Imaginary Friends

God said:

When you feel impatient, what is it you feel impatient with?

Impatience exists only where time has become paramount.

The idea of having too much to do and therefore being in a hurry comes from the illusion of time, and the natural consequence of the illusion of time is that you run out of it.

Time does not exist, and if it did, you would have all the time in the world. Time is only of the world.

Without ego, you would move in life and let others go at their own pace.

Of course, without the illusion of time, there would not be pace either.

There would not be emergency nor urgency nor time wasted either.

There would be a welling-up of joy. Eternity would be your milieu. But, of course, eternity has nothing to do with time. How can it, when time does not exist and eternity does?

If there were not space, nothing would take up any room. You would never feel crowded. Are not time and space two sides of the same counterfeit coin?

Do you see how the concepts of time and space crowd you? You are pushed for time. You cram in your activities. You are forever dealing with spacefulness which also does not exist. Yet you are always moving space around or moving in it.

In the world, you frequent time and you frequent space, and you come to grips with them, these powerful dictators of Human life.

But sometimes you do forget about time and you are not hemmed in. You forget about where your body is. You step out of time and space. You are not nailed to them.

What is your body but a time and space machine?

Your body occupies space. It is measurable in inches. It also has a meter. Your pulse is timed. Your heart has a tempo.

Without time, would there be music?

Without space, would there be beauty?

Would there be food to grow and to eat? Where would games be played and when?

While you are in Human form, and while you believe in time and space, what is there for you to do but enjoy them?

Consider time and space as imaginary friends that you carry with you. Of course, the imaginary friends you had as a child were real, while space and time only seem real and you are carried by them.

If all of life is love, are not time and space manifestations of love as well? Is not the ticking of the clock also love? And is not the rug under your feet also love?

Space and time are not to be scorned. They hold great bounty, yet they are to be recognized for the illusions they are.


For then you do not take life so seriously.

Has not your life been like an emergency ward? Or a crucible. Has not the hammer of time pounded you?

When you know the illusion of the world you live in, you can eclipse it and love the world of illusion more just because you take it more lightly.

And think of it. All the people in the world are also illusions. They are all as if, as if they had emotions, as if they had time lines, as if they lived in a house, as if they had fences, as if all the people in the world were anything in the world they could playact, any drama, any comedy, when all the while they are yourself dressed up in other clothes. What then would you take so seriously?

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Time, Space, and People

Has not your life been like an emergency ward? Or a crucible. Has not the hammer of time pounded you?
When you know the illusion of the world you live in, you can eclipse it and love the world of illusion more just because you take it more lightly.
And think of it. All the people in the world are also illusions. They are all as if, as if they had emotions, as if they had time lines, as if they lived in a house, as if they had fences, as if they were anything the world they could playact, any drama, any comedy, when all the while they are yourself dressed up in other clothes. What then would you take so seriously?

Oh, how I love these passages that simply turn inside out everything I have tried so hard to believe. I remember my daughter when she was quite little, how she squealed with delight when I deliberately misnamed things, asking her, for instance, to fetch the butter from the trashcan. Why is that? Secretly, I believe, we have always known that all the descriptions we were handed are sham. We played along because taking things seriously seemd to matter to others. And one day we started taking things seriously ourselves. And why not? Taking the world more lightly is probably much more fun after you have been very serious about taking it seriously.
["as if they were anything the world they could playact" – is it "in the world"?]