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how (if) to upload mp3 files

Hello dear administration,
Please let me thank you for your outstanding work full of beauty and love - may it come back to you a 1000 times, may you be helped like you help others.
Thank you for the Light!

I composed and recorded 2 Songs in comission from an entity sent from Our Father. These are ascension-songs.
These Songs are my -giving back-, my -Thank You- to God and the Universe and I would be delighted to make them hearable to your precious readers.
The little tunes are written in the ancient solfeggio frequencies and correspond directly with the heart, sacral and crown chakras and are meant to uplift and reassure the souls of the aware and to gently call those who might still be asleep.
They are composed for 3 Cellos, Bass and Vocals.

Right now, I would love them to be heared directly, meaning NOT via an external link to some website. I love each and everyone of your heavenly family - these Songs are for You!

Dear Administration, would there be a chance of uploading these mp3 files onto the forum, for everybody just to click and listen?
Would you like to listen upfront for yourself?
I will happily provide a link to where they are posted now.

Thank you for your time and consideration
With all my Love

P.S. uups, now, nearly hitting the submit-button I see "File attachments"... would that be the answer to my question?
If Yes, it would be another "ask and you'll get answers" instant serendipity.

Beloved Peter, We certainly

Beloved Peter,

We certainly feel your purity and goodness of heart and tremendous sincerity. I really don't know what to do with you! You offer us beautiful gifts, and who would not want to accept!

Here's the thing, dear one. It is in our guidelines that we ask everyone to please not promote their products, no matter how wonderful. The reason is that soon this forum might become filled with products. If it were only you, dear angel, this wouldn't even be a consideration.

If we post your work here, then the floodgates are opened. How can we say yes to you and not everyone else?

So, please let me think of what can be done. Meanwhile, will you contact me?
gloria [at] heavenletters [dot] org

God bless you for your heavenly music and your pure heart.

With love,


Dear Peter, I don't know if

Dear Peter, I don't know if the problem has already been solved by our beloved Heaven Admin, but a solution (perhaps not the one that you hoped for) would be to register for a free web site (you don't need to set up a web site, but only some free space for your audios) anywhere you might prefer and then follow the simple instructions given below. In this case you should attach a very small .m3u file to a post of yours and clicking on it everyone would be able to listen to your audio streamed through a pre-defined application (even MS media player) associated to .m3u files. I tested the procedure with a free altervista web space and it worked fine. Hope it helps.

How to Create a Streaming Audio File

Streaming audio is quite simple:

* 1. Create an MP3 file on your desktop home computer, and make sure you can double-click on it and play it and it sounds good.
* 2. Upload it into your web directory, or some sub-directory inside your web directory. Any place that "feels" right so long as it's somewhere inside the web directory.
* 3. Surf to the MP3 URL to download it and play it, just to be sure you know the correct URL.
* 4. Once the download works, copy the URL from the "Location" box of your browser. Be sure to include the http:// part at the front, or add it if your browser is hiding that from you.
* 5. Paste that URL into a teeny tiny text file in Notepad or SimpleText and save it as "songtitle.m3u"


----------- file: songtitle.m3u -----------------

6. Upload that "songtitle.m3u" file to your web-site, again placing it in whatever "feels" right to you, so long as it's inside the web directory.
7. Surf to the m3u file, and you should get a steaming MP3

8. Now, you can simply link to the m3u file, just like you would link to an HTML file.

You can paste as many MP3 URLs, one line each, into an m3u file, as you want to create a play-list and build your own radio station. "All me, all the time" :-)

----------- file: songtitle.m3u -----------------

NOTE: The URLs provided are no longer live and for real.
This should work on *ANY* web-site.

A big hug, Andrea.
P.s. I found this hint with google