Infinite Heart

God said:

When you hold on, you contract. When you let go, you expand. When you measure another's giving, you contract their hearts and therefore their giving. When you are measureless, you expand. Since when did you think your role was to measure input and output, as if what you are and what you give are limited by the openness or closedness of another's heart?

When you measure, you set limits.

You who are unlimited are not meant to set limits.

You are meant to expand.

Life is not yard goods that you measure and cut off.

When your heart is tightened, you lop off another's giving as well as your own.

You are here on earth to open hearts, not to shut them down.

You are not here to take. You are here to give. You are not here to measure input or output, yours or others'.

You are not here to be tight-lipped.

Smallness measures. Greatness gives.

Exchanges are not meant to be lopped off.

Instead of giving one omer, give two. Better yet, just give without measure. Your heart is measureless.

Watch your own fields. Tend your own flock.

Do not erect walls.

Let your heart be a reception area, not a gate of iron or wire or glass. But if your heart must be a door that opens and closes, let it be a revolving door through which all can pass in and out.

Equal measure is not your domain. Fullness is.

"Restriction" is another word for "smallness". Contraction makes small. You who are My greatness can only be made smaller. You can't be made greater, yet if you have contracted your heart which is large, then you need to restore it to its rightful size and shape which is measureless. When you stop constricting your heart, it will expand. It is the very nature of your heart to expand.

Your heart is not a tender seedling that needs to be transplanted so it can grow.

Your heart is already in a big enough space, and you can allow it to grow right where it is. It is only your mind that impinges on your heart's greatness. Your mind tells you someone else is to give more, and so you allow only a fraction of your heart to behold itself. Your heart is not a retaining wall. Your heart is not meant to be a restraint. Your heart is not meant to go only so far. When someone else restricts their heart, instead of doing the same and closing yours, open yours more. Whatever someone else does, do not restrict your heart. That is poverty.

You are the owner of great riches. You have so much wealth of heart that you don't have any need to worry about it. Do not become miserly with your heart, as if there is only so much and no more and so you must be careful with it. Oh, no, your beautiful heart is to give. It is to overflow with giving. Unburden your heart.

Do not measure your heart in teaspoons. Not even in ladles. Lift your heart up and pour its contents out freely. Let your heart fulfill its destiny. If you must measure your heart's output, measure it in infinity. Measure it in generosity. Give more because that is the nature of your heart. Unbind it. Take off the squeezes of tightness.

You are not here to give lessons to others.

You are not here to see that others give enough. Your heart, and therefore your life, is not dependent upon what others give. Your heart is dependent upon your giving. Unstop your heart. Let My love through.

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This says it all.

"You are not here to see that others give enough. Your heart, and therefore your life, is not dependent upon what others give. Your heart is dependent upon your giving. Unstop your heart. Let My love through."

This is so beautiful. I am not here to fix or blame or compare or judge. This is such a huge relief to know. I am here to love. Jim.