How to Start Loving Yourself
Lauren to God:
Dear God, I don't know what to do when You say to love myself more. I want to more than anything. I feel like I'm being told to have blue eyes, or longer legs. HOW DO I DO IT? I don't know how to get from here to there.
If standing on my head would do it, I'd do it. I don't know what action or actions to take. I don't know how to just become different.
Will you help Me, please?
There, Lauren, you just did it. You asked Me to help. Did you think I wouldn't?
That's what you do. Do it often. Ask Me to help you love yourself more. Ask Me every day.
And, also, while you are at it, keep your eye on opportunities to love yourself.
When you do something, ask yourself: If I loved myself, would I be doing this? If not, stop yourself right then. If you sense that it is contrary to your self-love to be chatting on the internet with someone, get off right then. Your project is to honor yourself, not someone else at this time.
When you avoid doing something that you know would benefit your sense of self-worth, ask yourself: If I loved myself, would I leave this undone? If you loved yourself and wouldn't leave this undone, then do it. Even if you have to push yourself a little to do what is beneficial for you, then push yourself a little to do it.
What if you were an honored guest in your home? How would you treat this guest? What consideration would you give an honored guest?
Is a visitor to your home more important than you? Consider yourself company, and treat yourself right.
What if, Lauren, I were coming to visit you? What might you do differently?
Please remember that I am with you, and that you honor Me by honoring yourself. Do you see how that is so?
I won't ask you to stand on your head. But I will tell you something. If you believed that standing on your head would help you value yourself more, then I would ask you to do it, and, with your belief, it would then help you to love yourself more, as I do love you more.
Here is something else I would like you to do.
Right now, write down all the things you do like about yourself. Write fast. Big or little, write it down. Think of examples. How big is your list?
Then circle three that you think are most important. And then write down why you think those three are the most important.
Then every day note down what you are doing that shows that you are appreciating your own value. Write it down because it makes it more important to you.
Every day report to Me. Say: "Dear God, here I am." Read Me your lists. Tell Me anything you want. Then ask Me anything you want to ask, and write down what I say.
You have talents that you brush over.
At least once a day do something creative. It can be playing with clay, finger paints, doesn't matter. It matters that you do it. If you can do it for an hour, that is good, but if you only can do it for ten minutes, that's good too. Take time for yourself. Make time for yourself.
Spend one day without television. Just one day.
Spend one day without the computer. Just one day. Doesn't have to be the same day, although that's not such a bad idea.
The reason I suggest this is that the computer and TV take your attention away from yourself. They are diversionary. They help you to not pay attention to yourself.
Attend to yourself, dear Lauren.
In summation, every day talk to Me, ask for My help, and write down what I say. Every day. It doesn't have to be for a long time. I suggest you do it first thing in the morning if you will, and I promise to help you structure your day and your life. Would you like that? If morning doesn't work for you, any time will do. Make sure you make time for Me and you.
During the day, jot down anything you do or say that shows you that you are paying attention to your own worth.
Note anything you do that doesn't, but don't write it down. Just note it in your mind. "Hmmm, that wasn't very self-loving." Then shrug your shoulders and go on.
Within one week, you will note your progress. It will be clear to you. And you will change your life, Lauren, and I am going to help you. Would you like that?
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Julie to Gloria:
Wow! Yesterday's HEAVEN was really a blueprint for life. Praise be to Thee, oh God.
Nancy O. to Gloria:
Dear Gloria, Wow! Yesterday's Heavenletter — what a spectacular one! This is the best advice I have heard in a long while. I can't tell you how wonderful it is getting God's daily epistles! I am so thankful that you are able to hear God and are sharing it with us. We are truly honored by His great Presence in our lives. Thank you, thank you.