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Heavenletters Quotes

“Love yourself more, and you will love others more. You have every propensity to be as you desire to be, and this is high. What are called lows are behind you. Make sure you allow yourself to think well of yourself.”

Be Good-Hearted

Heavenletter #5263 Published on: Aprilie 23, 2015

The card is attached as png. file.
Manuela - Romanian Translator

Be Good-Hearted

Dear Manuela, this is so

Dear Manuela, this is so BEAUTIFUL!

Love, Clemens

Where Love Is King (Quote)

“Logic is built on the past. Your life is to be built on the raft of the present. The present does not know past. As it is, for the most part, you have been living in the past. It is in the past that you should fear to tread, not the present. Stop bringing the past into the present. Let go of that past.”

Where Love Is King

The card can be seen here

Just marvellous! Thank you,

Just marvellous! Thank you, dear Manuela!

Love and blessings, Clemens

Manuela, Romanian

Manuela, Romanian translator, keeps on creating new ways to spread Heavenletters everywhere. She is tireless.

Something wonderful is going on with Heavenletters all over the world. It must be a miracle!

All of us who volunteer for Heavenletters simply give our hearts to furthering Heavenletters.

Clemens, can you find the time to show Manuela how to post images directly on the forum? I understand that you may not have time right now with all that's going on, so please let me know. Thank you!

Everything Comes from Within You (q)

“Keep to you what you want to keep to you. Let go of what you don’t want to keep to you. You don’t have to keep something you don’t want. Whatever negativity assails you, be done with it. Turn your mind in a different direction and reap joy.”

Everything Comes from Within You

It can be seen here

Thank you, Gloria for your kind words!
It is a miracle and it is wonderful because as we all know, Love itself is a miracle and Love comes from the Divine Source.
You love writing Heavenletters, Clemens love helping the team, volunteers love translating, people love visiting and commenting!
There is so much LOVE!
Love for everyone!

Thank you, dear

Thank you, dear Clemens!
Love and blessings for you, too!

Be in Love (q)

“Always you want to know what is the point of any given activity or non-activity, even when you know the point is love. Wherever you meander, remember love. Remember that is what you are here for.”

Be in Love

It can be seen here

Love & Blessings for everyone!

Something Wonderful

“There is no need for you to pre-empt life. There is need for you to accept life as it happens. No need to hold on to regrets. Find other fruit to pluck from the tree of life.
Life moves, and you are to move with it.”

Something Wonderful

It can be seen here

Love and Blessings for everyone!

Your Picture of the World

“Instead of storming about the state of the world, bless it. Instead of rigorously trying to overthrow the world, picture a world you would love with all your heart, and that is the world that shall appear before you.”

Your Picture of the World

It can be seen here

Love & Blessings for everyone,

Dear Manuela, just

Dear Manuela, just discovered your beautiful posts here. You are fantastic at choosing quotations from Heavenletters. And there are so many, almost endless.

This is absolutely a beautiful image. It stands all on its own.

And the Stars Come Out

“Look within. Find your light within, and then you will light the stars. The stars will look to you. The stars will look to equal your light. You are a traveler of light. This is how you reach everywhere. You are Light.”

And the Stars Come Out

It can be seen here

Love & Blessings for everyone,

You Are a Strong Being

“Whether you keep your emotions to yourself or not, you have them. You have an abundance of them. Love, which is beyond emotion, uplifts your life.”

You Are a Strong Being

It can be seen here

Love & Blessings for everyone,