are privileged to watch divine Mother Earth turn and look at herself in the mirror from another angle.


Dear God, will You give us some inspiration?


I shall breathe My energy into you. That is My inspiration. Now you are inspired with the breath of God.

Gloria to Heavenreaders:

I came across the following and feel impelled to share it with you now:

The following is reprinted from The World Will Be Camolot, Part I and II, originally published in the April 16, 1999, and April 17, 1999, issues of Heavenletters:


Dear Father, I am excited about the idea of HEAVEN, Love Letters from God, on the Net!


You will broadcast HEAVEN on the Internet. All the messages go out on the air waves anyway before they are written. I see My messages crisscrossing the Universe until My Words are all that there is on earth, the world fulfilled with peace and love and glad tidings, and everything else will have fallen by the wayside.

War will be looked on as a ridiculous concept. In years to come, no one will believe that there really ever was such a thing, wars fought in the name of peace! Negative words themselves will vanish because their concepts will be gone.

Brother will help brother. Peace will be waged! People will fight to do a kindness! There will be duels to settle the greater gratitude! There will not be need for forgiveness, for there will be nothing imagined to forgive. Good manners will not have to be taught because that will be all there is. Students will honor their teachers, and teachers will honor their students, and students will honor each other.

There will be street gangs of love and charity who roam the streets in search of people to help.

Hospitals will be non-existent. Prisons, an archaic concept.

There will be no need for mental illness or for law and order because only goodness will prevail.

Policemen will eat apples and walk the streets to help people who may have lost their way or locked themselves out of their cars.

There will be no sirens, but there will be bells that ring and singing wind chimes.

There will be no accidents because all will be in accord.

There will be no physicians or healers. They will become car mechanics and dreamers.

Everyone's employment will be what they love. There will be no status. All jobs equal. The street cleaner who does his work well with love will earn as much as the highest government official who also does his work with love. Government officials will truly follow the will of their constituents who will have prayed to know God's Will.

The world will be Camelot. The populace will take tours of Heaven, sigh, see the featheriness and the whiteness, but little contrast otherwise. On their return, the bright colors of earth will startle their eyes for a moment. They will treasure their post cards of Heaven and hum its sweet songs, but their return to earth will be gentle, and they will know bliss and joy on earth.

Little by little, earth ascends to Heaven; the distance becomes infinitesimal. To all intents and purposes, there is none, just a question of focus, head up or head down.

There will be no day-care centers or orphans. Mothers will guide their own children, and parents will live long to take care of their own offspring. Social agencies will vanish.

Seasons will be mild, grass always green and need no cutting. No flower will stop blooming until the next in line is up.

Alaska will keep its charm and wilderness aspect. Cold will be cold, but no one will freeze or be lost.

Mountain climbers have no danger, for at any slip, an angel will be there to support them in their climb back.

Waters will be clean, and air newborn.

The sunlight and moonlight will be the healers of earth.

If you need a tonic, a plant will appear and call you to it, and you will pick it and chew it as you walk along.

Talk shows will have true laughter.


Dear God, is this true?


What I am doing is filling your heart with the top cream of My love. The cream raises your sights and washes away old dragging low-sights and dismality of current events.

I am not talking science fiction, Gloria. Clean hearts make a clean world. High sights make high life.

Everything I say is available.

If everyone thinks that history must continue, their vision will recreate the history of the past, and progress will be dimmed.

Life is in this present moment. Knowingness and picturing goodness in this moment will create knowingness and goodness in the next moment.

In this very moment of earth time, there exists all the goodness and beauty I have spoken of. It hasn't hit the mass media full-blast yet, but is starting to.

These few pages of what can be will stir hearts to accept what can be.

* * *

Kerry's Godwriting…

Kerry to God:

Dear God, My sweet God, You are not the same GOD I know in the Miracle of Heart movement… I found myself becoming angry at the pressure I was feeling to attend the intensive. I quietly cried and begged you, GOD, to help me with this! I am afraid of mind control.

When I surrender to the sweetness that my connection with You, GOD, always brings. You repeat Yourself (You are so patient).

God through Kerry:

And I tell you, yet again to follow your heart. I tell you this, again. Follow your Heart!

No need for anger, that is old stuff with you, Kerry. Your past taught you to greet your tender heart as a hidden treasure that you don't feel worthy to share. Share it!

Remember your vow to your Godself? I'll remind you. "Kerry wishes to express herself with clarity, honesty and love."

You cannot experience the illusion of anger when you stick with the program, Kerry. You will just melt with joy. You don't have to say a word to defend yourself.

You, Kerry, experience love from so many, and it is My love that sustains you from within and without. You have a genuine love for these people you meditate with, and they feel it! And, guess what else, My beloved? They love you, regardless of whether you attend or participate in their Mission.

They love you and want you near to them because you already carry so much light…Carry it, Kerry! Love it. Now that your faith in Me is so big, it shows! People Love to see that…You walk it, breathe it. Love it and let it be. You are in your perfect place, in My arms…I will comfort you and the people you care about…And, by the way, those people keep coming to open to you and to watch you open…Dear little seamstress who sews stars in hearts…

As for Ed, your minister who is leaving…Your devotion is appropriate. He has been a shining light…You are grieving the loss of his physical presence, for yourself and the many to whom he is beloved as a leader in spiritual growth…You will rejoice for him on his beautiful path. Your path is beautiful, too, and will cross with such sweet spirits many, many times…These connections never break. Love transcends all.

Now, rest in My loving arms,