Home Is with God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Abby to God, Jona, and Heavenreaders:

Wow! Jona's letter about the earth was great! I was wondering those things myself and the answer was so uplifting and true. How often I forget that our world is a part of an infinite and magnificent whole. Thanks, God, and Jona! Love to all.

God to Abby:

It especially pleases me when young ones reveal their great hearts and perspective. Broad vision, dear ones.

God to Jona:

My dear Jona, angel on earth, teacher of openness, love, and sweetness, there is one thing I omitted to say yesterday in regard to the last line of your question about earth as your home.

Earth is your home for only a little while. It is like a rental. And you want to take good care of a rental. It isn't yours; you're there just temporarily, but that's how it is with everything on earth — temporary.

But you take care of your temporary quarters because it feels good when you take care of something. Taking care of something that you don't presume to own is like polishing the silver, even when there isn't company. Or shining your car before the new owner comes to pick it up. You don't HAVE to shine it, but you want to show your respect for it and to its new owner.

It doesn't feel good to hand something over in shoddy condition.

And so with earth.

It may be good to remember every once in a while that earth is your temporary home. You are in a caravan on earth. You pitch a tent there. You explore new territory. You hunt for yourself.

Always you know that you have your permanent Home to come back to. In time. In moments at the campfire, you may remember Home well, or try to recapture its love with such longing that you wonder why you have to wait to return. You see a glimpse every now and then of your Father Who oversees your journey and keeps the porch light on for you when you return Home from your travels.

At the campfire, you talk over old times with friends, and you try to recapture your sense of Home, and you almost have it. Sometimes you have it. Sometimes you think someone else knows more about Home than you do, or has more right to it, and you feel far far away from Home.

Sometimes you are like a turtle who carries his home with him, only you are not sure you do.

Maybe someone else really knows his Home. Or once upon a time, someone did, or thought they did.

But no matter where you are on your journey, an old refrain keeps stirring through your heart. The refrain won't let you alone.

That is My flute-song, calling to you.

Yes, show love to your temporary home.

Meanwhile, the palace is being readied for you.

You can tour it now, or you can wait until you stay.

You can take your time.

But return you will.

And welcome you will be.

Gloria to God:

Dearest God, Father of All, whatever our temporary home is, it seems precious. It's important to us, or certainly to me, and why is it so important?


It is one of those attachments, Gloria.

You think your home adorns you.

Yes, you can close the door.

Yes, no one can come in uninvited.

Yes, it is shelter.

Yes, it is a haven.

Yes, it is private.

Yes, everything must be so in it.

Your home says, Gloria.

Your home says, individual.

All the physical tells you that you are separate from one another. Bodies tell you that. Houses tell you that.

But on the deeper level, all are One.

There is no privacy.

All is all's.

Everything is shared.

So your home is all illusion.

Precious illusion.

You see bricks and mortar.

But the truth of your home is light.

And light has no boundaries.

Home, however humble, feels so good to My children because it has been broken in with their vibration. Your own vibration is comfort. Old slippers. Old bathrobe. The familiar.

And then there is My vibration. Be in tune with it, and you will be at home everywhere on earth and in Heaven. You will need no haven. You will need no illusion of apartness.

You will feel the centeredness of earth in your feet as your heart soars to Heaven. You will be Heaven and earth.

Meanwhile, know that your physical home represents Me, and that I venture there too. I walk the rooms and bless them and the people in the rooms. But know I walk everywhere, and I bless everything. I bless the mansion no more or no less than I bless the cardboard box. You can be intimate with Me anywhere and everywhere. Carry Me with you like a medal on a chain over your heart. I go with you.


Dear God, some people are more content with less. I remember that Peace Pilgrim, that wonderful soul, was happy to find a cardboard box one night to sleep in, and I would have felt sorry for myself.


Never feel sorry for yourself. Never feel sorry for another. No child of God merits pity. That is waste of time, and it is insult. Never feel pity. It is judgment.

Help someone who requires it. Next time you might require it.

Bear in mind that the helper has a need to help. The one who requires help fulfills the helper. One is not mightier than the other.

You would not feel sorry for an equal. Only for one you think is less than you.

No one is less. No one is more.

Never support another's attempt at weakness. If you do, you are fortifying it.

Do you imagine that Christ ever said or intimated, "Oh, you poor thing. No wonder you're crying."

Whether it is lack of health or money or good relationships, no matter what, no pity.

Christ did not say to a sufferer, "Drown there in your tears."

He said, "Get up and walk".

His compassion was grand.

Have mercy, not pity.

Have faith, not fear.

Have love, not commiseration.

Have love, not admiration.

Have love, not sympathy.

Have understanding, and move on.

Accept the throne and the cardboard box the same.

The quality of you is not dependent upon circumstances.

You are not the throne nor the cardboard box.

Nor is anyone else.

* * *

Nancy L. to Heavenletters:

Heavenletters are such an inspiration for me everyday. I get tons of other messages that I delete or put off reading, but I always read Heavenletters right then.

I am also enjoying Jona's questions and God's great answers. Thanks!

Happy Spring! Lots of love.

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