Caring for Mother Earth

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, quite a few people in various locations have asked to learn to Godwrite themselves. I had been thinking they had to wait until there were enough people for a workshop in their area or go the expense of coming here. Karen suggested that Heaven offer phone instruction. That way those who wish to could learn now and not wait. At first I resisted this idea, but the more I think about it, the more I like it. Would this be Your Will?


I have been trying to tell you this.

A soul that wishes to communicate with Me in their personal heart and notebook should not be made to wait.

Some of the discomfort you have been feeling is because you have been denying this, as though you are not ready to take such a step, even when it is no step at all.

It is doing what you love to do, only over the phone.

Start making appointments. I will be there.


Dear God, I feel so much better now that this action has been taken, if only in my mind.


When you feel a general discomfort, as you have been, it is good to ask yourself: "What am I not doing?"

It is that simple, Gloria.

You were denying opportunity and inhibiting growth. That can only mean discomfort.

Denial of any kind brings discomfort.

The source of discomfort placed outside you is always displaced. No matter how valid it may seem, it is not the situation that causes your discomfort. It is not the other party. It is you. In your case, it is you and your relationship to Me.

Your denial was a way to hide from Me.

There is nothing I can ask you to do that is too much for you to do, for the responsibility is Mine, not yours. You fear responsibility, and you have none. The responsibility is Mine. To Me, responsibility is the same as joy.

For you, responsibility is fearing failure.

Your only responsibility is to Me. Listen to My Will. That means you will run errands for Me, and that is a lark.

You are an errand-runner, a typist, and a switchboard.

There's not much responsibility there. You take down dictation and then type what you took down.

And you are a switchboard through which messages go, a central station for messages to and from Me.

As an errand-runner, you merely put signs up here and there: "Learn to Godwrite over the phone" is the sign you post now.


Thank You, dear God.

Lila had a question about caring for the planet Earth. I lost her exact question on the computer somehow, but I will express it as best I can remember.

When she sees people littering, she can't understand it. When trees are chopped down and burned, it hurts her. She deeply wants to know why we don't take better care of our planet and what should we do about it?


I will ask Mother Divine to answer this question since she is so often associated with the Earth.

Mother Divine:

The earth is innocent. The earth is such a server of mankind. It offers everything, and then there are human beings who take it for granted and do not even think of paying homage. It is not even that they are disregarding; they may not be aware enough to disregard.

At the same time, I want to say that it is a natural thing to litter. When man roamed the earth and foraged for food, it was totally natural and right to chew leaves and drop the branches, to spit out peach pits, and toss away fig stems. It is not an unnatural thing to throw away or drop something when you are finished with it.

In modern days, many beings are frustrated in their lives. They feel little freedom; they feel much restriction all the time, as if life were an enemy. One act of assertion they have is to crumble a paper and toss it out their car window. "I was here," their toss says.

Companies that neglect the environment may be acting expediently the only way they know how to and stay in business. They too feel their freedom infringed upon by others who do not understand their problems.

Even when someone hears about environmental issues, he may not believe it.

Here's another perspective. Individuals and companies that neglect gratitude and respect for the earth may be there fulfilling the same ends that environmentalists espouse because these individuals and companies make Lila and others like her adamant in their caring for Mother Earth. The litterers and burners may be the trailblazers, and Lila the follower, for they point out the need and call it to Lila's attention. They have made it clear to her that the earth needs love, and, for that, she can thank them.

The greatest thing Lila can do to protect the earth is to love the litterers.

Her silent blessing will reach them and accomplish more than any contempt.

The litterers are innocent too. They may be so innocent that they think what they do doesn't matter.

They are fellow travelers who may be shortsighted and blind or selfish.

Somehow, Lila, pick up beer cans and bless the lonely souls who left them there.

They will receive your love. Enough Lila's loving them, and their littering will melt away.

Also think of the millions of beer cans and gum wrappers that are not tossed onto the earth, and bless those who did not litter.

What else you can do, Lila, is to picture the environment clear, well-taken care of, and loved. Picture it as you would have it. Enjoy that image. Think of the green of the forests and air, sweet-smelling.

Picture what you want and forgive those who seem careless.

With great love for you, I also ask you what renewal and attention in your own life do you seek? What waste and litter may have been accumulated in your life? What was thrown in your way in life? What neglect and disrespect have you had to stumble over? I ask you these questions so that you may go deeper into your heart and clear it.

You are a beautiful soul on earth. Beauty is your name. Bountiful is your name. Lila is a special treasure of God, sent to clear pathways and love the earth, from moss to trees, from earth to sky, and all the inhabitants in between. Love is your avenue, Lila. Responsibility is God's.