Are you both a computer whiz and an angel? Computer whiz because of your skills and angel because of your good heart and love of Heavenletters and happiness to volunteer! You would primarily be responsible for getting Heaven News web-ready. Heaven News is coming out about twice a month now. Heaven Admin may have other technical projects for you as Heavenletters keeps growing.
As you know, Heaven Admin is working on so many projects. He has too much to do. He doesn't say this -- I'm the one saying this. The European Godwriting(tm) Workshop Tour and Oneness Journey to Argentina are coming up, and WE WANT YOU. Please note that Heaven Admin is a total angel to work with.
We also need someone to help with archiving. The present archiving of Heavenletters has been set up supremely. It is my understanding that nowhere is there archiving as complete and beautifully done as Annette has done for us. I don't know all that goes on behind the scenes in archiving but here's some daily work I do know about:
Every day I write down a new Heavenletter and send it to Heaven Admin for safe-keeping and to Annette to number it and date it correctly. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but when I was doing that, I made mistakes, and so, archivist to the rescue. Archivists never make mistakes.
The Heavenletter I send at this time often isn't titled. That comes later.
Later, I send that same Heavenletter to you again with a title and proofed for typos and such. This titled and proofed Heavenletter then go up on the web site in an administrative place. And then, miraculously, at the right time, that Heavenletter appears on the web site and the data base from where it is sent out to every Heavensubscriber.
Are you the kind of person who likes to do careful detailed work? WE WANT YOU.
We have always been most fortunate with all kinds of marvelous angels coming from all directions, to wit:
On your own, many of you who post often on this forum are really leading it, keeping it going strong and high.
We have translators -- always looking for more!
We have people who make sure to welcome new people on the forum.
We have people sending Heavenletters out to various groups who publish them, some every day. We need more people to help send out Heavenletters, for there are several more sites that want Heavenletters from us. I don't know how to keep up with the demand. We could use several people to help send out Heavenletters to ezines and such. Each person would have his or her own group to send to. Are you available?
There are also a few assorted emails that take no time at all, really and truly only three minutes a day or less, but, you know, there are so many two and three minute jobs a day that they add up and my mind is reeling. It's a lot of juggling. Can you help?
I am not as easy to work with as Heaven Admin. I like things done my way too much! And I don't always know ahead of time what my way is, but I am willing to learn along with you. Once we're on the same page, I'm out of your way.
If you have access to a computer every day and you can handle the same remuneration as a computer whiz -- we are an equal opportunity non-paying employer here -- then please apply within!
Hi, I'm new to the site,
I'm new to the site, but I would like to welcome new people here! I'd LOVE to volunteer for that. Also, if you need editing help, I'm good w/ that. I do some editing work in my real life job : ).
Desertrosenm [at] comcast [dot] net
Our thoughts are powerful and creating our next precious moment
Beloved Desert Rose,
Beloved Desert Rose, delighted to hear from you. How lovely of you to offer your help. Let me welcome YOU! You're new to Heavenletters, and here you are, stepping right up! Thank you.
There are two valuable ways of welcoming people to this forum.
One is simply by responding on the forum to people who post for the first time -- and also responding to the content of comments from others. How nice it is to receive a sincere response from one heart to another. That goes a long way -- not only to the person you respond to, but to all who read what you write as well. The spirit here is amazing, I think, and you are already a lovely example of that, Desertrose. Right away, you put your heart right out here for everyone to see!
The other way to welcome is by sending an email to the new people who register on the forum. Right now two volunteers are doing that, Berit and Pam. I will put them in touch with you, and the three of you can decide how you would like to do it.
Desertrose, I couldn't find you as a subscriber to Heavenletters. On the right margin, right near the top, you will see the link that takes you to where you can have your name added to the mailing list. Will you kindly do that?
What kind of editing would you especially like to do? What are your computer skills like?
Where do you live? Goodness knows, there is plenty to do around here!
I'll look for your response here.
God bless you.
With love,
Hi Gloria, THANK YOU for
Hi Gloria,
THANK YOU for accepting me as a volunteer! You've really made me feel welcome! I will look for new people and will respond to them and will wait for Berit to contact me about sending Emails to new people. I did subscribe to heavenletters w/ a different Email address. If you Email me at my Desertrosenm [at] comcast [dot] net address I'll let you know the other Email address that I signed up for heavenletters with. I didn't mean to confuse the process : ). If you like you can delete that one and I'll sign up again using Desertrosenm. : )Leave it to me to be here 2 days and confuse the process, lol : ).
I live in New Mexico. My computer skills are advanced, in my opinion. I can't do "website" work but other than that I'm computer saavy. I have a gift for writing. I work in the medical transcription education industry so I edit students work all the time, write marketing materials and website content, and create our monthly newsletter. I also handle some of our advertising and various projects to bump up enrollments : ). I have exceptional English grammar and spelling skills. I can assist in editing heaven letters before they go out or could assist in editing one that went out and had a typo or two in them. I LOVE to monitor message boards. I like to help people who are hurting. I have an Associate Degree in Human Services and a Ph.D in Metaphysical Science. I am learning Spanish and have translation software. I am unable at this time to translate using my own ability, but if you guys need help in that area, and my translation software would do the trick, I'd be happy to help w/ that area as well.
I feel that you've done an amazing thing w/ Heaven Letters and God writing. Listening to God within is an acquired skill and you teaching people how to bring this out is one of the most therapeutic things I believe one can do. It PROVES to people that God lives within us and that we are indeed loved and it creates a situation of much much better positive self-talk. It changes what is going on within a person. I think the online workshop is an AMAZING idea. It will bring God writing nationwide and get the word out. I have some other ideas for your Gloria. Just to post a few and if you are interested you can Email me for details.
-God writing workshop beginner
-God writing workshop- focused on particular issues
-Offer certificates for each level of God writing workshops. When people take all the workshops offer a God Writing practitioner certificate.
-Do you have a newsletter? If not, maybe that would be a good idea. There is a 'reason' to do this and would be happy to discuss this in Email. It could be income generating.
Anyway, I'm happy to be here. Use me as you see fit.
I enjoy feeling helpful and needed.
Much Much Much love,
Our thoughts are powerful and creating our next precious moment
Beloved Desertrose, First of
Beloved Desertrose,
First of all, it is for us to thank you for volunteering your beautiful self to help us out!
Secondly, credit for Heavenletters and Godwriting goes to God, sweetheart. Credit for the extraordinary web site development goes to Heaven Admin, earlier to Adrachin and Kirt; and for the archive aspect to Annette, and to everyone who reads and posts. I am very much along for the ride.
I am going to give a lot of thought to the areas in which you so generously offer help. Please tell us more about how you are learning Spanish and the translation software you have. I have to get serious about learning Spanish.
As for people hurting, my feeling is we are all hurting one way or another to one degree or another at one time or another. And it is God Who helps us. That is one of the reasons why I think the amazing comments on this forum about what God says in daily Heavenletters are so valuable. That way we don't focus on the hurt. There is a Heavenletter (Jochen, do you know which one?) that tells us it's better that we don't commiserate with people and delve into our difficulties. With our attention on what God says -- well, God will lift us higher.
My personal experience with Heavenletter comments and particular quotations people have chosen is that they really open my eyes and enrich my heart. I will look forward to your responses to individual Heavenletters, Desertrose!
You must already know that I love thinking, talking about Godwritng(tm) workshops and seeing people become Godwriters. You will find a lot about Godwriting on the blog Lots! On the blog, on the right, look for where it says Godwriting Workshops, and you'll see a whole bunch of entries. Will you respond on the blog as well? You may find a few surprises there.
I am glad for your suggestions and your support for online Godwriting workshops. You are absolutely right that we want this simple natural communion with God to become mainstream. God wants this. I don't think it was my idea.
Desertrose, I am going to respond to your suggestions about workshops on the blog. I may even do it for this morning's blog entry, so look for more there!
Don't Feel Sorry for
Don't Feel Sorry for Anyone
Heavenletter #2739 Published on: May 25, 2008
Dearest Gloria, A few years
Dearest Gloria,
A few years ago, I would not have agreed w/ this statement "As for people hurting, my feeling is we are all hurting one way or another to one degree or another at one time or another. And it is God Who helps us." I used to be a person that needed to analyze things to death. I used to tease my husband about being a person who "skips over" the emotional stuff. However, as I've grown, I see the wisdom in what you share here. Aside from occasionally doing a little processing w/ a close friend or confidante if we focus on the hurt or pain then we risk getting stuck in it. Focusing instead on what we learned from any given experience and talking about the good stuff increases the good stuff. I believe that what we focus on increases whether positive or negative. Commiserating may at first seem or even feel therapeutic but ultimately it would have been more therapeutic to have talked about all the wonderful things happening and going on. I like how you have the community set up like the GOOD news or Inspirational news from around the world, recipes, sharing miracles in your life, etc.. this set up leads and guides one to look for the good stuff and I think that is a good thing. I'm really glad I'm here. Thank you for the unconditional acceptance and I've already made contact w/ Pam and Berit for the Welcome letters. It makes me happy inside to feel accepted and know that I can help you.
As for my Spanish, I'm using Rocket Spanish. I've tried the super expensive programs and this one works the best for me. It is written in a way that works w/ my brain and how I think. The "immersion" type courses did not work for me. For example, they would show a picture and show a word in Spanish. Well, I'm a natural born over-analyzer and I'd be confused- is the word- the boy in the picture, the ball he is holding, the sun in background, what??? With Rocket Spanish they teach using many different methods and it's pretty painless. I also use flash cards from a variety of sources because my brain works well w/ flash card learning. Also, my husband is Cuban so that helps too. : ) I'm looking to become "conversational" moreso than having good ability to write Spanish. My translation software is pretty good. However, if you'd like me to run Heaven Letters through it, a knowledgeable Spanish speaking person should probably read over the translation for clarity and may wish to do some light editing. Also, in the Spanish language (all languages actually) different dialetcts are different. An example is a word in Cuban Spanish may have a different meaning than in Mexican Spanish and both may differ greatly from Spain Spanish. Sort of like how US English may differ from UK English. We still understand each other pretty well but may ask "what does ___ mean?" : ) My Spanish is on an extremely low level right now. I've not had time to focus this way. With my job, I'm going through all of the career courses we offer in order to be able to better support them for our students, so I work and take the classes. So, my Spanish learning is back burner at the moment.
I like you Gloria. You come across as strong yet gentle and kind and with a large dose of compassion. I think I will be able to learn here, and hope I have something of value to give. I purchased your book on Amazon the other day. I can't wait to get it.
Side note, I have a project/goal formulating in the back of my head at the moment. It's in the process of taking shape in my subconscious mind. I have a friend who is onboard w/ the idea and I believe it may start to take form later this summer. The basic idea is starting a spiritual institute and offering courses, etc. One idea that loosely came to me last night and we can talk more about it in the future is maybe we could have as one of the courses your God writing workshop. The idea would be to have a student come to you and your site and take a God writing workshop that we'd offer them credit for toward one of our certificates. They would write a brief paper and submit to us what they learned in the workshop. I kind of like this idea and if you are interested we can formulate it more in the future. Right now, I've got some other projects to complete but I'm thinking mid to late summer I'm going to get onto the writing of the courses.
Anyway, as you can see my brain works fast and lots of thoughts flow through it : ) I've come to accept that about myself and just roll w/ it : ). I will read the blog and respond.
Oh one question, I've noticed when I read a Heaven Letter from God, that I feel to respond to God directly and wait for the response. Is this appropriate to respond in this manner in the Comments section of Heaven Letters? Please let me know. Also, count me in on the online workshop! I want to be one of the first to go through it! : )
Our thoughts are powerful and creating our next precious moment
Yes, I have a librarian and archivist vein, too. So, for instance, I
did research for 1300 titles of not yet published music (handwritten or
printed) of the period between 1710 and 1820 (and edited them in modern notation) in libraries and
castle archives of the Western world. As Annette, I am at the beginning of a new epoch of my
biographical life - composing and/or painting.
Nevertheless, 15 min. per day for archiving is no effort, no jamming, no
squeezing of other matters. Reading, re-reading and proofing for typos
intrinsically are no work; these are delicious times - times, which
belong to translating - of other Heavenletters - too. My
'typo-recognition' works quite well and has developed continuously
during the last 6 years, little by little. So, 15 min. for archiving in the narrow sense
of archiving every day is not chopping anything else.
Re-ordering doublets of HL's or Heavenletters with two different titles,
etc. might be another segment of work, which amounts to different and larger time
expenditures. A work, which can be done by another, by a second person solely?
I wish, to let you know this.
Others will have their own quiet or evidenced responses to your request,
emerging from Heavenletters.
Be blessed, dear Gloria, dear readers of God's and our words,
Beloved Theophil, your offer
Beloved Theophil, your offer to help archiving touches my heart very much. This is such generous kindness from you, you who already gives so much to Heavenletters.
There is a saying: If you want to get something done, ask the busiest person. I wonder if Heavenreaders know that you have translated as many as eight Heavenletters a day!
I asked dear Annette how long the archiving takes. This was her response:
"Filling in the daily HLs template takes only a few minutes. Once you press the SUBMIT button, the information is automatically added into the HLs listing, title index, etc. Most of the preliminary work is already done. When the time comes, I will upload the latest HL titles and a template with HL numbers and dates that anyone can download to get started."
She added:
"Heaven Admin will need to give my replacement access to the HL template and let him know if he wants him to do SEO (search engine optimization), as I have been doing. SEO takes a little longer, but if the archivist does it as he goes along, it goes a lot quicker. It doesn't have to take long."
Now I would like to explain about the titles. Every morning I write down a new Heavenletter (sometimes two, once in a while three!) but usually one. At this time, I do not usually give the Heavenletter a title. If I do give it a title, it's considered temporary. This Heavenletter does not have a number yet or a date for publication. The date it does carry is the date I write down the Heavenletter.
Every day I also take a Heavenletter that I previously sent to the archivist about two weeks after it had originally been sent. This letter still carries the date it was written, but now it has a definite title, and I have proofed the Heavenletter. It is at this point that the archivist puts it in the queue and it goes up hidden on the website.
I used to do the titles and dates of publication myself, but I also used to make careless mistakes -- typos. Maybe I would be better at that now and could take that on.
The only reason why I send the Heavenletter I write down today to the archivist is for safe-keeping. It's a precaution in case my computer crashed or whatever. I also send it to Heaven Admin for safekeeping. Probably it isn't necessary for me to send it to the archivist and that step can be eliminated. I don't see why not.
You would be fantastic, beloved Theophil. There is no reservation except we want to be sure that you're free to translate and that we're not giving you too much to do!
God bless you.
With love,
Beloved Theophil, when I
Beloved Theophil, when I wrote the above, I forgot about another reason why I also send the initial Godwriting to the archivist, and I believe this makes it necessary that I do.
This way the archivist can keep me honest!! What if I mistakenly skip sending a proofed titled Heavenletter down the line? This way you check on me. Since we have this system in place, I think I did this once, so maybe it is necessary.
Loving you,
Beloved Gloria, all of us
Beloved Gloria,
all of us are acquainted with labour division.
As to Heavenletters, it seems to me, we get acquainted with the merits of labour multiplication ...
the more people are concerned with them in terms of 'work', the more the Heavenletters are
safe - safe-kept - bare of the effects of carelessness - without being ignored as such and in their truthful meaning to us during the processes of "work" on our side - without typos - 'attached' with our energies, 'attached' with our more and more purifying awarenesses - the more they are enriched by our "workers'" intentions, deeply rooted.
So, I cannot see any reason, to eliminate this or that step. These steps are approved and conclusive.
There are 3 persons at the moment, who are safe-keeping the Letters; maybe each of them doing it with at least two or three mediums of storage at their own homes. My impression is, that is the minimum. And: Are they somewhere safe-kept in a different (printed) form than digitally, as a whole? Do we depend on electricity in our modern world, alone on electricity? Isn't there a mix of various forms of material energiey, which we are converting to our specific purposes daily?
If you like, let us begin with the cooperation, now.
There are some interruptions of my daily presence at home, some shorter journeys (3 to 5 days), planned in the near future - this will not interfere with the task; because sending out may occur some days later, or in a bundle, isn't it?
Be blessed,
Beloved Theophil, yes,
Beloved Theophil, yes, Heavenletters can be bundled!!
The safe-keeping of Heavenletters is in good hands. There cannot be better hands than yours and Heaven Admin's and Annette's. As Annette, for reasons beyond her control, has to let go, you appear. We're so grateful.
Thank you for serving so beautifully.
Heaven Admin will tell us how to proceed.
Well, dear, I just received
Well, dear, I just received some instructions from Heaven Admin. My understanding is:
1. Starting tomorrow, I will send two Heavenletters to you, the one written that very day and the one I proofed and added a title to. Here's how you will easily know right away for sure which is which: The titled and proofed one will have the text in color! (I'm a genius!)
2. The first one is just to keep. For the second Heavenletter, the proofed one, I believe Heaven Admin or Annette will send you Annette's template which will keep the dates and numbers of Heavenletters straight. Annette said that if you have your own way to do this, that's fine too, of course.
3. For the titled Heavenletter that I have proofed, I would ask you to be so kind as to check for obvious typos and correct them. If you find something else that you see as questionable, let me know, and we will decide together.
4. For now, beloved Theophil, send the proofed Heavenletter to Heaven Admin. (I will email you the email address to send it to.)
5. Heaven Admin will communicate directly with you and share with you how to add the proofed and titled Heavenletter directly to the web site. Once you can add the proofed and titled Heavenletter to the queue on the website, then, of course, 4 above will be obsolete, and this 5 will become 4!
I have a bunch of Heavenletters to send you. These are Heavenletters I already sent to Annette that she has not been able to work on. I'm thinking that I will send you just the ones in color ready for you to proof and send to Heaven Admin. These are the most important ones for you to take care of and send to Heaven Admin.
Starting tomorrow, I will no longer send any Heavenletters to Annette, so tomorrow I will send you the original Heavenletter from about six weeks ago, and also the one in color that I will have checked over.
God bless you.
With love,
Dearest Gloria, I would
Dearest Gloria,
I would gladly assist in any way that might be possible, a part the archive, I feel unqualified for such a job.
If there is anything else I can do, pls pls pls let me know dear.
For the welcoming of new Heavenreaders together with dear Pam and new Heavenangel Desertrose I will wait for your mail Gloria.
Much much much love
Glorious Gloria and Beautiful Berit
Berit and I have found that trading months seems to work very well for us. It's been such a pleasure sharing this joyful duty with Berit --one of the sweetest people in the entire Universe -- and I have no problem sharing with Desertrose as well. However you want to work this, Gloria, is fine with me.
I would be happy to do email duty, if you'd like. That is my first task of the day and it would be no problem adding a few minutes to my day.
As well, I already forward Heavenletters nearly daily to a group of friends. I'd be happy to set up a group of ezines, etc., to forward to daily.
Pam, as for the sharing of
Pam, as for the sharing of the emailed forum welcome letters, I would rather leave it to the three of you to work it out. I would also ask you and/or Berit to show Desertrose the ropes, give her your welcome letters to go by, be her buddy for a while and get her started right in the way to represent Heavenletters.
Yes, it would be wonderful to have you take over some of the emailing out of Heavenletters. There is a great new site. They request that the letters sent to them be formatted in a certain way, including my photo and a short bio. I will send you a sample. It's easy enough.
Pam, the way I see it, you would send Heavenletters of your choice. I have to find out if they want them as often as every day. I'm not sure.
They also want some blog entries as well. I'll keep on doing those.
This journal is Way of the Heart. I'll send you the email address to send to soon. Way of the Heart loves us!
There is another place that behooves us to be published in. Unless they've changed it, you have to enter our contribution on their site, and this made it more of a hassle. I'll send all this to you, too, and see if it's something you can fit in as well. At this site, I know every day is fine; at the same time, we don't have to do it every day. Maybe once a week would be manageable. Again, it would be your choice to pick out your favorites to send.
God bless you.
With love,
Dearest Desertrose, we need
Dearest Desertrose,
we need to get in contact with private emails to settle the welcoming mails. You can reply to the mail I sent you today I think. It is wonderful to have new Heavenangel for the welcoming and 3 is such perfect and divine number.
Much love to you and to dearest Pam !!!!!!
Hi, I replied. My Email
Hi, I replied. My Email address is Desertrosenm at comcast dot net.
Our thoughts are powerful and creating our next precious moment
Beloved Berit, you work, you
Beloved Berit, you work, you take care of your family, and still you are here to help. What a wonderful thing. You already send Heavenletters to one site.
And now I see Pam has also offered to do more.
Berit, one thing that occurs to me is that we might be asking for your help with the upcoming workshop in Italy. Let's have you stay as you are right now and save you for what comes up with the workshop. Maybe help Paula with some of the translating of various handouts etc.
Hang on.
Thank you again, constant angel.
That is perfect dear Gloria,
That is perfect dear Gloria, you are so sweet dear !
Paula, let me know pls if I can be of some help in some way pls, you know you have to check my translations for my italian is not "pure".
Much love
TThe majority of my work at
TThe majority of my work at the local university is maintiain and eveloping the Library Managenet System so my computer wizz skills are reasonable. If Heaven Admin wants some technical help I'm happy to learn and do what I can to assist.
Hee hee, wow never write
Hee hee, wow never write anything before first cup of coffee in the morning! :-) All those spelling mistakes sure aren't going to help me get a job! :-)
In Love and Light,
You know, beloved Nimekuwa,
You know, beloved Nimekuwa, I didn't notice one single typo until you mentioned it!
I am simply too overjoyed at your offer! This is wonderful!
The last I knew Heaven Admin was without electricity. It ought to be back on soon, and then he'll see your post.
Thank goodness for all the automated processes he has in place!
Thank you, Steve.
Oh wow! That's an awesome
Oh wow! That's an awesome offer which we will gladly accept. I too did not see any typos! I've got some organising to do with some of our workflows here at Heaven and then I'll write back to you Steve. Thank you!
One Love
We have archiving help from
We have archiving help from Theophil in Germany who already translates relentlessly! We have had Berit from Italy and Pam from U.S. greet new people on the forum on behalf of Heavenletters and who also post Heavenletters on various sites, and now Desert Rose (Dawn from U.S.) will join Berit and Pam and maybe do more as well.
And now Steve from the U.K. is going to be invaluable technical help.
There are many more people to mention. Mary Josephine from the U.K. and Dr. Laura De Giorgio and Marlene, both from Canada, and Shahid Khatai from India who have made beautiful Youtube presentations for us. Kirt from U.S.who was invaluable with technical issues. Adrachin from Germany the same. All the translators who volunteer so much of their hearts and time. All the people who connect us to other people. Margaret who proofed so carefully. Bernie Siegel, M.D., who loves and shares Heavenletters, funded the CD etc. The people who include Heavenletters(tm) in their ezines. The list goes on and on.
There is one other help wanted I could use right now. This takes about 3 minutes a day, that's all. But it's every day.
It takes only 3 minutes a day. When I start traveling, I may not be able to do it. This is the sending out of plain text Heavenletters manually every day send to a few Heavensubscribers who can't receive HTML legibly. And then one more special sending in HTML to a couple of strong subscribers whose automated Heavenletters arrive in tiny tiny print. It's a little thing to send these out and yet big service to those you send these to.
This, of course, requires someone utterly responsible and who has good access to the internet. Please apply within!
As it's been said before, no pay but plenty of reward for those whose hearts want to do this and whose lives allow them the chance.
God bless you all.
Many thanks.
With love,
Senora, send the list to me
Senora, send the list to me by email and I will see if I can quickly put together something to automate these send outs.
One Love
Si, si, Senor, yet I don't
Si, si, Senor, yet I don't want to make more work for you. Thank you, Heaven Admin.
I could do some automatization work :)
I could do some programming, create some scripts/programs/webpages to automate the work as much as possible or add new features to current system :)
Preferably with no tight time schedule :]
Yes, please! Thank you so
Yes, please! Thank you so much.
Heaven Admin is presently doing the work of ten people!
Muchas gracias, Gabrielius.