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I cannot read original Heavenletters in English from the past.

For about 4 days something has changed if I click at Heavenletter Archives.
I don't know if someone is busy with rearranging de website so this is temporarily?

But if I click at Heavenletter Archives I can only read Dutch Translations.
I only receive Today's Heavenletter by e-mail (I am a new member, so there are not so many in my mailbox) or I can push Today's Heavenletter to read one in English.

To translate I need access to the Heavenletters Archives from the past.

Can someone please help me?

I will put a printscreen in this message to make clear what I mean.

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When I try to search by Title it doesn't work the way it did and when I fill in the number of a Heavenletter in the upper right hand search space it brings me to all the translations again.

Thank you for helping me out!

Have a Blessed Day,

Yriah, do you see the tiny

Yriah, do you see the tiny flags in the top right corner on every page? Touch them with the cursor and they will tell you what interface language they are for. Then click the English one.

You can also go to your account page and choose the language you want under "Edit".

Hope this helps.
Love, Jochen

Excellent, beloved Jochen.

Excellent, beloved Jochen. Danke. I didn't know all this either!

Heaven Admin thinks ahead and does everything for us.

Thank you, Yriah, for asking!

Dear Jochen, First I want

Dear Jochen,

First I want to thank you for your fast answer!

But I cannot see no tiny flags in the top right corner on every page.
This is what I get:

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And the first thing I checked was my account.
And I think I chose the right language:

Klik hier voor meer gratis...

Didn't I?

I don't know why it changed. This is new.
So I thought that maybe the webmaster was busy to rearrange something.
And that it would be temporarily. But it stays like this.

No need to bother anyone too much, because I can still translate the Heavenletters I receive in my mailbox (May 11, 2009 - Today) or pick a Cosmic Heavenletter.

But I just cannot figure out what causes the problem. I didn't change anything.

Kind regards,


Beloved Yriah, let's see

Beloved Yriah, let's see what Heaven Admin can do. I don't think he's seen your post yet -- or Chuck's. Heaven Admin works hard and long.

Dear Yriah, Please excuse

Dear Yriah,

Please excuse the delay in my response. Well done for posting screen shots! The flags Jochen mentions, should now appear for you. You may have to log out and log back in again.

Thank you Gloria for pointing me here.

Oceans of Love

Dear Santhan, You're not

Dear Santhan,

You're not late, you're very fast! Everything's okay now.
Thank you so much, you're great!

Klik hier voor meer gratis...Klik hier voor meer gratis...

And..haha..Thank you Gloria for pointing me here too!
