Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Book I - Book Review
Heavenletters, Love Letters from God, Book I is like a rose unfolding, petal by petal, page by page, to the inner essence of what it is like to be fully alive and unconditionally in love with God and the world.
This book is God’s gift to humankind. Each of the “letters” contains epiphanies.
For those who subscribe to the HeavenLetters.org newsletter, a “fresh bouquet” arrives daily as an email. If you’re like most readers, as soon as it pops into your “ebot,” it’s a signal for you to stop whatever you’re doing and take time for God.
As busy as he is, commented Dr. Bernie Siegel in a recent radio interview with Wendroff, when he finds himself making excuses and telling himself he’s too busy to read Wendroff’s daily Heavenletter, he realizes he’s missing out on something valuable and necessary.
As Dr. Siegel points out and Wendroff emphasizes frequently in her missives, “It is so important to make time to smell the roses”!
Each Heavenletter addresses a different aspect of the human experience delivered from God as words we need and want to hear in order to bring healing to the soul and peace to the mind. Many readers have expressed that the Heavenletters often set them up for the day and seem to resonate with an issue that may need their special attention.
Hold a Heavenletter up to the light and turn it this way and that. Let it reflect new colors, new visions and deeper feelings about yourself and your world.
Every so often, a Heavenletter will deliver a “quotable” that you will want to copy into your journal for future turning and turning, and turning again, as Talmudic scholars used to say when reflecting on a passage from the Torah. Each “turn” delivers a different insight and a deeper meaning.
Says, Wendroff, she is just the conveyer… not the “channeler” even, but merely the physical vessel in which the Creator of us All delivers His/Her/Its words of wisdom and inspiration.
Thank you, most beloved
Thank you, most beloved Carol. Thank you for such a great review and for posting it!
I think the last half or so of your review is missing. Am I mistaken? Did you know? How did this happen?
God bless you.
With love,
Hi Gloria and thank you Carol for this review.
Yes, thank you also Carol for a great review of Heavenletters Book 1. Gloria...Will there be a Heavenletters Book 2? And also, were all of the Heavenletters in this book transmitted just for the book or were they selected from the archives at that time? In any event, it is a superb book like a trail of rose petals leading one deeper into the Heart of the Divine. Love, Jim.
Beloved Jim, The Heaven Book
Beloved Jim,
The Heaven Book One is made up of 91 Heavenletters already written. I chose the Heavenletters, not randomly, of course, but from those that most appealed to me at that time of those I had looked at. There could just as well have been 91 other Heavenletters
I spent a lot of time making many or most of the titles better titles than the original titles. I like them better anyway.
Shahid made a great Youtube presentation from #80 in the book beginning on page 229. The title in the book is: Truth will be known, and it will be known through the illusion of you.
I much prefer that to the original title, Affirm Reality. Shahid, wanting to keep everything straight, later changed the title of his Youtube to Affirm Reality. Some titles seem to come directly from God, but many I just grab at the moment with little time to do it in.
Would that I had kept the original Heavenletter numbers of each Heavenletter.
Certainly the idea was that there would be a Book Two and on up. When the demand is there, Jim, of course, we'll keep going! Would love to!
Thanks for asking, dear Jim.