How to Embrace Oneness

God said:

The glory of God is within you. If you feel separation, it is separation from yourself that you feel. There is a part of you that desires to be separate, and so you hold yourself aloof from yourself. You keep a distance. Sometimes you are not even on a first-name basis with yourself. You have withheld intimacy from yourself. There is a part of you that desires complete wholeness and yet fears it, fears that you might lose something if you don’t hang on to separation. You might even love something more than yourself. Even though loving more than yourself is gaining, certainly not losing, beloveds, you fear it. You fear joining in on the joys of life, for what would become of you then? You might be found.

It would be easy for you to love something more than yourself because, your love for yourself, ego aside, has been deserted somewhere, left by the wayside. Sometimes you love yourself least of all and admire everyone else more. Sometimes, if you could run away from yourself, you would. You would dispense with yourself. You would drop yourself off in the woods somewhere. Is it so hard to love yourself in your own eyes? Think what this would mean when you love yourself. You would no longer demand that others’ eyes sanction and validate you. Your heart would burst wide open, and the whole world would enter.

I, God, placed my seal of approval on you before you were born, at your birth, and I continue to do so now every minute of your life. Why isn’t my voucher for you good enough? You would want everyone to bend their knee to you. You would want the sheaves of wheat to bow down before you. But even then you would feel the lack of honor because you do not honor yourself enough to fill a child’s tea cup. What would it take for you to bend your own knee to yourself? To love yourself – that would be true humility. To give yourself your due, that would be noble. When you feel empty inside, what amount of honor from the outside can assuage the emptiness?

If there is no least to My children, how can you consider yourself less? What habit of mind is this? What could you do, beloveds, to get back in your own good graces? If everyone loved himself, what a glorious world this would be. It would not be a selfish world. Quite the contrary. When you love yourself, you can begin to see others in the same light. Selfishness would become a thing of the past. In fact, the little self would be gone. Only lack of love feeds the little self, makes it sniffle and stay centered on itself.

But when love takes its rightful place, the Self appears resplendent, and you really and truly begin to love everyone as yourself. You could not do otherwise.

Love yourself first, beloveds. Recognize your worth. Do you believe in giving to God what is due God? Well then, you will love yourself, for I am due your love for yourself. Your love for yourself is overdue, and I am calling in the marker. Start to love yourself so that you leave doubt and fear behind you. My Will is that you love yourself. Love yourself first, and then you will love every man, woman, and child, and every creature on Earth, and every thing, God-made and man-made. You will love. You will love without objection, for you will already love yourself, and so you will love Oneness.

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What overwhelming amazing

What overwhelming amazing loving and beautiful Love Letter from our beloved Father !
I think it says, contains, conveys, ... everything.
I think this will got stamped into my mind and heart: :wub:
"I, God, placed my seal of approval on you before you were born, at your birth, and I continue to do so now every minute of your life. Why isn’t my voucher for you good enough?"
Thank you dear Father, thank you Gloria Angel !! :Rolleyes:
Heavenletters should be read each day in television like the news, I'd love to turn on my TV and see you dear Gloria, reading todays Heavenletter in your unique and wonderful manner!!
All my love

Hi! Gloria, Just wanted to

Hi! Gloria,

Just wanted to say when I read this HeavenLetter on loving myself, which I have been asking help of Holy Spirit to guide me in creating ways to do this. On the same day I came across a paper copy of a paragraph from"A Course in Love", presented by Mari Perron (ACIL was given by Jesus as a follow up to ACIM, for he states that ACIM was given to heal the mind and ACIL was presented to open the Heart). I can recommend it for anyone who feels that ACIM keeps them too much in the mind.

I have recenlty finished studying (took me 3 years!!) I thought this little para. was very much in sync. with the days HeavenLetter and was thrilled to have come across it behind a cupboard where I used to keep loads from ACIM. So I will share it with all who find this :


You would not be other than who you are. You may know that this is true or you may dwell in fantasies, desiring what another has or some success, fame, or riches that seem impossible for you to attain. And yet, whether you know it is true or not, it is true: |You would not be other than who you are. Herein lie your peace and your perfection. If you would not be other than you are, then you must be perfect. This is a conclusion both logical to the mind and believable to the heart, and its acceptance is a step toward wholeheartedness."

ACOL 20.42

Loving Oneself...

Love yourself first, beloveds. Recognize your worth. Do you believe in giving to God what is due God? Well then, you will love yourself, for I am due your love for yourself. Your love for yourself is overdue, and I am calling in the marker. Start to love yourself so that you leave doubt and fear behind you. My Will is that you love yourself. Love yourself first, and then you will love every man, woman, and child, and every creature on Earth, and every thing, God-made and man-made. You will love. You will love without objection, for you will already love yourself, and so you will love Oneness.

So...far, far removed from what some may view as selfish, loving Oneself is truly a holy act and akin and equivalent to loving Oneness. And truly, when I am deeply in Love with my self, I am in Love with God...and You!! Loving ourselves and You, Jim and Jimi.

And loving oneself...

is a very precious and holy endeavor.

It is being kind to oneself.

It is being patient with oneself.

It is being respectful of oneself.

Is viewing oneself as holy and sacred as any high priest or priestess....and as holy and sacred as anyone in the universe. For truly...even a essence is as holy as a saint.

Let yourself off the hook! You have done nothing wrong...You are here...indeed...on love yourself and others. And truly, in loving automatically love God and all others.

Just love yourself...Take this start...and when you hear the innerr voices being critical of yourself....even crucifying yourself...enough! Take yourself off the cross...and invite yourself into your heart...where so much tender love lives...and begin to live from this place...this tender, sweet, indwelling place of love.

Just love will be so happy...and others will be so happy too.

Loving us and you, Jim and Jimi.

Loving Oneself...

is the same as loving Oneness.

Oneself is One Self is Oneness.

This is so profound...and yet so easily and conveniently overlooked.

Oneself is One Self is Oneness.

And Loving Oneself is Loving One Self is Loving Oneness.

So sweet...and so vast...

Have a tender, loving and sweet day...because....

You are tender, loving and sweet. Jimi.

It is hard to imagine


It is hard to imagine that a series of comments could exceed the profound insights of the letter they address, but Jim and Jimi, you have here.

This letter, and even more so the comments that follow, are as if written just for me, an answer to yesterday's heartfelt anguish and prayer. Thank you so much.....Chuck

Thank you Chuck...

Thank you dear Chuck. It is so unfashionable in the world to even speak in a genuine and heartfelt way...about loving oneself. And yet...the benefits to oneself, others and the world are vast and profound. Just to treat oneself with tenderness and!........................

Thank you Chuck for the love that you are...and the willingness to receive and share the love that you are. May everyone be blessed with the awareness of the love that they are as well. Jim and Jimi.


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