in the name of God

One God, One Heart

God said:

It is not your place to change other people's thinking. It is not My Will that you convince others to your way of thinking. It is not My Will that you convince anyone of anything. This should be a great relief to you! Think of all the energy you will save.

In the Name of God

God said:

Remember that you are an angel. You are My angel. I gave you your wings. They are in your heart. It is your heart that makes you light. It is your heart that makes you soar. You must soar, beloveds, because the world needs angels. Have a higher regard for yourself at the same time as you think about yourself less.

Analyzing yourself is living in the past. Analyzing yourself is akin to stabbing yourself in the back. The past is full of reproaches. Live today, and you will honor yourself. You will feel the sprightliness I have given you. You will carry the world on wings of light.

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