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For the upcoming Heaven News, will someone go to the Translation page and copy down all the ways to say God said in all the languages we have? Like this:

Portuguese Deus disse
Italian Dio disse
Dutch God zei:
Spanish Dios dijo:

Put in alphabetical order by language.

We kinda need this right away.

If you can fit this in, let us know here so two people don't do it.

Blessings and love,



Albanian: Zoti tha Catalan:

Albanian: Zoti tha
Catalan: Déu ha dit
Croatian: Bog je rekao
Dutch: God zei
German: Gott sagte
Farsi: خدا گفت
Finnish: Jumala sanoi
French: Dieu a dit
Grieks:Ο Θεός είπε
Italian: Dio disse
Norwegian: Gud sa
Portuguese: Deus disse
Polish: Bóg rzekł
Rumanian: Dumnezeu a spus
South African: God Sê
Spanish: Dios dijo
Yugoslavian: Bog rece
Turkish: Tann dedi ki

Luus, you are amazing! You

Luus, you are amazing! You just did it!!! You translate every day and take care of so many things, and still you do this for us.

A million thanks and blessings.

Grateful to you, beloved Luus.

Love, Gloria

A couple more...

Africans- God Sê
Albanian- Zoti tha
Bulgarian-Бог каз
Catalan- Déu ha dit
Croatian- Bog je rekao
Dutch God zei:
Farsi- خداوند گفت
Filipino(Tagalog)- Sinabi ng Dios
Finnish- Jumala sanoi
French- Dieu a dit
German-Gott sagte
Greek- Ο Θεός είπε
Hebrew-אלוהים אמר
Italian-Dio disse
Norwegian- Gud sa
Polish-Bóg rzekł
Portuguese Deus disse
Romanian-Dumnezeu a spus
Russian- Бог сказал
Spanish Dios dijo
Turkish-Tanrı dedi ki
Yugoslavian- Bog rece

It was only five minutes

It was only five minutes work, but I must say that Nancy's list seems more complete than mine.

Both of you are terrific and

Both of you are terrific and so appreciated. .

Nancy, how did you ever find Tagalog?

You know, when there's something time-sensitive, I will post on the forum. This was like magic!

Luus, it may have been five minutes for you but I had spent five minutes just on four of them! And some things that no one else could do were waiting for me. Then that's when it occurred to me to ask on the forum. Am I glad I did!