Illness a World Belief

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Diane to God:

Dear God, in response to Gloria's question about health and Your answer on September 14, I would like to describe my recent experience.

On my walk in the woods the other day, as I felt my chest tightening and cough worsening and thinking doctor and antibiotics, I remembered to ask You for help.

As I continued my walk, I came upon a feather placed directly in the middle of my path. I picked it up and spontaneously asked, "Oh, is this from you, Paul?" (Paul is my son's dear friend who just made his transition). I immediately felt sadness in my heart that I had not yet grieved. I had grieved for his parents and for the driver of the car and for my son but not for myself.

I have become so clear and at peace with my three-year-old daughter Molly's passing last year, and I went to that same place with Paul. For the rest of the walk, I cried my pain of personal loss. As I cried, I felt my chest open and my cough settle. I am so grateful for the direct experience of healing.

Once I became aware of the stuck emotion and moved it, my health is very quickly returning.

So how would You put this into words? Did You heal me? Did I heal myself? Did Paul come to help? It feels like a miracle.

God to Diane:

There are no miracles, dear Diane. There are just connections your mind has not yet made. Or, We could say, there are only miracles.

All illness is from something blocked that is trying to release. This time, it was easy for you to see the probable cause and the effect. You removed the cause (the blocked sorrow) and so you removed the effect (the cough and congestion).

We have talked before of how the body is not your master. It seems that way, but it is the other way around. At the same time, let your body have its say. It was telling you something. You don't have to take a pill to stop the flow and imagine you feel better. There may be a situation unresolved. Resolve it.

Stuck emotion, stale thinking, barriers somewhere to the free flow will soon or late lead to congestion in the body. The good servant, the body, does everything it knows to clear itself. It lubricates passages with the idea of eliminating the accumulation of staleness, and you see this lubrication as illness and try to remove what the illness looks like or feels.

I am not telling you to figure out the cause and your probable responsibility for every illness known to man. It is not always so simple. But no matter what the illness, no matter what stage you see yourself in, there is something that the illness can teach you and that you can learn, as it is with every experience in life. "What is this trying to teach me? What benefit can I turn this experience into? What is the possible good here?" Even turn to the possibility.

Your example was spontaneous, dear Diane. Although anything can be remedied in an instant at My Will and through your true faith in My Will, it is not for My children to berate themselves over any illness. That berating does not bring health. That berating could be what you have to remove.

So here I tell you that I can remove any illness at the snap of My fingers and that, at the same time, an illness is the result of a cause.

Seeking the meaning of an illness is a little like seeking the meaning of a dream. A certain interpretation seems to find acceptance in your heart. And something is learned. Something is reorganized in your heart. And you can move on.

Sometimes an illness, as in the case of great saints, is not for themselves but for the elucidation of others. A saint may have taken that illness on. The true saint may show his faith no matter what occurs in life. His light continues to shine brightly, and that uplifts the populace to consider the wonders of the universe. There are many unnamed saints.

A cry of the modern age has become: Feel good.

Feel good has become like a god, as if Feeling Good is the purpose of life rather than a palliative.

The purpose of life is to find Me. You find Me through looking up a notch, through giving and receiving joy, and through desire. Feeling good and joy are not the same. We could perhaps say that feeling good is a screen and joy is a clearing. Feeling good is a net, and joy is an opening. Feeling good is a snare, and joy is a release.

Did I heal your cough? Did you heal it yourself? Did Paul drop a feather to signal its healing?

Consider the possibility that there is no illness. It is a misnomer given to a messenger. Illness is like the Emperor's new clothes. Everyone has accepted it and bowed down to it. You grew up believing that illness is an uninvited guest that takes turns staying with everyone. What if what you have learned is not so? What would happen to illness if the world did not ordain it? Would it still seem to exist?

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Nancy O. to Heavenletters:

I sent a pertinent Heavenletter (that has not been published yet) to an interest group I am part of. If they publish it, I expect that we will have a lot of response. I hope I was not out of line.

Gloria to Nancy O. :

Not at all. In fact, thank you!