In the Company of Angels

God said:

I like you. My heart likes you. I like to think of you. I like to see you. I like to be near you. I like you near Me. I like, I like, I like. When you mold clay, you like what you make. You adore it. It is yours to adore. And so I adore you. I gain great joy from you. You are My joy. You are My pride and joy.

You are alive on Earth, aren't you? You have come on the scene. You find yourself in a play, and you don't know your lines. You're not even always sure what part you are supposed to play and what you are meant to be doing. And so you ad lib, and sometimes you fake it. What you do know very well is who you are and all that. Nevertheless, much of the time you are bluffing. You find your role as you stumble on to it. And then, sometimes, you change roles. You develop your character. You discover your character.

Have fun with this role you play. Enjoy your part in the Grand Play you find yourself in. Enjoy the other actors as well. Make it fun for them to be with you. Make it fun for them to be alive in this comedy of errors. Even when you have a serious part to play, do not take it too seriously. It is just a part in a play.

And when you exit the stage, you become your True Self again without any of the make-up and stage-crossings. You are finished with all the costumes and delivery of speeches and facial expressions. You are done with all pretense. You come Home, and you can take your shoes off and just be.

The part you played may have seemed natural to you, and now that you are back Home, now you really feel natural. There is no controversy here, no niggling disagreements, no despair. Now you are what you always wanted to be, and now you just are. You participate, yet you participate in a different way. It is not that you are above it all; it is that you are in the company of angels. You always were, and yet the angels were disguised just as you were. The other angels entered into their roles and played them to the hilt, and now, in Heaven, what is there not to smile about?

All the ravages are gone. The drama is gone. The sense of isolation is gone. Isolation never was, and yet you did not always feel Wholeness. With all the distractions gone, now you feel Wholeness. And now you know Who you are, and now you know where you are, and now you know you were never anywhere else but where you are right now with Me.

You are a lovely gift I gave to Myself, and now you wholeheartedly see the Being that I have always seen. Now you are no longer distracted. And now you know the love you are and the love I AM.

Now you have merged with Me. Now you are not only as I AM, now you know it without doubt. You know you are established in Me, and that you always were and never were otherwise.

This persona you had adopted served you, and yet it was only a part you played that really didn't have all that much to do with you. The color of your hair, the shape of your nose, your height, your weight were not so significant as you had thought. Now you are able to get down to it. Now you know Who you are, and now you know it without hesitation, without disbelief, without argument, without coyness, without protest, without aggrandizement, without anything at all but joy and love at Who you really are and always have been.

Never mind, your life on Earth was always worth it.

Read Comments

My love light,

I Like you,I Love you. Very much ~
thank you very much, God.^^
Happy new year ~♥

You are a lovely gift I gave to Myself

Thank you my Father for reminding me who I AM and what is awaiting my exit from this world......

But in all honesty the Grand Play is the thing! I love it!

The checks and balances of LIFE keep us the Human moving ,never stagnant and even ad libbing make-up language to define what is happening to us at that particular moment in time.Never a boring day.

This is so much fun when you understand what is happening.

The horn of delemina can suddenly become a pletora of excess abundance or turn into a raging bull the next moment. Ha Ha.

And it's all our own creation! Life, (the entire drama) keeps moving so quickly that our role is really miniscule and worthwhile or worthless?.While the undercurrent inherent layer of Love holds us together making sure that we are not harmed but just carrying out the destiny of being Human.

"Never mind, your life on Earth was always worth it."

I love it. I love it. I enjoyed the ice cream moments and those moments without any.

I love you my Father. I love you. I love you.

Let peace be unto all Hearts
Let love pour from all Hearts
Let Love pour into all Creation


Beautiful, Victor. Beautiful

Beautiful, Victor. Beautiful all the comments! Happy New Year, everyone.

Hello dear ones...

Such a beautiful day in Sedona, AZ today. No doubt, a reflection of a heart and our Heart that loves to love. May this be a particularly precious day filled with precious pearls that receive and transmit a most extraordinary light to all and for all. Be in the moment and receive the awareness that you are the light...that you are indeed the love. Many blessings, Jim.

Jim's words are just what we need.

Jim: I'm in Ohio living with my brand new wife of a month. At 8'7 this is the sweetest of all God's gifts, a darling almost my age. We met in conferences and I taught in her home. We are like Children of Light playing in God's Sand Box of love. Love


Hello George...

I am so happy for you! Please say hello to your bride for me. Attachment to age is so silly. Who cares the age of a vessel...for it is the love and light that fills and shines through it. Happy new year and many blessings to both of you. Jim.

Beautiful, Jim. God bless

Beautiful, Jim. God bless you, old friend.

'You are a lovely gift I gave to Myself", says God

Oh, how how God loves you and me. It will help you sense this in you consciousness by reading Heaven Letters again and again.


Thank you

Hi good morning God and All, and happy new Year. Hey God if you had not helped me get rid of my ego, this letter would really have boosted it. It feels so good being appreciated By YOU GOD. We here in paradise, you helped make for us, enjoy every day and are so thankful for your love and your help spreading your love around. Live is Good. Thank you GOD.
Hey George a friend of mine just found himself another soulmate He is 84 and she 81 they travel a lot as they have discovered cruising. My wife and I after 55years still enjoy each others company and are looking forward to a visit from a daughter who decided she wanted to see us in the new year and she arrives Wednesday, Hurah thanks God. Funny as you grow older live becomes more interresting and more beautiful. Love you all Jack

The company of the Angels

Yes, I believe, I BELIEVE, I Believe in the magic of the world. I just love this message I take to my heart. I know there is a GOD watching over my thoughts and soul as a oneness in his HEAVEN Throne. THANK YOU FATHER FOR Happy New Year 2012


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