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I have plans for you

For I have plans for you,
Plans for a purpose and not to harm you
Be still and know I am God
What does all this mean
When sometimes one's outside world
Is not what this seems
When one struggles day by day
and in our minds we say
Why me?
Is it a test?
Is this really meant to be this way?
and my life on the outside of me
that should reflect the inside of me....
Be still and know I am God,
do not worry my child
and yet when we walk through the
valley of the shadow of death
we are being carried in the loving arms
of God.
so whatever problems strife and worries
be set you Be still and know that I am God
For i have plans for you, plans for a purpose
a future for I could not and would not harm
you, not one hair, not one hair of your head
Come rest with me a while,
Your faith has made you whole
Get up, arise and serve the Lord your God with
all your heart,mind and soul.
For I have plans for you. Daisy

Daisy, Thank you so much for


Thank you so much for offering this beautiful reminder, for me it's been much needed.

What's silly is I had read this not long after you posted it and it didn't sink in like it has this reading. God's gentle nudge/reminder through you that HE has plans for ME and I need to stop trying to control HIS plans and believe that I am on the correct path in the plan HE has for me.

I need to build up my faith and be stronger in this battle with the ego wanting to control!


Hi Cailen, I am pleased that

Hi Cailen, I am pleased that my poem helped you
really they are words given me on my heart... In my own life
trying to hear and listen to what God wants from me and for me in
my own life... and these are questions in my own head and the answers that come from listening..

Sometimes i am a little slow to understand, Sometimes i get his message wrong he is always patient,kind and know now how much he loves me and you to.....Something else i feel is that when i feel things are God's fault and get angry..
it is actually me that is at fault.. and these are conversations from my i know he lights my way and through each day.. ... and God wants us to be strong in faith firm compassionate kind, gentle understanding with ourselves
and the people in our lives. as the song says To TRUST and OBEY for there is no other way. Have a wonderful day Luv Daisy

Is it true of the saying,

Is it true of the saying, "if whatever u are doing at work, does not work for you?" (see mike's letter to God) You have to embrace another way? As in, look alternative for another work or be your own boss?

Hi jurae Thank you for this

Hi jurae Thank you for this one, I think this is a good sign, for I am looking as we share for alternatives to be my own boss... and God has provided me with wonderful ideas which to follow through? as you say embrace another way... most importantly of course is Loving God... allowing him to show me what work he wants me to do..very helpful, and inspiring message lovely. Luv Daisy