In the Midst of Stillness

God said:

As there is always stillness in the midst of action, there is movement in the midst of stillness. In relative life, something is always going on. Your pulse beats. Your mind thinks. Your heart loves. Even in quietude, there is impulse. In the stillness of sleep, there is tossing.

You really can consider your life a wave of the ocean. The wave of you crests, and the wave of you effortlessly falls, and so there is a circle.

Let yourself be on whatever phase you find yourself. Go with it. Who is to say which part of the wave you are supposed to be on now? Resting or active, you are nevertheless a wave of the ocean. The same tide pulls you. You need not stem the tide nor urge it forward. Go with the tide. Relax into it. Change is inevitable in the relative world. With or without your urgings, there will be change.

There is change on many levels. There is the movement of change, and there is the sleepiness of it.

When it comes to change within you, We could say that change is merely the removal of what was never real in the first place. Illusion was simply illusion. All the false pictures you had about yourself were sketched in chalk, and now they are erased. When illusion is erased, Truth rises.

The ineffable truth of you is beautiful beyond your imagination. But start imagining it now. You are a divine creature of love. You are not this breathless being you seem to think you are. You are not your activity. You are not your achievements. You are not even your aspirations because your aspirations are merely a trace of what you are. Aspire to greater, and you will be closer to the truth of you.

Aspire to full Oneness with Me. Aspire to My vision and My might. Enough of delineating yourself. Now is time to rise to your full stature. Your full stature is your Being. Being takes no effort. It takes realization. It isn't that you change. It is that you stop looking where you are not and start looking where you are.

It is like you have been mining for gold. You can only find gold where it is. You cannot find it where it is not. The gold you seek is yourself. It is within yourself, buried deep. Buried but available. Buried but open to the naked eye. Remove all the coverings, all the sham, all the fiction, and you will see yourself in all My glory. We are the selfsame Sun that shines. Despite yourself, you shine. Begin to accept the bright light that you are.

You are 100% bright light, but you have kept yourself in the shadows. Truly, children, you are not meant to be demure. You are not meant to be sought out. You are not meant to be discovered by others. You are meant to discover yourself. You are meant to walk out of the shadows, and be your Self once and for all. For all.

Less than greatness, you have been an imposter. The small size you have assumed has been a posture. You are not in a small room with a low ceiling that requires you to be bent over. You are in a room larger than the universe, and you can stand full-height any time you decide to.

Today I ask you to decide. Decide that you reach to Heaven. Decide that you are Heaven proclaimed on Earth. Decide your vision, and you will see, and you will stand as tall as I meant you to from the first moment I cast My eye on you.

Read Comments

Wow this touched me to my

Wow this touched me to my soul. How to realize my potential. How to be aware of myself in the greatness of God. That is my purpose.

These letters are helping me to wake up, and to see to be aware of who and what God is to me.

I thank you.


Wendy, responses like yours

Wendy, responses like yours touch me to my soul.

I think you speak for all of us.

I thank you.

With love and blessings,



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