In the Gold of the Sun

God said:

How would you like to have eyes that see beauty everywhere? If not beauty as beauty is known, something so touching that it becomes beautiful in your eyes. Seen with love, all is beautiful as you are to Me. A smoking chimney, a lone shoe, a dog barking.

If all that you see before you were a painting framed in gold and hung in a museum, would you not admire it?

We could say I am the Artist Who painted all that you see on Earth. All that I have painted is framed in the gold of the sun. Many pass through the museum of life and see the beauty, and others pass through and have not eyes to see.

There is a mirror of love that you see yourself reflected in. Beloveds, it is yourself you see every time. When you see beautiful, or you see ugly, it is yourself you see. You would not make so much of it were it not yourself. It is yourself you find beautiful or ugly. Your emotions involved color what you see. To you, a mouse is not beautiful and you scream. To another, the mouse is a beloved pet. You are at the mercy only of what you make of what you see.

It is definitely understandable how you are up in arms about those who mistreat. You see with anger. I know even the concept of abuse is hard to take, yet, still, don't put your attention on the abuser.

"Do not put my attention on the abuser?" you say.

I say, "At least, do not rage against the rager."

Put your attention elsewhere. Put your attention on loving and caring for innocent animals, for instance. Outrage burns you up. Outrage is self-attack. Do not consider outrage virtuous.

When I say to send My blessings to the abuser, my words may fall upon deaf ears. Perhaps you appeal. Perhaps you ask Me, "How can I do that when I abhor the abuser?"

I say to you: If you must, abhor the abuser. At the same time, befriend the abuser. He is making a dreadful error, and yet he sees it differently from you. He can see only from where he sees.

You, too, can only see from where you see. How fortunate you are for the vaster view you have. And you know that there are more rungs higher up on the ladder that are there for you to climb to and see from. You can think differently. The abuser does not know this. You know this. How blessed you are.

You do not want to mentally beat up the bully any more than you would physically. It is you who sets the tone of your life, whether it is peace or outrage. If your life has the tone of peace, you have chosen it. If your life has the tone of outrage, you have chosen that too. The tone of your life is not foisted on you.

Only the powerless exact power over others, and they can only exact it over those more powerless than they. Unfortunate is the abuser who can not pick on someone his own size.

You do not have to pat an abuser on the head. Nor do you have to hurt him back by how you look at him. From whom do dirty looks come from? From whom does sense of superiority come from? Let them not come from you. When you see yourself lording over someone else, you lower yourself. You who can radiate compassion can at least not sneer.

It is not a question of your saving a hurter from himself. It is a question of your not abusing yourself with rank thoughts.

We make no excuses for the one who hurts others. He must not. It is not to be allowed. Nor are you allowed to hurt him back in your heart. You who would not perpetuate hurt must not hurt the hurter in your heart.

There is the possibility that the hurter serves you in your need to extol yourself. In life, beloveds, the hurter is at one end of the teeter-totter, and you are at the other. How connected you are. Get off the teeter-totter, beloveds, and raise your thoughts higher.

Beloveds, for you, to whom much is given, more is asked of you. Greater vision is asked of you.

Read Comments

peace or outrage

Feeling seen and understood while I read this Heavenletter (and thus being willing to listen and to apply the words to myself), I find myself confronted with the interesting and uncomfortable question whether this outrage is perhaps the last barrier, or one of two, the other being fear. They may even be the same.

I feel asked to keep my hand on the hot stove and look from a higher vantage the poor stove is unable to take. And knowing this is an unfair analogy doesn't help. There is the outrage. By whatever conditioning things have come to where they are now, where do I go from here? Am I to see through myself to find out it's to extol myself that I take offense? If this is true, ego is not going to allow me to feel it, cover-up expert that it is. And is it really helpful to see why anything is the way it is? Clearly, no.

So, dear God, I have been trying to use Your famous special trashcan for unwholesome thoughts and feelings, but it doesn't help much so far. It's like treating symptoms all the time but not curing the disease. And the disease seems to be in the need to feel bullied and then outraged. Got a trashcan for that one too? You see, the problem is that if I'm honest I don't even want to let go of that outrage at unfair (disrespectful, inconsiderate) treatment. You taught me not to ask why, thank You. But now that I'm beginning to feel fed up with outrage, could You lead me toward a solution, please? Or towards truly wanting a solution for what, so strangely, feels like an addiction?

How very beautiful, enchanting, Your letter. How beautiful the world You made. But people... something went wrong there. Time to clean it up by moving on.

hands off the hot stove

As I can relate very well to what you say ( both the feelings and the facts behind them ), I can say that, in my experience, what I have come to know, or at least to suspect, is that "outrage" and "fear" serve the lesson of "power".

Or of defeat? Sounds

Or of defeat? Sounds interesting, Emilia. Could you expand on "power"?

some impressions

I wish I could explain, but I cannot, Jochen, I am still elaborating and besides it is very subtle. It is as if you have put your happiness, your desire for harmony, your expectations for a beautiful life in their hands and they have given them back to you, completely indifferent to your dreams. What a lesson, my happiness lies only in my hands. Life seems to be really a-moral , it ignores good and bad, it just speaks its truth. On the contrary we humans usually want to be considered good. And this is another form of weakness, because we look for recognition and approbation from others to the point of ignoring truth ( life never does such a mistake). Until we will inevitably come to say “ I didn’t deserve this” and feel raged and outraged. We should take the courage to stand alone, if necessary, in our truth knowing that “there is nothing outside” and not being frightened by that. In this knowlege is the power and the freedom.

You are being very clear,

You are being very clear, Emilia. Yet I feel there must be some "gain" in that giving-away, some alchemy. Otherwise, wouldn't we have to consider it a stupid, unnecessary quirk of life? Wouldn't we think that we had to correct that careless error Someone made? I don't want to think that way. There are seeds that only sprout after severe cold or after going through some animal's intestinal tract. Something like that is involved here.

We are told we will be restored to innocence, a "knowing innocence". Don't we even expect it ourselves somewhere deep down? You call it truth. I say love. We mean the same, I guess. Yes, when love/truth doesn't seem to work, that's when I settle for recognition, and the cycle of hurt and outrage gets started, gaining momentum until – we slide off. I'm waiting for that ultimate weakness-power-courage that will allow me to let go and be flung to I know not where, my arms presumably.

Thank you for your stimulating answer.

saints and abusers

I am coming to see that evil doesn't exist and good either. My mind is completely open to this idea and I love it because I love freedom. When you understand the rules of the game you are ready to withdraw for lack of interest. Now I expect "to see" the hidden patterns of this gigantic play. If much is asked, more must be given.

Well, we couldn't say You

Well, we couldn't say You are not a good timekeeper. So tank You, I know this is for me.
How blessed I am.

Another eye opener

Heavenletters are eye openers for me and this letter is a major step in further opening my eyes.

I look back at the countless times I have heard the stories of the hurters and abusers of our world. When serial killers have gone to the gas chambers, I have said “Yes!” and “Good!” and “It serves him right!” I have said and thought things like this many, many times. I have felt self-righteous and good about my attitudes and judgments and felt good in sharing my self-righteousness with others (who were in unanimous agreement).

Slowly but surely, I think, I am learning. I still chime in with this kind of gleeful mental attack at times, but more and more I am stopping myself and realizing what I am habitually doing.

I see this letter as instructions to me. Sort of like a blueprint handed to a construction foreman to help build a beautiful building. The “building” is my ability to see the world with eyes of love and appreciation. I am not being given just nice ideas, I am being given instructions. I see that I am to put these insights into practice.

“How would you like to have eyes that see beauty everywhere?” This is the goal, the end result of the efforts suggested here.

“We could say I am the Artist Who painted all that you see on Earth.” If God is All Good, how could anything He created be anything but All Good, even the acts of hurting and abuse?

“There is a mirror of love that you see yourself reflected in. Beloveds, it is yourself you see every time. When you see beautiful, or you see ugly, it is yourself you see.” This seems to me to be the key insight. What I am seeing, I am projecting outwardly from my inner self. What I am despising is part of me that I project outward into the world from my inner attitudes about part of myself. This helps me see that the hatred I am enjoying in my mental attacks has its roots in my own self hatred, and this is what truly needs healing. My self-righteousness is a true pointer to the existence of this self hatred.

If your life has the tone of peace, you have chosen it. If your life has the tone of outrage, you have chosen that too. The tone of your life is not foisted on you.” How is it that I have chosen my peace or my outrage? Feeling outrage when a parent scalds her baby to death in a tub of hot water is only natural isn’t it? Doesn’t everyone feel this anger? Well, I have never scalded a baby and I never would, but I have hurt others and I have mentally scalded the offending mother when I heard this story. My anger and my outrage and my vindictiveness do seem to arise, at least partly, out of a sense of guilt from having been the offender at other times and in other ways. I can choose peace, but it apparently means I must take a sobering, honest look at my self. It is not an easy choice sometimes.

“It is not a question of your saving a hurter from himself.” This is not possible, anyway. I have no real control over the actions of the many hurters in the world and I cannot “save” them. But I have to ask: isn’t it my impulses to control and save and to protect myself that lie beneath my self-righteous indignation and demand for punishment and “justice”? I justify my attack and anger thinking it will help stop further hurting and will serve as an example to other potential hurters. I know at a deep level, though, that it does not actually work this way. Punishing offenders has never decreased the number of offenders. If anything, it seems to increase their numbers. I am beginning to learn that only love changes offenders toward loving.

“There is the possibility that the hurter serves you in your need to extol yourself. In life, beloveds, the hurter is at one end of the teeter-totter, and you are at the other. How connected you are. Get off the teeter-totter, beloveds, and raise your thoughts higher.” For me, this is another powerful insight, and a call to action. I can see how the hurters of the world are playing an essential role for me. They bring my self-righteous anger forth in crystal clarity for me to look at and consider. If I am truly connected to the many occasions of hurting in this world, this must mean that my self loathing is part of the reason for it all. In this they help me heal, but the healing requires an acceptance of where the real problem lies and a resolve to continue the climb to look at things from a higher vantage point, which is also more honestly and deeply inward.

A lovely holiday season to all……Chuck

Chuck is reading with his

Chuck is reading with his heart, listening, and commenting from his heart. So simple, calm and clear, what a treat. The best we can do, I believe, is to highlight what stands out for us in a personally meaningful way. You really know how to do that and make things more meaninful for me too.

The reason to love lies also in our many pasts.

Here we find the deep meaning of "forgiving the other is forgiving ourself". It seems more and more obvious that not only we had many lives in the so-called "past(s)" but that there exists more than "one" self of us or that we have many "selves" or aspects that seem to live independently from each other in different dimensions.

In that perspective, that foreign neighbor I don't like might be a contemporary aspect of myself in the disguise of somebody different from me. This child abuser might have been me in one of my past existences. We have to remember that we spent many lives experimenting all the facets of what we were not or pretending to be: the saint, the prosecutor, the criminal, the rich, the poor. What we call "past or pasts" might also be only "superpositions" of different states or quanta of consciousness in a timeless continuum of potentials. And oblivion was a necessary device in order to live each of those aspects separately, otherwise we would probably have committed suicide on a regular basis.

We also have to remind ourself constantly that the Ego was the only way for us to experiment what it means to be separated from the Source, that is what it means to enact what we are not. In this system of belief, the Ego can find a reason or justification to save or to kill.

In that perspective, Love is really and deeply compassion for "all of our selves" or for all the aspects (potential and actual) of ourselves. This is the magic of Oneness.

parallel lives

Normand, you say that "we have many "selves" or aspects that seem to live independently from each other in different dimensions", this is fascinating and at the same time quite incomprehensible to me. When you say "we have" I wonder if you refer to our little selves or to the One Self experiencing life throught all that is. I mean it is not "me" having another life in Andromeda, but it is "Myself" thus God or Higher Self or the Source experiencing at the same time through me and you and maybe an ET, because He is the Whole. The abuser and the saint are not "me" or "you", they are the One Self in polarity, thus they are Our Self. To love Our Self means to accept all His reflections, both the abuser and the saint, because "I am what I am".

I think your expression is

I think your expression is as good as mine. Because little selves will always be also the One Self experiencing life through all that is. How complicated it is to express Oneness through the reflection of our twoness! Words are representation or Reality, not Reality itself. And we have to live with them. Yet I personally believe that I possibly have another life in Andromeda. But don't ask me to prove it. I believe we have many selves organised like the Russian dolls. It is a metaphor I can easily endorse.

This is my understanding

Emilia, I think your questions are all of our questions as we read Heavenletters, and other modern revelations as well. I offer what follows as my current way of trying to answer them for myself. Maybe this will be useful.

Most of us were brought up with the idea that there are only two basic levels of consciousness: God vs. ourselves. You might add a third if you consider angels in your belief system, but this idea is vague and undefined. I think it is important to emphasize how different these two levels are (God vs. man), in most traditional church teachings, where they are seen as wholly of different being. Of course, Heavenletters tell us that we more like a smaller piece of God’s enormous fabric or like a drop of water in the immense ocean of His Being. We are also shown that this means we can expand our awareness to eventually remember all of the Ocean, and this is our goal.

But what about this question of multiple lives? I think the key to understanding this question is reflect upon our inability to know Truth, here, now, in this body we experience. Something, somehow blocks our awareness and this block creates our separate awareness and allows our illusions. I don’t see these blocks as bad or even unintentional, they are what allows and expands our material lives. We are in the process of transcending these blocks by remembering Truth as we remain in the physical.

The way I understand it, “separateness” was created before this physical universe (probably many universes, actually) was created. There are many, many levels of consciousness between that of our Creator and ours. One of these non-physical levels we can call our “soul.” This soul is different from the traditional meaning in that it experiences many lives in this physical dimension and likely in many other “dimensions” as well, far beyond what we currently can, or need to, conceive of. We are usually unable to perceive these other incarnations of our soul, although we have intuitive knowledge from them and I think this is what some people experience as regression to “previous lives.”

To summarize all this, it is my belief that there is an unknown “reality” that is much, much bigger and more complex than we imagine, even in our wildest dreams. Other realities and dimensions are made possible by a purposeful forgetting that we can learn to transcend. Just one of these realities is that of our “soul” that is aware of all of our incarnations and sojourns as well as sharing in God’s Awareness and Being to a much greater degree than we do at this point. All of this, of course, remains an outflowing of our Creator’s Oneness.

At least, this is how things look to me at this point…..with love, Chuck

Thank you Normand and Chuck

So the russian dolls Normand refers to could be the many levels of our soul consciousness according to Chuck. I suppose God consciousness is on the top of this pile watching Himself playing all the parts simultaneously. Thank you dear ones for sharing your ideas, I am most interested though I know we are limited by minds and words.


Emilia, I agree that what Normand is saying is about the same as I am saying and you understand it quite well!

Ubiquity and the self(selves).

It is quite a challenge for my human mind to imagine that I exist beyond my body, because my five senses cannot seize what is impalpable and intangible. And even if I pretend to have a certain acceptable level of awareness or consciousness of the invisible and intangible, I have a certain difficulty to conceive that I am fundamentally, basically a "Soul" and a "Spirit" that are projected in a physical body. All or most of my references are taken from my tridimensionality that also composes my universe. This suggestion of perceiving myself as a soul is a real and difficult challenge for me because it often leads me to the impression that I might cease to exist, which is the simple and common fear of death.

What I am aiming to say is that it is still difficult to "abandon myself" to my soul, because I cannot grasp its form, its contours; I try to think of an "undefined" energy that would be contained in a virtual space where I hold images or representations of what I am. And my soul invites me to "dissolve" or melt in it. But, through my brain, I am still too attached to the form of physical world.

So what about then of these notions of different levels of consciousness and of multiple selves, or multilayered self? What is ubiquity? With the blinders of my mind, it means the unconceivable possibility to be at two different locations if not everywhere at the same time or in a single instant. This is certainly a mind blaster. Yet, when I stand on top of a mountain and look at the horizon and down on earth, I have this feeling that I am everywhere in a single Instant, the famous quantum state.

If I am part of everyone and if everyone is part of me (and all in one in God) where does stand my own uniqueness and everyone's else uniqueness among those other aspects of myself, yourself or of God? That probably lies in this "Soul" of mine. And to melt into my Soul, I haven't found yet another answer than to accept the Mystery of it. Mystery means to «close the eyes» and it comes deeper from the act of «closing the lips». It is equivalent to "mute" where the two lips are maintained closed in order to avoid saying anything. Mystery is Wisdom. Mystery is a good reason enough to be forgiving towards everybody, including ourselves.

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloved
Put your attention on love
And see the beauty

God said every time
Whether it is peace or not
You have chosen it

Love, Light and Aloha!


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