How to Be a Hero

God said:

Fear is a mode, a mood, a mind. Moods change. Your mind changes them. Change your mind. If you are suffering in life, you cannot take away the events. You can take away the suffering.

When you suffer, you are holding out for something more. You hold yourself at ransom. You hold out. You take a stand. You protest. You will not accept that which has already been given. Suffering is a choice you make. You are not without choice.

The sky can be gray and cloudy, and still you are happy. There can be blue skies. The sun can be shining, and, yet, you feel morose. You don’t have to put yourself through the paces. What is done is done. Move on.

Perhaps you have been begrudging life. You want to set new rules. You want to play for all or nothing when you can bless yourself right now. When you suffer, you have given yourself the short end of the stick. You have chosen suffering because you have decided to hold out for what you want. You will not settle for less, and, therefore, you give yourself suffering.

You wanted a dollar, and you got a dime. You tell yourself that this is cause for suffering. You refuse to meet life half way. You want all or nothing. You will not be a pushover in life, you wail. And, so, you refuse to be happy. Only when life treats you like royalty, will you be happy. You set limits for yourself, and you will not budge. You choose stubbornness and folly. Be a good sport instead.

The key to life is to move on. You have to budge. You cannot stay in the same place. If you are to grow, you have to grow. You may think you are asserting yourself. You are stamping your foot at life. What are you doing, beloved? You are fighting a losing game.

What you can change is your stance in life. You can bounce back. Instead of a fight or even reconciliation, you can say: “Okay, I didn’t like this turn of events. Nevertheless, I go on in life. I get out of the doldrums. I stop holding on. The question is not how much I like a series of events. The question is how I rise from a quandary.”

You are someone who rises. You do not dig in to an assumed position. If you are knocked down, you get up, not to fight, not to linger, but to get on with it. You are not meant to fight with life, right and left. You are to let go. Let go, and go on your merry way.

You may ask: “What does life hold for me?” When you think more about it, you might ask: “What do I hold for life? What am I holding onto?”

When a soup has been prepared for you, the question is not: “Is this the soup I like the most?” The question is: “The soup is before me. I may not favor this particular soup, yet it is before me, and so I spoon the soup. It has become my soup. I finish it, and I get up and forgot about the soup that was not my favorite. Somehow or another, it was my soup. Now I leave the table.”

And so you rise. And so you overcome whatever has come your way. It may not be the soup you would have chosen. On the other hand, you finish, and you get up from the table, and you move on. This is how you are a hero. This is how you accommodate life. You get up. You keep going. You dance to your own tune.

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I love it! Too beautiful.

I love it! Too beautiful. Can it be this simple?

How Heaven Letters travel...

Hello Gloria,

I just learned, an hour ago, talking to one of my best friends in the south of France, that she received, from a friend of hers, a french Heavenletter that I translated.

I asked my friend from which internet site she did read the text, and the answer was "Les Chroniques d'Arcturius." Our dear Michel Saint-Jean.

That means that :

1- You write the text

2- You send it to Theophil who publishes it

3- I translate it

4- I send it to Paola in Canada who proofs it

5- I correct it and send it to Mauro in Argentina who publishes the translation

6- Arcturius publishes it in Canada

7- The Lady reads it in Nice, South of France

8- She sends it to my friend who tells me.

Now your head is spinning all around the world ! The magic of internet or something else...!

What is suprising is that my friend is not the type of person who would go on internet to read Heavenletters or any other type of spiritual texts.

So, I asked her who would send her a "wonderfull text" like that (she said a "wonderfull text") and she answered it was somebody she met when doing research on "crop circles" out of curiosity.

So you see, a small world.

"La boucle est bouclée!" (the circle is completed) and your head IS SPINNING !

I'm sure you enjoyed all this information on how a Heavenletter travels all around the world and how you touch such a great number of nice people with YOUR GOD WRITING.

Lots of love to you.


Dear Chantal, my first

Dear Chantal,

my first contact with Heavenletters happened I don't know how. I just recall that I was on a spiritual or channeling website where there was a link to the first "officially" numbered #1 of Heavenletters: I could hardly believe what I was reading. It sounded like it was really God speaking. And it still sounds like God is speaking. All ways for God are good ways.

Beloved Chantal,I had just

Beloved Chantal,

I had just been thinking how Heavenletters keep moving along as if by themselves. I was thinking of the translator angels actually. Every day so many Heavenletters are translated. I receive notices of them. The translations arrive. Every day Spanish, French, German, Chinese, Italian, and Turkish, and I don't have to ask or anything. There they are appearing on their own from the love and energy of those who translate. The translations can be counted on like clockwork. Many of the translators translate even a month ahead because they are going to be traveling out of the country and so on.

And now, Chantal, you tell us about a good friend of yours who amazingly discovers discovers the Heavenletters that you translate. What a world!

Work goes into Heavenletter, and yet the rewards seem to come all on their own.

I love the story you told us.

And then Normand, who translates Heavenletters into French as well, tells of how so effortlessly he came to Heavenletters.

And in my email today, Anneke, a Dutch translator, tells of a how she discovered that friend of hers just subsubscribed. That feels good, doesn't it! There are so many good stories.

Thank you very much!

We thank YOU Gloria !

Dear Gloria,

I dare write in the name of all "translator angels" and thank YOU to give us the opportunity to read and to translate God's Word.

Reading God's Word is such a Joy and I am aware of my luck to be allowed to translate it.

In the translating process, I weight every word and go deep into each of them in what is a mental process.

And then, sometimes, the translation flows by itself, as if God were standing next to me, with his hand on my shoulder, dictating the french version that doesn't always use the same images as the english version. Then I know that it is my heart that is at work.

Those moments are very special and make me smile with joy in front of my computer...

So, again, thank You, and don't be astonished to have dedicated "translator angels" who send you, regularly, so many versions of Heavenletters, they know their luck !

Love to you.


Chantal, like the song: This

Chantal, like the song: This must be love.

You make my heart burst this morning.

A thousand blessings.


P.S. Then, we shall thank God for His gift He gave to us!

Is in it the miracle of One:

Is in it the miracle of One: the writer, the written and what it is written on or through.


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