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Heavenletters wins as 'Best Column' in "Planetlightworker Magazine"

'Heavenletters' wins as 'Best Column' in the 8th year of "Planet Lightworker Magazine". It is posted in their 8th Anniversary Issue (August).

CONGRATULATIONS! to God and his scribe Gloria!

What great news this is! And

What great news this is! And you are the first to tell me! Planetlightworker didn't!
Dear Xenia, thank you so much for telling me.
It's about time that God gets the recognition He deserves!
I am proud of Planetlightworker and all the good they are doing.

With love and blessings,


Congratulations dearest

Congratulations dearest Gloria! This is wonderful news to hear!:) For some reason, my email address stop receiving the heaven's letters that I signed up for through you and our wonderful email exchange years ago. I just recently discovered this and so I re-signed up just now using my other email address so I can continue receiving the letters.

What an inspiration you are! I am so so happy to hear that Planetlightworker is helping to spread the word for your beautiful channeled words dearest friend. Planetlightworker (actually their sister site Children of the New Earth) helped me as well several years ago They are a wonderful avenue to help enlighten the world:)For it is through meeting & announcing our souls to each other that we see, know, and experience the beauty, love, & oneness within us, that is US, as we all are US (Universally Spiritual):) It is how we help each other to enlighten the world.

Congratulations dearest friend, I am so happy for you:)

May your life be filled with infinite blessings of Absoulute Love (soulful love ~ Ab SOUL ute Love), Infinite Light, Abundance within its infinite forms, Peace, & Bliss always, In All Ways.

Infinite Love and Light,


Dearest Patti, Thank you for

Dearest Patti,

Thank you for your beautiful post!

I don't know what happened to your subscription. We sure want you to subscribe to Heavenletters and read them! If this ever happens again, yell right away!

Dear One, there is no way you could know, and I want to write this here so everyone knows. Please include one (1) URL without description -- no description anywhere -- under your name, no more than one URL. .

We ask this so that our posts in no way look like we're promoting anything, no matter how wonderful it may be. And you know how exciting I think your site is and all that you are doing in the world. Everywhere we go, it seems, there is promotion. and we do all we can on this spiritual forum so that no one coming here can possibly think anyone is advertising themselves or anyone else.

Heavenreaders are savvy. If someone wants to go to someone's site, they will on their own.

Recently, in an article I wrote for a book, the editor sent it back because the last part of what I wrote sounded like I was promoting Heavenletters. Really, I had not meant to do that. It's just that I, like you, am enthusiastic about what I'm doing.

Keep posting. We love having you here, Patti.


Hi Gloria What great

Hi Gloria

What great news!
God is in! Heavenletters shows us that everyone is loved - that every way is right - that to be human is the real thing....trying to live without God is fine but not fulfilling, trying to understand the content of Heavenletters is so different, so freeing us of : thumbsup: - it is an invitation to share the real life .... letting go all of the past......
I think the Award comes from the authentic messages from Godyou share with us every day ! : :thumbs up: :
Stefan from Germany

mary Dear Patti and


Dear Patti and Gloria!

Thank you to you both for beautiful posts.
I love your 'absoulutely' word Patti! :)

Also thanks Gloria for clarifying about adding urls etc.
Since your general note a few weeks ago, I have refrained from adding anything at all after my name, as I didn't want it to appear as if I was advertising in any way, but I now understand (please correct me if I'm wrong) that it is ok to add just an url if one wishes, as long as there is nothing else added as well.

Like both of you, I just thoroughly enjoy what I do and enjoy sharing it!

Much Love and many Blessings to you both ~ and indeed to One and all


Mary :)

Award for heavenletters!!!

Award for heavenletters!!! Thank you God, Thank you all.

with gratitude and blessing.
