If Heaven Really Exists, Who Would Ever Want to Miss It?

God said:

Sing a joyful song today. Sing of Me, and sing of Thee. Let your tune reach the High Heavens. You want Heaven today? Then sing its song. Vibrate at the rate of Heaven, and you can only be here. You are here anyway, yet, as you sing, you will feel it. You will begin to know it.

You know what feels good. Heaven feels good to you. Even those who do not believe in Heaven, the idea feels good to them too. Heaven is inescapable, beloveds, and yet you may have been fleeing from it. You may say you haven't been thinking of Heaven at all, yet you have been fleeing to anywhere, seeking to evade even the possibility of Heaven. Much of what you have sought is an avoidance of Heaven. Yes, of course, you have been meaning to choose joy, a pleasure, a moment's thought away from perceived troubles. To think of Heaven and all it means to you and not to have the awareness, indeed, that is a lot to bear.

It's like you had the winning lottery ticket in your hand, and you don't know what you did with it. You put the winning ticket somewhere, but where? When you can't find it, it might just as well not be true that yours was the winning ticket. You would just as soon not have missed the twenty million dollars.

By the same token, if Heaven really exists, who would ever want to miss it? It would be like that winning ticket you misplaced, and you can't bear to think about it. To have and not have is too much. To be in Heaven and not know it, that is an ache in the heart.

"Let's go do something else and forget about it," you say. "Let's have a party," you say. "Or let's buy a car. Or let's rob a bank. We'll certainly get our mind off Heaven then. Anything would be better than feeling the loss of Heaven. How could I live with myself then if I knew I had missed Heaven by one street? I went down Second Street and Heaven was right there on First Street all the time."

But, hey, beloveds, you can turn onto First Street now. You can look for it. Sometimes you've gone past the street you want more than once. Sometimes you've been driving down the street you want all along, only you didn't realize.

Awareness isn't something you can talk yourself into, beloveds. You know that. Awareness isn't a lesson you can study. Awareness can yet happen at any time, just the way you can wake up spontaneously in the morning at five or six or seven.

All you have to do is to desire to find the right street and keep going in that direction. If the sun rises on the east, to meet the sun you go east. You will come to the sun. In the case of Heaven, north, east, south, west, all lead to Heaven, for Heaven is not in an isolated place. It is everywhere. You can find it anywhere!

Heaven is not like a penny you might expect to find on the street. Pennies are somewhere on just about every street, yet you know that pennies are not everywhere. Heaven is easier to find than a penny on the street, for Heaven is everywhere. You have passed through it many times, beloved, unaware where you were.

You are in Heaven now. You will discover where you are. All it takes is your awareness.

What has happened is that you have cast a spell on yourself, and now anticipate that you will remove it. I will help you.

Read Comments

The Spell

Ah, so You do know the human heart after all! What a precise diagnosis: Not risking to go where I long to be for fear it could turn out to be just another fairy tale. Not risking to find out the truth for fear it could mean a final and irrevocable NO after which not even a promise, not even a dream would be left. Clinging to illusion as if for dear life to avoid even the possibility of having the deepest yearning of the heart disillusioned. Driving past First Street again and again, heart thumping.

Yes, that is what I have been doing for eons, even knowing how foolish it is, even trying to tell myself I couldn't remember where First Street is (particularly since, clearly, no one else knew or dared to know they knew). A dread that is fed over decades starts looking insurmountable or like the edge of a bottomless chasm. It makes you always look for something else to do before you start climbing or before you jump. "Maybe tomorrow I'll have the courage" is what you tell yourself every day, half suspecting it may not even be about climbing or jumping after all. As it turns out, it isn't. Rather, it seems to be about simply anticipating another possibility and accepting help. It seems to be about simply leaning toward this possibility. "Lean" is my favorite how-to word in Heavenletters, as in expressions like "leaning toward" and "leaning into". For me it contains the whole of the no-path God is teaching. Not much has to be done. Almost nothing.

Thank You, dear God. There seems to be no limit to Your Letters gathering momentum.

We are in Heaven if just

We are in Heaven if just open your eyes and go within you will find it... Luv Daisy

Dear God, today I feel You

Dear God,
today I feel You are so close to me, You are almost myself whispering in my ear that you do know from where comes the ache in my heart and that there is nothing wrong with it. God, why are You with me and I am not aware of being with You? Why is Heaven here and I can't see it? Faith is not enough for me, after all this wondering and wandering I want in my hands the shining diamont of truth.

Jochen I so appreciate your

Jochen I so appreciate your comment as it verbalizes something deep within.

You are in Heaven now. You will discover where you are. All it takes is your awareness.
What has happened is that you have cast a spell on yourself, and now anticipate that you will remove it. I will help you.

This is my favorite part of this HL. For countless years in this lifetime I have been feeling lost and outofplace in the world. I came here for a purpose and I got lost and it seemed that everything was unhelpful. I found no comfort and it seemed as I was left to my own seperated self. Forever the seeking for answers, they have finally come to find me through The Course in Miracles and HeavenLetters. Father I know You hear our deepest longings and answer our every prayer. My deepest longing is to know this "You are in Heaven now. You will discover where you are. All it takes is your awareness."

Father, that I may finally find the path You have chosen for me is the reason I am on earth.

LOVE and GRACE to all, Johanne


daer God, me i share you my sadnes for tre days a go, even we are in heaven us in aerth,
my sadnes father i was in memorial to my son inlow in worst to my dother she lost her husbond most love her deeper haerth of hem
she feel imty and she cry and cry, she feel pind, and i sopurt her to tell about you to pray you pleace helf her she need you,

you know God father how much you meant to us in our life so very big,
because you know iben i feild sadnes or happy or i dont feel godt homor i all ways call your name most of
all you so very inportand in my life, to day when im writteng this i feel like lelaxs in my haerth ,
today your heaveletter iven confuse to untherstan and fogive me,
God father,

"You are in Heaven now. You

"You are in Heaven now. You will discover where you are. All it takes is your awareness."

Now where can you purchase this awareness of heaven? At a local emporium? Does it need to be polished regularly? Dusted on occasion? Watered, given sunlight? etc. (laugh)

Yes it resides in our hearts of course. It probably would be an excellent idea to keep it well maintained, if that is what is required or needed.

What I'd most like to know is: Who is consistently living in this space of awareness right now?

How do they do it?, how long do they stay there? What would they suggest to others to stay in this awareness?

It's fun to read about being reminded that heaven never left us. It can bring a momentary relief of what we feel is ultimately true in our heart of hearts knowing.

Yet we still continue to struggle and work to stay or find this place in our being called heaven. Wouldn't we rather have it be play and effortless to get and stay there instead?

So it might be of possible interest and consideration beloved Gloria, to think about an idea to include here on this heavenly site, a place and space to share just that.

How to feel, sustain, maintain being in this state of heaven on earth. What to do when we feel we lose it and how to get back.

Now we take the ideas in Heavenletters and share on say a Forum topic called something like "How to feel, sustain, maintain being in heaven" in spite of what we see show uP in the World. Or simply "Staying in Heaven how to do it" and have you and all us readers share in how to do so.

Just thinking out loud.

p.s as a subscriber to HL I did not as of 10:55am today get my HL in my email box.

Carmen, Bless you and your


Bless you and your family.

Dear Marko, I do share your

Dear Marko,
I do share your feelings and your questions, but I do not think there is a method that can work for all. God tells us that our spiritual growth is like our phisical one, we do not have to worry, to strive, to follow some rules. God is not telling us that we must be aware of Heaven now, He is just forcing us, repeatedly, to think to the possibility of our full awareness while in the body and fancing, dreaming,speaking, thinking of it will create it. Just now, focusing on this topic, that the majority of people would consider fool, we are creating the miracle. If there is a method it stays in the FOCUS on what you claim for yourself.
Let's join our efforts and we will soon see the dawn!

Emilia, I agree there is no

Emilia, I agree there is no one method per sae that works for all. Yet like sharing favorite, recipes, movies, music and such can be of enormous benefit. In this case our wisdom. Especially if they help put us in the space of Heaven.

So in that sense I would disagree, there are also universals that we can all benefit by.

Pouring and waterfalling Light and Love with out concern of consequence is on of them. Becoming a Master Appreciator and Blesser is another.

Sharing our wisdom may or may not work for some people and greatly benefit others. So I'd very much promote the above idea.

I feel we have as a collective too many poor habits of thinking, feeling, being and living. If there is any place to help share with helpful beneficial ideas it's here.

Each Heavenletter seems more

Each Heavenletter seems more to the core and intense as the previous, it is a crescendo, a divine concert of God playing lovingly with our hearts.
There's nothing I can say eccept stay speachless at God's love and the wonderful postings here. What a blessing this forum is !

Dearest Carmen,
all my love to you and your family, a big and loooooooonnnnng hug to all of you dear !

infinite love to all

thank you Marco

daer engel Marco , im so happy you give me to explain about heavenletter to day,
i untherstand now what main writter of God to day,
by de way of this moment my dother she feel strugle her self shes cry postrade deeprision angry,
i try to toulk to her but i can not com ind for her,
and i can not braeth to look at her,
i love my dother as i love my self i have to feel her fellings i wesh i can take her sorow ,
only God can helf her,
thank you agein Marco


Dear friends, your wonderful

Dear friends, your wonderful comments on this Heavenletter remind me of one of my favorites, #2582, The Lock and the Key. Although most of you will know it, I just have to quote from it here:

There is one thing worth demanding of Me. When you demand what I will suggest to you in a moment, this is how you will announce your clarity of intention and purpose. You may think it is up to Me to give you what you want, but it is really of yourself, beloveds, that you are demanding. Yes, there is one thing that serves you well to demand of Me. Now I will tell you what it is. Say:
“Look, God, I want to know You for myself. I don’t want to read about You any longer. I don’t want to hear what other people have to say. I want You, and I want to know I know You. I don’t want faith any longer. I don’t want the faith that You are by My side. I want to know that You are by my side. I want to know for myself that You are deep in My heart. I want to know the love You give me firsthand. I don’t want to take anyone’s word for it anymore but Yours. I want to hear You for myself. I don’t want any more reports about You. I want You right here. I want You undeniably right where I want You. With all respect, God, give me back My awareness of You. Give me My awareness back once and for all, and never let me lapse my contract with You again.”
This demand I accept. I am indebted to you for this demand. This is a demand that is My Will for you to demand of yourself. It tells me of your sincerity and your fixity of purpose, and it tells me of your readiness.
Demand or request, in a loud voice or silently, I like to hear this from you. It tells me your desire is strong. It tells Me that you know what’s what. It tells Me you want your life to be filled with My Presence. You want unshakeable awareness. You don’t want a hint, a clue, a supposition. You are telling me this is your true desire, and that it will be fulfilled. You will fulfill it.

Re-reading this treasure, I can see I have changed at least a little in the meantime. I feel closer to actually demanding this, and the sentence You will fulfill it stands out as if in neon.

And once again, coming back to this present Heavenletter, I am amazed at how little it takes to have our true desire fulfilled:

Awareness isn't something you can talk yourself into, beloveds. You know that. Awareness isn't a lesson you can study. Awareness can yet happen at any time, just the way you can wake up spontaneously in the morning at five or six or seven.
All you have to do is to desire to find the right street and keep going in that direction.

Dearest Jochen, oh yes, The

Dearest Jochen,

oh yes, The Lock and the Key is THE HEAVENLETTER, I totally resonate with what you share and I think I will never ever tire of reading this divine Heavenletter again and again and again.

Awareness can yet happen at any time... indeed it can happen right now. Separation was only an illusion and now the dream is over and WE ARE.

Much love

thank love,

dear Beret,
thank you love and care,of my famely,

and Marco thank you for your blessing,
of my famely,


You are in Heaven now.

I know it's true. The statement about being in heaven NOW. It's part of my experience as well as part of my belief.
Isn't it funny how we can't believe what we don't believe and can't not believe what we do believe.
Something has to happen inside our consciousness to make us comfortable with the idea that were home in heaven.
Some darling people feel like they are living in hell, even as I write.
Some know that heaven is where we go AFTER we die.
Some don't know zip about the place of love and peace.
I'm glad I do! (Know a bit about heaven.)

George the ghost pretending to be human


Dear George,
From what I have learned from other long term survivors of cancer this is the reality they awaken to and their experience of illness is what took them to heaven and hence their declaration that cancer is a gift.
Much love from Nancy, still working on it but soooooooo close x
p.s I dont think your oncologist gives you enough credit . I think you will leave this body when you decide to and without cancer.He should read Bernie Siegels "love medicine and miracles"

Much love from Nancy, still working on it but soooooooo close x

Nancy Darling:

Being 84 and learning how to dance to the divine melodies of sweet People like you is such a delicious way to live.
What you say in "heaven" to me warms and feed my heart. I love it and you and all the gifted people who write in this wonderful HeavenLetter place of sharing and wearing the clothing of our Source. It's love all over the place and you are a sweet part of it. Love

George who loves Bernie Siegel and his work


Dear George,
You are an inspiration to us all.
Much love Nancy

Nancy's words evoke a bit of scribbling:

Nancy, sweet one, for you from me:


Some are born to sing, some are born singing.
It is true that cages mute the song, the melody become a mockery,
A strangled cry, to know the reasons why becomes Reason's capitulation at the shrine of pains too deep to see their awesome grip.

Is it bad then to fear the Cage?
Surprised when the melody, muted soft,
burns low at thoughts of mindless Cage of life.
Oh worse, much worse!

The Mind caged in tangled thoughts,
By love's, dear dreams gone sour.
Not from lack of dreaming, but from drifting,
aimlessly, lost in primal places, black as night,
loveless, in endless frightened flight.

Like a child’s thought, half forgotten
Engraved in flaming tears upon an inner wall,
unseen, but never out of sight.

How can the SONG that I was born to sing
flow out in widening circles true
not die when CAGED, or crushed, or worse, much worse.
Set out upon some mindless quest
all structured sweet, in what the others think?

No light upon that street; Perhaps a cage is better,
unless, of course, the melody returns, unbidden.
A lightening flash, not hidden, that makes the Singer know
the Cage gave way and freedom pours its light and power through that empty grave. Now I know the cage was not a grave.

But a cave with shadows on a wall with writing very small
Deeply etched in pain:
"I love you, my Wounded ones, it doesn't hurt,
It kills and makes you very small.

So take a step, and if you fall My Hand will lift you up.
Your searching heart has heard My Call:
“It was for freedom that I set you free!"

George playing with words for Nancy and My beloved Gloria whom he loves.

for give me,

dear Jochen,
thank you for your letter,
i dont mein deman of God what im writteng de first of comment i have,
and i never be in my deep in my hearth to deman of God i am hes created me of this aerth,
it my desire of my hearth love that all iam
thank you agein Jochen your letter
Love and joy


it my desire of my hearth love that all iam

Carmen darling:
Your words touch my heart with love. Thanks

George getting richer

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said reach the high
Sing a joyful song today
Sing of Me and thee

Love, Light and Aloha!

But, hey, beloveds

All you have to do is to desire to find the right street and keep going in that direction.

You are in Heaven now. You will discover where you are.

What has happened is that you have cast a spell on yourself, and now anticipate that you will remove it. I will help you.

Vibrate at the rate of

Vibrate at the rate of Heaven, and you can only be here. You are here anyway, yet, as you sing, you will feel it. You will begin to know it.
Awareness can yet happen at any time, just the way you can wake up spontaneously in the morning at five or six or seven.
You are in Heaven now. You will discover where you are. All it takes is your awareness.

Loving Heaven right here and right now - NOW - in this exact moment - NOW !

much love


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